
Terms for subject Medical containing Septen | all forms
Septum annuli cruralis sive femoralisfemoral septum (septum femorale)
Septum anuli cruralis sive femoralisfemoral septum (septum femorale)
Septum aorticopulmonaleaortopulmonary septum (septum aorticopulmonale)
Septum atrioventriculareatrioventricular septum (septum atrioventriculare)
Septum cartilagineumcartilaginous part of the nasal septum
Septum cruralefemoral septum (septum femorale)
Septum femoralefemoral septum (septum femorale)
Septum intermusculare anterius crurisanterior intermuscular septum of the leg
Septum linguaeseptum of the tongue (septum linguae)
Septum membranaceummembranous part of the septum of the nose
Septum membranaceum s.ventriculorummembranous part of the ventricular septum
Septum mobile nasimovable part of the septum of the nose
Septum musculare ventriculorummuscular part of the ventricular septum
Septum nasiseptum of the nose
Septum primum atriorumseptum primum
Septum retinale congenitalecongenital retinal septum (ablatio falciformis congenita retinae)
Septum secundum atriorumseptum secundum