
Terms containing Schlüssel | all forms | exact matches only
comp., MSabgeleiteter Schlüsselderived key (A cryptographic key created by a call to CryptDeriveKey. A derived key can be created from a password, or any other user data. Derived keys allow applications to create session keys as needed, eliminating the need to store a particular key)
construct.additiver Schlüsseladditive code
comp., MSAlgorithmus des asymmetrischen Schlüsselsasymmetric key algorithm (A method of encryption that uses a pair of mathematically related keys: a public key and a corresponding private key. Either key can be used to encrypt data, but the corresponding key must be used to decrypt it)
comp., MSAlgorithmus des öffentlichen Schlüsselspublic key algorithm (An asymmetric cipher that uses two keys, one for encryption, the public key, and the other for decryption, the private key. As implied by the key names, the public key used to encode plaintext can be made available to anyone. However, the private key must remain secret. Only the private key can decrypt the ciphertext. The public key algorithm used in this process is slow (on the order of 1,000 times slower than symmetric algorithms), and is typically used to encrypt session keys or digitally sign a message)
comp.allgemeiner Schlüsselpublic key
IT, tech.alphanumerischer Schlüsselalphanumeric code
agric.Alter-Längen-Schlüsselage-length key
gen.Arbeitsbewertungs-Schlüssellabor grading key ur gr
ITassoziierender Schlüsselassociative coding
comp.aufsteigender Schlüsselascending key
comp.Backbone-Schlüsselbackbone switch
ITbedingter Schlüsselconditional code
gen.Berliner SchlüsselBerlin key
commun., ITbiometrischer Schlüsselbiometric key
IT7 bit Schlüssel zur Kodierung des StandardzeichensatzesAmerican Standard Code for Information Interchange
comp.7 bit Schlüssel zur Kodierung des StandardzeichensatzesASCII
gen.Bruttosozialprodukt-Schlüsselgross national product scale
fin.BSP-SchlüsselGNP key
commun., IT4B/3T-Schlüssel4B/3T code
transp., mech.eng.C-Schlüsselc spanner
gen.C-SchlüsselC clef
gen.Code-Schlüsselcode key
busin., ITdaten-chiffrierender Schlüsseldata-ciphering key
busin., ITdatenchiffrierender Schlüsseldata ciphering key
gen.den Schlüssel stecken lassenleave the key in the lock
gen.den Schlüssel zur Kasse habencontrol the purse-strings
gen.Der Schlüssel steckt im Zündschloss.The key is in the ignition.
earth.sc., life.sc.direkter Schlüsseldirect key
IT, dat.proc.einen Schlüssel komprimierento compress an index key
IT, dat.proc.einen Schlüssel komprimierento compact an index key
transp.Entriegelungs-Schlüsseldetent hold down pin
gen.Erst-Schlüsselmaster key
gen.Erst-Schlüsselprimary key
gen.Erst-Schlüsselkey-encrypting key
comp., MSexterner Schlüsselexternal key (A file that contains information to access cryptographically locked data, which is stored away from the system, such as on a USB flash drive)
gen.F-SchlüsselF clef
fin.Festlegung des Schlüssels für die Finanzmitteldetermination of the key for the financial resources
gen.Freilaufknarren-Schlüsselfreewheel ratchet wrench
brit.Freilaufknarren-Schlüsselfreewheel ratchet spanner
brit.Freilaufknarren-Schlüsselfreewheel ratchet spanner
gen.Freilaufknarren-Schlüsselfreewheel ratchet wrench
gen.G-SchlüsselG clef
commun., ITgeheimer Schlüsselprivate key
commun., ITgeheimer Schlüsselsecret key
comp., MSgeheimer Schlüsselsecret key (A symmetric encryption key shared by two entities, such as between a user and the domain controller (DC), with a long lifetime. A password is a common example of a secret key. When used in a context that implies Kerberos only, a principal's secret key)
mech.eng.gekröpfter Schlüsseloffset wrench
transp., mech.eng.gekröpfter Schlüsseloffset spanner
comp.generischer Schlüsselgeneric key
mech.eng.geschlossener Schlüsselclosed end wrench
mech.eng.geschlossener Schlüsselclosed end spanner
mech.eng.geschlossener Schlüsselbox key
commun.geschützter Schlüsselsecure key (encryption)
fin.Gewicht einer nationalen Zentralbank im Schlüsselweighting of a national central bank in the key
fin.Gewicht im Schlüsselweighting in the key
gen.Gültigkeitsdauer des Schlüsselscryptoperiod
gen.Hahnenfuß-Schlüsselopen-end crowfoot wrench (Maulform)
brit.Hahnenfuß-Schlüsselcrowfoot spanner
gen.Hahnenfuß-Schlüsselcrowfoot wrench
comp., MShinterlegter Schlüsselcrypto escrow key (A secondary encryption key that provides the ability for an authorized IT Helpdesk administrator to open an encrypted document when the password is lost)
gen.Hinterlegung des Schlüssels bei einer Behördekey escrow (Kryptographie)
transp., mech.eng.Hookscher Schlüsseluniversal joint
transp., mech.eng.Hookscher SchlüsselHooke's joint
transp., mech.eng.Hookscher Schlüsselcardan joint
transp., mech.eng.Hookscher SchlüsselHooke's coupling
busin., ITidentifizierender Schlüsselidentification key
gen.Inbus-SchlüsselAllen wrench
gen.Inbus-SchlüsselAllen key
gen.jds. Auto mit einem Schlüssel zerkratzenkey car
met.Kamm für lose Schlüsseltong die
ITKarten-Schlüssel Systemcard key system
fin., ITKennung eines nicht mehr zu verwendenden Schlüsselsidentifier of key to be discontinued
stat.Kenn-Zahlenverzeichnis, Schlüssel-Zahlenverzeichnisschedule of codes
busin., ITklassifizierender Schlüsselclassification key
transp.Kode von Schlüsselkey code
gen.Konzelation mit geheimem Schlüsselprivate key data confidentiality
gen.Konzelation mit öffentlichem Schlüsselpublic key data confidentiality
ITkopierender Schlüsselcopy coding
mech.eng.Kraftmess-Schlüsseldynamometric wrench
mech.eng.Kraftmess-Schlüsseldynamometric key
comp., MSKryptografie für symmetrische Schlüsselsymmetric-key cryptography (A type of cryptography that uses symmetric keys to provide confidentiality)
ITkryptographischer Schlüsselencryption key
ITKryptosystem mit öffentlich bekanntem Schlüsselmultiuser cryptosystem
ITKryptosystem mit öffentlich bekanntem Schlüsselpublic key cryptosystem
ITKryptosystem mit öffentlich bekanntem Schlüsselmulti-user cryptosystem
tech.Krähenfuss-Schlüsselopen box end wrench
met.lose Schlüsseltongs
gen.Master-Schlüsselprimary key
gen.Master-Schlüsselmaster key
gen.Master-Schlüsselkey-encrypting key
f.trade.mathematisch miteinander verknüpfte Schlüsselmathematically-related keys (Kryptografie)
met.mechanisch betätigter loser Schlüsselpower tong
mech.eng.mechanischer Schlüsselmechanical screwdriver
mech.eng.mit einem Schlüssel abschließbarer Schalterswitch lockable by a key
met.mit Schlüssel anziehento tong up
gen.nach einem Schlüsselaccording to an apportionment formula
comp., MSnatürlicher Schlüsselnatural key (A primary key or alternate key whose values identify objects in the real world)
gen.natürlicher Schlüssel Datenbanknatural key
busin., ITNicht-Schlüssel-Attributnon-key attribute
IT, dat.proc.Nicht-Schlüssel-Feldnon-key field
comp., MSNULL-Schlüsselnull key (A null value that is encountered in a key column)
ITnur einmal verwendbarer Schlüsselone-time key
ITnur einmal verwendbarer Schlüsselonce-only key
busin., ITNur-Schlüssel-Attributall-key attribute
busin., ITNur-Schlüssel-Relationall key relation
gen.oktavierender Schlüsseloctave clef
med.orthodontischer Schlüsselorthodontic standards
ITphysischer Schlüsselphysical key
comp.primärer Schlüsselprimary key
comp., MSprivater Schlüsselprivate key (The secret half of a cryptographic key pair that is used with a public key algorithm. Private keys are typically used to decrypt a symmetric session key, digitally sign data, or decrypt data that has been encrypted with the corresponding public key)
commun., ITprivater Schlüsselsecret key
comp., MSprivater Schlüsselprivate key (The secret half of a cryptographic key pair that is used with a public key algorithm. Private keys are typically used to decrypt a symmetric session key, digitally sign data, or decrypt data that has been encrypted with the corresponding public key)
comp.privater Schlüsselprivate key
ITprivater Schlüssel für kryptographische Signaturenprivate cryptographic signature key
mech.eng.Rohrschrauben-Schlüsseltubular spanners
met.Rohrschrauben Schlüsseltubular spanner
chem.Schloss-Schlüssel-Prinziplock-and-key principle
ITSchloß-und-Schlüssel-Sicherheitssystemlock-and-key protection system
comp., MSSchlüssel, auf den verwiesen wirdreferenced key (A primary key or unique key referenced by a foreign key)
gen.Schlüssel-Aufladerkey loader
gen.Schlüssel aus Metall zum Aufziehenwinding keys of metal
gen.Schlüssel aus Metall zum Aufziehendraw handles
transp.Schlüssel der Sicherungseinrichtungkey for protective device
construct.Schlüssel eines Gewölbeskeystone, key block, key of an arch crown stone, apex stone
transp., mech.eng.Schlüssel eines Weichenhandschlosseskey for point lock
construct.Schlüssel fertige Gebäudebuildings all ready for occupation
account.Schlüssel für Aufteilung der Gemeinkostenbasis of allocation (Kosten)
fin.Schlüssel für die Kapitalzeichnungkey for subscription to the capital of the European Central Bank
fin.Schlüssel für die Kapitalzeichnungsubscription key to the ECB's capital
fin.Schlüssel für die Kapitalzeichnungkey for subscription to the European Central Bank's capital
fin.Schlüssel für die Kapitalzeichnungkey for subscription of the ECB's capital
lawSchlüssel für die Kapitalzeichnungkey for capital subscription
comp., MSSchlüssel für die vollständige Volumeverschlüsselungfull volume encryption key (The algorithm-specific key that is used to encrypt (and optionally, diffuse) data on disk sectors. Currently, this key can be either 128 bits or 256 bits advanced encryption standard (AES). The default encryption algorithm that BitLocker Drive Encryption uses is AES 128 bit with diffuser)
fin.Schlüssel für die Zeichnung des Kapitals der Europäischen Zentralbanksubscription key to the ECB's capital
fin.Schlüssel für die Zeichnung des Kapitals der Europäischen Zentralbankkey for capital subscription
fin.Schlüssel für die Zeichnung des Kapitals der Europäischen Zentralbankkey for subscription to the capital of the European Central Bank
fin.Schlüssel für die Zeichnung des Kapitals der Europäischen Zentralbankkey for subscription to the European Central Bank's capital
fin.Schlüssel für die Zeichnung des Kapitals der Europäischen Zentralbankkey for subscription of the ECB's capital
fin.Schlüssel für die Zeichnung des Kapitals der Europäischen Zentralbankkey for subscription of the capital of the European Central Bank
gen.Schlüssel für die Zeichnung des Kapitals der EZBkey for subscription of the ECB's capital
gen.Schlüssel für die Zeichnung des Kapitals der EZBkey for subscription to the European Central Bank's capital
gen.Schlüssel für die Zeichnung des Kapitals der EZBkey for subscription to the capital of the European Central Bank
gen.Schlüssel für die Zeichnung des Kapitals der EZBsubscription key to the ECB's capital
gen.Schlüssel für die Zeichnung des Kapitals der EZBkey for capital subscription
comp., MSSchlüssel-Generatorkey generator (A hardware or software component that is used to generate encryption key material)
comp., MSSchlüssel-IDkey ID (A value that identifies the key for a packaged Windows Media file)
comp., MSSchlüssel-ID des Antragstellerssubject key identifier (A certificate extension that contains a hash of the certification authority's certificate public key. This hash is placed in the Authority Key Identifier (AKI) extension of all issued certificates to facilitate chain building)
progr.Schlüssel-Managementkey management (Verschlüsselungstechnik)
construct.Schlüssel mit Bartkey with bridge ward
construct.Schlüssel mit Bartprofilierungkey with bridge ward
transp., mech.eng.Schlüssel mit Drehmomentanzeigetorque indicating wrench
mech.eng.Schlüssel mit zwei Stellbackenscrew wrench with two adjustable jaws
mech.eng.Schlüssel mit zwei Stellbackenscrew wrench
gen.Schlüssel nachmachenreproduce keys
gen.Schlüssel nachmachen lassenhave keys reproduced
ITSchlüssel-Offsetkey offset
chem.Schlüssel-Schloss-Prinziplock-and-key principle
ITSchlüssel-Variablecrypto key variable (Verschlüsselungstechnik)
ITSchlüssel-Variablekey variable
comp., MSSchlüssel-Wert-Paarkey-value pair (A set of data items that contains a unique identifier, called a key, and a value that is the actual data for the key)
gen.Schlüssel zu einem SicherheitsschlossYale key
econ.Schlüssel zur Aufgliederung der indirekten Kostenoverhead base
busin., ITschlüsselchiffrierender Schlüsselkey ciphering key
busin., ITschlüsselchiffrierender Schlüsselkey-ciphering key
mech.eng.Schrauben-Schlüssel mit zwei Stellbackenscrew wrench with two adjustable jaws
mech.eng.Schrauben-Schlüssel mit zwei Stellbackenscrew wrench
ITSchwäche kurzer kryptographischer Schlüsselweakness of short keys
ITSchwäche kurzer Schlüsselweakness of short keys
busin., ITsensitiver Schlüsselsensitive key
gen.sprechender Schlüssel Datenbanknatural key
comp.Suchen anhand mehrerer Schlüsselmultikey retrieval
comp., MSsymmetrischer Schlüsselsymmetric key (The cryptographic key used to both encrypt and decrypt protected content during publishing and consumption)
comp., MSsymmetrischer Schlüssel, Inhaltsschlüsselcontent key (The cryptographic key used to both encrypt and decrypt protected content during publishing and consumption)
life.sc.SYNOP-Schlüsselsynoptic code
life.sc.SYNOP-Schlüsselinternational synoptic code
ITTransformation mit "unendlichem" Schlüsselinfinite-key transformation
ITumformender Schlüsseltransformational coding
comp., MSunverschlüsselter Schlüsselclear key (The key that is stored unencrypted on the disk volume. This key is used to freely access the volume master key, and in turn, the full volume encryption key when BitLocker Drive Encryption protection is disabled but the disk volume remains encrypted)
gen.Ventilkappe mit Schlüsselvalve cap with key
gen.Ventilkappe ohne Schlüsseldome top cap (valve)
gen.Ventilkappe ohne Schlüsseldome cap (valve)
IT, dat.proc.verketteter Schlüsselconcatenated key
ITVerschiebung des Schlüsselskey shift
comp., MSVerschlüsselung mit geheimem Schlüsselsecret key encryption (An encryption algorithm that requires the same secret key to be used for both encryption and decryption. Because of its speed, symmetric encryption is typically used when a message sender needs to encrypt large amounts of data)
comp., MSVerschlüsselung mit öffentlichem Schlüsselpublic key encryption (A method of encryption that uses a pair of mathematically related keys: a public key and a corresponding private key. Either key can be used to encrypt data, but the corresponding key must be used to decrypt it)
comp., MSvordefinierter Schlüsselpredefined key (A key that represents one of the main divisions of the registry. Each predefined key is displayed in a separate Registry Editor window, with the key's name appearing in the window's title bar. For example, HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT is a predefined key)
comp., MSVorinstallierter SchlüsselPre-shared key (An option that allows the user to view the code that can be used to authenticate IPSec/L2TP connections (typically VPN connections))
ITZeichenfolge des Schlüsselskeystream
ITZeichenfolge des Schlüsselskey sequence
ITzufallsverteilter Schlüsselrandom key
ITzugehöriges Schlüssel-Managementassociated key management
busin., ITzusammengesetzter Schlüsselcompound key
comp., MSzusammengesetzter Schlüsselcomposite key (A key whose definition consists of two or more fields in a file, columns in a table, or attributes in a relation)
busin., ITzusammengesetzter Schlüsselconcatenated key
commun.Öffentlicher Schlüsselpublic key (chipcard encryption)
comp., MSöffentlicher Schlüsselpublic key (The nonsecret half of a cryptographic key pair that is used with a public key algorithm. Public keys are typically used when encrypting a session key, verifying a digital signature, or encrypting data that can be decrypted with the corresponding private key)
construct.übergeordneter Schlüsselmaster key