
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Nicht | all forms | exact matches only
Ablegen-nicht-möglich-ZeigerCan't Drop pointer (A pointer that indicates that the destination program does not support dragging and dropping a particular object (such as a sticky note, tab or control) to a new location on the screen with the mouse)
Ansicht "Nicht synchronisiert"Not Synced view (The name of a view that shows all new or changed records that the mobile device user has entered, but not yet synchronized)
Anwesenheitsstatus nicht bekanntPresence unknown (Pertaining to a user for whom no information is known. The user might not even exist, or there could be a typo in the SIP address)
Benutzer, der sein Postfach nicht regelmäßig aufräumtpiler user (A user who doesn't file mailbox items regularly)
Benutzer, der sein Postfach nicht regelmäßig aufräumtpiler (A user who doesn't file mailbox items regularly)
Fehler, der nicht zu einem Programmabbruch führtcontinuable error (A non-access violation. An error that does not prevent an application from continuing)
Gefällt nichtdislike (A button label to note that the user does not like a suggestion in Local Scout)
nicht angrenzende Auswahlnonadjacent selection (A selection of two or more cells or ranges that don't touch each other)
nicht anpassbare Komponentenon-customizable component (A component that, once protected and installed, cannot be modified)
nicht ausgelagerter Arbeitsspeichernonpaged memory (Memory that cannot be paged to disk)
nicht ausgelagerter Poolnonpaged pool (Operating system memory that is never paged to disk)
nicht autorisierter DHCP-Serverunauthorized DHCP server (A DHCP server that is not an authorized server, as specified in [RFC2131], section 7)
nicht autorisierter Serverrogue server (A server which is using non-standard processes and at odds with company policy. It may be set up to spread a virus, collect names for spammers or for some other illicit purpose)
nicht autorisierter Serverunauthorized server (A server which is using non-standard processes and at odds with company policy. It may be set up to spread a virus, collect names for spammers or for some other illicit purpose)
nicht autoritative Wiederherstellungnon-authoritative recovery (A restore operation performed on an Active Directory domain controller in which the objects in the restored directory are not treated as authoritative. The restored objects are updated with changes held on other domain controllers in the domain)
Nicht begebbares Wertpapiernon-negotiable instrument (A document of title or written order that cannot be bought, sold, exchanged, or transferred)
Nicht bei der ArbeitOff Work (An item on the user's My Status drop-down menu. This is a status the user can select to say that he or she is not working right now, but is on personal time)
nicht berechenbare Stundeburden hour (An hour that is included in a calculation as nonbillable or inefficient, e.g., hours that cannot be charged to a customer)
nicht berücksichtigte juristische Persondisregarded entity (A business that is owned by an individual but is not treated as a separate entity from the business owner for tax purposes)
nicht bewertetunrated (A record that has not received a rating)
nicht clusterfähige Anwendungcluster-unaware application (An application that can run on a cluster node and be managed as a cluster resource but that does not support the Cluster API)
nicht commitfähiguncommittable (Pertaining to a transaction that remains open and cannot be completed. Uncommitable transactions could be considered a subclass of partially failed transactions, where the transaction has encountered an error that prevents its completion, but it is still holding its locks and has to be rolled back by the user)
nicht druckbarer Bereichnonprinting region (The area along the edges of a page that cannot be printed on. Different printers have different nonprinting regions)
nicht druckbares Zeichennon-printable character (A character used to control the format of displayed or printed information, rather than to represent a particular letter, digit, or other special character. The space () is one of the more important nonprinting characters)
nicht druckbares Zeichennonprinting character (A character used to control the format of displayed or printed information, rather than to represent a particular letter, digit, or other special character. The space () is one of the more important nonprinting characters)
nicht durchgeführte Pipelinenon-transacted pipeline (A pipeline that does not support COM+ transactions. MtsPipeline and PooledPipeline are the only objects that support non-transacted pipelines)
nicht durchsuchbares Elementunsearchable item (An item that can't be indexed for a mailbox search using Multi-Mailbox Search. This includes unrecognized message types and messages that contain attachments that are encrypted or have an unrecognized format)
nicht einheitlicher Speicherzugriffnon-uniform memory access (Access by a CPU of local as well as foreign memory. This process, which is enabled by NUMA architecture, results in different access speeds)
Nicht-Enterprise-Projektnon-enterprise project (A project that has not been published to Project Server, either because it is being saved by someone who is not a project manager on the project, or because there is not a valid connection to the server)
Nicht erreichbarUnavailable (An option that allows the user to forward incoming calls when the user is not available to answer them)
nicht erstattungsfähige Mehrwertsteuernon-recoverable sales tax (A sales tax levied on purchased products that is not deducted from the sales tax levied on the sale of the purchased products when both sales taxes are paid by the same party)
nicht erzwungene Beziehungunenforced relationship (A link between tables that references the primary key in one table to a foreign key in another table, and which does not check the referential integrity during INSERT and UPDATE transactions)
nicht fakturierbare Buchungnonchargeable transaction (A transaction that cannot be included on an invoice and charged to a customer)
nicht generalisiertes Imagenon-generalized image (A software image that you can apply and restore only to the computer where the image was taken)
nicht gesperrte Gruppeunlocked group (A group whose membership can be changed by users other than the owner of the group)
nicht gruppierter Indexnonclustered index (A B-tree-based index in which the logical order of the index key values is different than the physical order of the corresponding rows in a table. The index contains row locators that point to the storage location of the table data)
nicht interpretiertes Konfigurationselementuninterpreted configuration item. (An imported configuration item that cannot be interpreted by the Configuration Manager console and whose properties cannot be viewed or edited in the console)
nicht jugendfreier Inhaltadult content (" The preferred term for mature content. Don't use "explicit" or "sexually explicit.")
nicht kompatibelincompatible (Unable to be used together)
nicht kompatibelincompatible (Unable to be used together)
nicht kompatible Kartenon-compliant card (An SD card that does not meet the requirements for use in a Windows Phone)
nicht kompatibler Computernoncompliant computer (A computer that does not meet the NAP health requirements that are defined for a network)
nicht lizenzierte Softwarecounterfeit software (Software that a system builder does not obtain from an authorized distributor, or that a royalty OEM does not obtain from an authorized replicator. Counterfeit software usually has many of the following problems: missing drivers, missing documentation, viruses, bugs, and other defects. Installing legitimate Microsoft products helps ensure the quality of your products, prevents customer problems, and reduces requests for customer support)
nicht maskierbarer Interruptnonmaskable interrupt (A hardware interrupt that bypasses and takes priority over interrupt requests generated by software and by the keyboard and other such devices. A nonmaskable interrupt cannot be overruled (masked) by another service request and is issued to the microprocessor only in disastrous circumstances, such as severe memory errors or impending power failures)
...nicht mehrunlike (" A Facebook term for removing the "like" a friend's post or disconnecting from a Page by clicking the "unlike" button.")
nicht mit DPI-Werten kompatibelnot DPI-aware (Pertaining to an application that always renders at 96 DPI)
nicht modales Dialogfeldmodeless dialog box (A dialog box that allows the user to supply information and return to a previous task without closing the dialog box)
nicht nullbarer Parameternonnullable parameter (A parameter which cannot take a NULL value)
nicht numerischnot a number (A value that represents the result of an invalid calculation)
nicht Plug & Play-fähigNon-Plug and Play (Pertaining to a device, such as a game controller or printer, that does not automatically work when you plug it in to your computer. After connecting it to your computer, you have to install the necessary drivers and configure the hardware settings)
nicht quadratisches Pixelnonsquare pixel (A pixel that generally has an aspect ratio of 3:4, 32:27, or 8:9, meaning that it is slightly less tall than it is wide, or vice versa. Nonsquare pixels are standard in digital video)
nicht richtlinienkonformer Computernoncompliant computer (A computer that does not meet the NAP health requirements that are defined for a network)
nicht standardmäßiges Drag & Dropnondefault drag-and-drop operation (A drag (transfer) operation whose interpretation is determined by a user's choice of command. These commands are included in a shortcut menu displayed at the destination where the object is dropped)
Nicht störenDo Not Disturb (An item on the user's My Status menu that the user can select to notify other users that he or she does not want to be interrupted)
Nicht synchronisiertNot Synchronized (A view that lists all the new or changed information for a record type that the mobile user has entered, but not yet synchronized. In other words, the information currently resides only on the mobile devices local store)
nicht synchronisierter Multithreadzugriffmultithreaded unsynchronized access (The operation in which two or more threads attempt to call simultaneously into the heap)
nicht typisierter Adapteruntyped adapter (ssn)
nicht typisierter Adapteruntyped adapter (An adapter that accepts or emits multiple event types in which the payload structure or the type of fields in the payload are not known in advance. Examples are events from a CSV or text file, a SQL table, or a socket)
nicht unterstützte Funktionunsupported feature (A feature that is inactive in Office Web Apps, but that is present when the content is opened in the rich client)
nicht unterstütztes Featureunsupported feature (A feature that is inactive in Office Web Apps, but that is present when the content is opened in the rich client)
nicht verarbeitbare Nachrichtpoison message (A message containing information that an application cannot successfully process. A poison message is not a corrupt message, and may not be an invalid request)
nicht verbindliche Buchungsoft booking (A project booking that tentatively assigns a resource to a project or activity without committing it to the schedule)
nicht verfügbarunavailable (Pertaining to the state of a control in which normal functionality is not available to a user)
nicht verfügbarnot available (A status pertaining to a call or IM recipient, who is signed out of Communicator or who has selected the Do Not Disturb status)
nicht verfügbarnot applicable (Pertaining to something for which an answer is not available or appropriate)
nicht verfügbare Darstellungunavailable appearance (The visual display for a control when it is unavailable)
nicht verwaltetunmanaged (Pertaining to a computer or device that is not managed by MOM)
nicht verwaltete Funktionunmanaged function (A function that is compiled to machine code (such as x86 or x64) as opposed to intermediate language (IL))
nicht verwaltete Instanzunmanaged instance (An instance of SQL Server not monitored by a utility control point)
nicht verwalteter Clientunmanaged client (A client that is not communicating with its assigned site in the Configuration Manager hierarchy and therefore cannot receive policy or upload inventory data)
nicht verwalteter Codeunmanaged code (Code that is executed directly by the operating system, outside the .NET Framework common language runtime. Unmanaged code must provide its own memory management, type checking, and security support, unlike managed code, which receives these services from the common language runtime)
nicht vollständige Auslastungunderallocation (The result of assigning a resource to work fewer hours than the resource has available)
nicht vorrätigout-of-stock (Describes an item that is not in inventory)
nicht wiederholbarer Lesevorgangnonrepeatable read (An inconsistency that occurs when a transaction reads the same row more than once, and a separate transaction modifies that row between reads)
nicht zugeordneter Speicherplatzunallocated disk space (Any unpartitioned and unformatted space on a hard disk)
nicht zum Weiterverkauf bestimmtNot For Resale (A license policy under which software may be used for development and demonstration purposes only)
Signiert - nicht überprüftSigned - unverified (Content has been hashed but could not be verified as valid against the signature)
Sprache für Programme, die Unicode nicht unterstützenLanguage for non-Unicode programs (A Regional and Language Options setting that specifies the default code pages and associated bitmap font files for a specific computer that affects all of that computer's users. The default code pages and fonts enable a non-Unicode application written for one operating system language version to run correctly on another operating system language version)
Warteschlange für nicht verarbeitbare Nachrichtenpoison-message queue (A subqueue of the application queue where poison messages get moved to be later processed by a poison-message handling application)