
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Methode | all forms | exact matches only
Agile-MethodeAgile method (Any of a family of processes that software developers use to minimize risk by developing applications incrementally, over a series of short iterations. In this model, real-time communications, such as in person conversations and telephone calls, are preferred over written documentation; the primary measure of progress is working software, instead of hours spent, tasks completed, documents reviewed, or phases signed-off; stakeholders are expected to collaborate, instead of negotiating; and planning happens continuously in order to respond to change)
anonyme Methodeanonymous method (A practical language construct that allows programmers to create code blocks that can be encapsulated in a delegate and executed at a later time. They are based on a language concept called a lambda function and are similar to those found in Lisp and Python)
asynchrone Methodeasynchronous method call (A method call that returns to the caller immediately regardless of whether processing has completed. The results of processing are returned through another call on another thread. Asynchronous methods free the caller from having to wait until processing has finished)
bewährte Methode, Best Practicesbest practice (A practice recognized and advocated as an effective or efficient means of achieving desired objectives)
direkte Methodedirect method (A method of deriving the net income provided by operating activities from the components of operating cash receipts and payments, instead of adjusting the net income for items)
FIFO-MethodeFIFO inventory valuation method (A method of inventory valuation in which inventory is assumed for accounting purposes to move in the order it was received, regardless of its actual physical movement)
FIFO-Methodefirst out inventory valuation method (A method of inventory valuation in which inventory is assumed for accounting purposes to move in the order it was received, regardless of its actual physical movement)
FIFO-Methodefirst in
generische Methodegeneric method (A method whose definition has placeholders, called generic type parameters, for one or more types used in the body of the method or as the types of the method's parameters. A user specifies real types (generic type arguments) for the type parameters when calling the generic method. Note that a method is not generic just because it is declared in a generic type. A method is generic only if it has type parameters of its own)
HTTP-MethodeHTTP method (A remote method invocation sent from a client (typically a web browser) to a web server over the HTTP protocol. Examples include GET, POST, PUT, etc)
LIFO-MethodeLIFO inventory valuation method (An inventory valuation method in which inventory that is received most recently is considered sold or used first for accounting purposes)
LIFO-Methodelast in, first out inventory valuation method (An inventory valuation method in which inventory that is received most recently is considered sold or used first for accounting purposes)
Methode der kleinsten Quadrateleast-squares method (A method that assigns values to unknown quantities in a statistical model, based on the values found by minimizing the sum of squared deviations from the mean)
Methode des kritischen Wegescritical path method (A project management method of calculating the total duration of a project based on individual task durations and their dependencies)
Methode des kritischen WegesCPM (A project management method of calculating the total duration of a project based on individual task durations and their dependencies)
Min-Max-Methodemin/max method (An item replenishment policy used in the master scheduling calculation)
Monte-Carlo-MethodeMonte Carlo profiling (A software diagnostic procedure that involves interrupting the system at a high rate and recording the interrupted address)
Regel für bewährte Methodenbest practice rule (A rule that is optionally enforced after compilation in X++. The rules represent safe or consistent code design)
statische Methodestatic method (A method that is not invoked on an instance of an object)