
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Längen | all forms
lange Analyselong parsing (In the SQL system there are two typical types of threads: - short thread: it is a process that use the resources for a short time and - long thread: it is a process that use the resources for a long time. long parsing: is the analysis of the threads that lived for a long time Note: the definition of short/long is based on the system calculation/statistic for each process)
lange Nachrichtlong message (" A message in a persistent chat room that exceeds the character limit. If the character limit is exceeded, the message will show as "long message.")
Langer Ton, lange TöneLong tones (A setting for the phone keyboard that causes a key to continue to produce a tone as long as the key is pressed)
langes Datumlong date (The standard long formats to display a date)
Zeichenfolge der Länge NULLzero-length string (A string that contains no characters)