
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Kosten | all forms | exact matches only
akkumulierte Kostenaccumulated cost (The costs of inventory, overhead, materials, labor, and services that aggregate into one total cost)
aktuelle Kostencurrent cost (The most recent price of a product or service)
antizipierte Kostenaccrued cost (A transaction that is recorded in a profit and loss account by an expense transaction)
aufgelaufene Kostenaccrued costs
aufgelaufene Kostenaccrued cost (The accumulated value of costs recognized from invoicing a job. The accrued cost is posted to an accrued expense liability account in the balance sheet)
berechnete Kostenestimate at completion (The expected total cost of a task or project, based on performance as of the status date. EAC is calculated as follows: EAC = ACWP + (BAC-BCWP)/CPI)
erwartete Kostenestimate at completion (The expected total cost of a task or project, based on performance as of the status date. EAC is calculated as follows: EAC = ACWP + (BAC-BCWP)/CPI)
geplante Kostenplanned cost (The latest cost of tasks, resources, assignments, and the entire project, which Project displays in the Cost field as cost or total cost)
geplante Kostenbaseline cost (The original project, resource, and assignment cost as shown in the baseline plan. The baseline cost is a snapshot of the cost at the time when the baseline plan was saved)
immaterielle Kostenintangible cost (A cost that cannot be physically measured, such as the cost of poor quality)
indirekte Kostenindirect cost (A cost that is not directly attributed to the production of an item or the performance of a service)
Ist-Kosten bereits abgeschlossener Arbeitactual cost of work performed (The actual costs incurred for work already performed by a resource on a task, up to the project status date or today's date)
Istkosten, tatsächliche Kosten, Ist-Kostenactual cost (The definite cost incurred in the performance of an activity)
Kosten pro Einsatzper-use cost (A set fee for the use of a resource that can be in place of, or in addition to, a variable. For work resources, a per-use cost accrues each time that the resource is used. For material resources, a per-use cost is accrued only once)
Kosten pro Klickcost per click (The amount an advertiser's account is charged each time the advertiser's ad is clicked by a search user or site visitor)
mit Kostencosted (Pertaining to something for which an estimate or cost has been provided)
Soll-Kosten bereits abgeschlossener Arbeitbudgeted cost of work performed (The earned value field that indicates how much of the task's budget should have been spent, given the actual duration of the task)
Soll-Kosten der berechneten Arbeitbudgeted cost of work scheduled (The earned value field that shows how much of the budget should have been spent, in view of the baseline cost of the task, assignment, or resource. BCWS is calculated as the cumulative timephased baseline costs up to the status date or today's date)
variable Kostenvariable cost (A cost that varies based on production or sales volume)
vorkalkulierte Kostenestimated cost (The approximate cost incurred in the performance of an activity)
zugesagte Kostencommitted cost (A commitment made by a legal entity to incur a cost when a future obligation comes due)