
Terms for subject Medical containing G | all forms | exact matches only
"anti-g"-Kleidunganti-g suit
"anti-g"-Kleidungg suit
"anti-g"-Kleidunganti-blackout suit
Antibiotikaresistenz-Genantibiotic-resistance gene
Antibiotikaresistenz-Genantibiotic resistance gene
Antisense-Genantisense gene
cytoplasmatisches Gencytoplasmic gene
Denkprobe Gculture free intelligence-test
dominantes Gendominant gene
durch Gen-Defekte verursachte Erbkrankheitgenetic disease induced by defective genes
EF-Gelongation factor G
Elongationsfaktor Gelongation factor G
Elongationsfaktor Gtranslocase
Env-GenENV gene
Europäische Gesellschaft für Gen- und ZelltherapieEuropean Society of Gene and Cell Therapy
F-G-Sh-Systemorganic system of locomotion,prehension,and bearing
G-Aktinglobular actin
G-Aktinmonomeric actin
G-BandingGiemsa banding
G-BandingGiemsa staining
G-BänderungGiemsa staining
G-BänderungGiemsa banding
g-calgram calorie
G-CSFgranulocyte colony stimulating factor
G-CSFgranulocyte colony-stimulating factor
G-E-Indexgranulo-erythrocytic index
G-Glykoproteinglycoprotein G
G nomenwadenpseudohypertrophic muscular paralysis
G-6-PDglucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase
G-ProteinDNA primase
G-ProteinG protein
G-ProteinGTP-binding protein
G-Protein-gekoppelter RezeptorG protein-linked receptor
G-Protein-gekoppelter RezeptorG protein-coupled receptor
G.S.T.-AbdruckG.-S.-T.functional impression
G-Zellegastrin cell
G-ZelleG cell
gekoppeltes Genlinked gene
Gen-Biobliothekgene library
Gen-BiobliothekDNA library
Gen das für Protein X codiertgene coding for protein X
Gen gesteuerte Synthesekettegene controlled synthetic chain
Gen-Interaktiongene interaction
Gen PCAPputative predisposing gene for cancer of the prostate
Gen PCAPPCaP gene
Gen-Regulierunggene regulation
Gen-Targetinggene targeting
Gen von medizinischer Bedeutunggene of medical importance
hemmendes G-ProteinGi
hemmendes G-Proteininhibitory G protein
Hüll-GenENV gene
Immunglobulin GIgG
Immunglobulin Gimmunoglobulin G
Immunglobulin G Subklassenimmunoglobulin G subclasses
kleines G-Proteinsmall G protein
kleines G-Proteinsmall GTP-binding protein
komplementär wirkendes Gencomplementary gene
Kortison-G-T-Testprednisone-glucose tolerance test
kryptisches Gencryptogene
Lymphoglandulae g.inf.right gastro-epiploic lymph glands
Lymphoglandulae g.sup.left gastric lymph glands (lymphonodi gastrici craniales)
Lymphonodi g.caudalesright gastro-epiploic lymph glands
Lymphonodi g.cranialesleft gastric lymph glands (lymphonodi gastrici craniales)
medizinisch wichtiges Gengene of medical importance
Mutator-Genmutator gene
neutrales Genneutral gene
nicht gekoppeltes Genindependent gene
nif-Gennitrogen fixation gene
nif-Gennif gene
O.g.muliebriafemale genital organs
O.g.viriliamale genital organs
prädisponierendes Genpredisposing gene of a disease
RecA GenrecA gene
spezifische Conductance,G/TGV,SGaw,GAW/V,volumische Conductancespecific conductance, Gaw/VL, SGaw
stilles Gencryptogene
stimulierendes G-ProteinGs
stimulierendes G-Proteinstimulatory G protein
Struktur-Genstructural gene
stummes Gensilent gene
Suppressor Gensuppressor gene
synthetisches Gensynthetic gene
synthetisches Gensynthesized gene
VPR GenVPR gene
VPR GenR gene
VPU GenVPU gene
VPX GenVPX gene
überlappendes Genoverlapping gene