
Terms containing Factors | all forms
med.accessory factoraccessory factor
law, ADRBank oder Gesellschaft, die das Factor-Geschäft betreibtfactor
market., fin.Conversion-Factorconversion factors
law, ADREntgelt des Factorfactorage
gen.Factor-Bankfactoring institution
med.follikelstimulierendes Hormon-releasing factorgonadotrophin releasing hormone
med.follikelstimulierendes Hormon-releasing factorgonadotrophin releasing factor
med.follikelstimulierendes Hormon-releasing factorgonadotropin releasing factor
med.follikelstimulierendes Hormon-releasing factorgonadotropin releasing hormone
med.follikelstimulierendes Hormon-releasing factorFSH releasing hormone
coal., met.Hardness FactorHardness Factor
coal., met.Hardness FactorHardness Index
med.initiating factorinitiating agent
med.Insulin-Like Growth-Factorinsulin-like growth factor 1
med.Insulin-Like Growth-Factorinsulin growth factor 1
med.Intrinsic-factor-Antikörperintrinsic factor antibody
med.Intrinsic factor Castleintrinsic factor Castle
med."killer factor"lethal factor
med."killer factor"killer factor
comp., MSMulti-Factor Authentication-AppMulti-Factor Authentication app (An application that can be installed on a user's mobile device to receive notifications and to verify that their sign in attempt was valid)
comp., MSMulti-Factor Authentication-BenutzerportalMulti-Factor Authentication User Portal (Allows users to complete the Multi-Factor Authentication enrollment process and manage their settings, such as phone number and PIN, through a simple web interface)
comp., MSMulti-Factor Authentication-DienstMulti-Factor Authentication Service (A service that places an automated phone call, sends a text message, or pushes a notification to the Multi-Factor Authentication app on the user's mobile device and processes the result)
comp., MSMulti-Factor Authentication-ServerMulti-Factor Authentication Server (A software application that an administrator can use to configure Multi-Factor Authentication functionality)
comp., MSMulti-Factor Authentication-VerwaltungsportalMulti-Factor Authentication Management Portal (Used by administrators to manage company-wide Multi-Factor Authentication settings and view centralized usage reports)
med.Sodium excreting factoraldosterone
stat.spezifischer Factorspecific factor
coal., met.Stability FactorStability Factor
coal., met.Stability FactorStability-Index
comp., MSWindows Azure Multi-Factor Authentication-BenutzerportalWindows Azure Multi-Factor Authentication User Portal (Allows users to complete the Multi-Factor Authentication enrollment process and manage their settings, such as phone number and PIN, through a simple web interface)
comp., MSWindows Azure Multi-Factor Authentication-DienstWindows Azure Multi-Factor Authentication Service (A service that places an automated phone call, sends a text message, or pushes a notification to the Multi-Factor Authentication app on the user's mobile device and processes the result)
comp., MSWindows Azure Multi-Factor Authentication-ServerWindows Azure Multi-Factor Authentication Server (A software application that an administrator can use to configure Multi-Factor Authentication functionality)
comp., MSWindows Azure Multi-Factor Authentication-VerwaltungsportalWindows Azure Multi-Factor Authentication Management Portal (Used by administrators to manage company-wide Multi-Factor Authentication settings and view centralized usage reports)