
Terms containing Extras | all forms | exact matches only
auto.alle Extrasfully loaded
auto.aufpreispflichtiges Extraoptional feature
polit., agric.Extra-Abgabesuper-levy
polit., agric.Extra-Abgabeadditional levy
gen.Extra-Lobspecial word of praise
gen.Extras auf Wunschoptional extras
comp., MSExtras-BibliothekExtras Library (A renaming of the Vista Program Library experience that showcases and allows quick access to installed Media Center Extras)
gen.Ich habe ein paar Extras einbauen lassen.I've had a few optional extras installed.
comp., MSMedia Center-ExtrasMedia Center Extras (A collection of third-party extensibility applications for Windows Media Center)
comp., MSMicrosoft Office 2008 Business Edition-ExtrasMicrosoft Office 2008 Business Edition Extras (A component of the Microsoft Office 2008 for Mac Business Edition containing templates, clipart, and more)
inf.ohne Extraswith no frills
comp., MSWindows Ultimate-ExtrasWindows Ultimate Extras (Programs, services, and tips and tricks for using Windows Vista Ultimate Edition. Users can select the programs and services that they want from a menu)