
Terms for subject Environment containing Erde | all forms | exact matches only
Be- und Verarbeitung von Steinen und Erdenmanufacture of non-metallic mineral products
Erde aus der Waesche und Reinigung von Zuckerruebensoil from cleaning and washing beet
Erde-Sonne-BeziehungEarth-Sun relationship The Earth depends on the sun for its existence as a planet hospitable to life, and solar energy is the major factor determining the climate. Hence, conditions on the sun and conditions on Earth are inextricably linked. Although the sun's rays may appear unchanging, its radiation does vary. Many scientists suspect that sunspot activity has a greater influence on climatic change than variations attributed to the greenhouse effect
Erde und Hafenaushubsoil and dredging spoil
Erde und Hafenaushubsoil including excavated soil from contaminated sites, stones and dredging spoil
Erde und Steinesoil and stones
Extraktion von flüchtigen Schadstoffen aus der Erdein situ volatilization
Extraktion von flüchtigen Schadstoffen aus der Erdesoil vapor extraction
Extraktion von flüchtigen Schadstoffen aus der Erdesoil vacuum extraction
Extraktion von flüchtigen Schadstoffen aus der Erdein situ soil venting
Extraktion von flüchtigen Schadstoffen aus der Erdeenhanced volatilization
fortschreitende Erwärmung der Erdegradual warming of the earth
Freunde der ErdeFriends of the Earth
saure Erdeacid earth
Steine und Erdennon-metallic minerals
Tag der ErdeEarth Day
verbrauchte Erdedegraded land
verbrauchte Erdedegraded soil