
Terms containing Dual | all forms | exact matches only
f.trade.Anhang I der Dual-Use VOAnnex I of the EC Dual-use Regulation
f.trade.die Verbringung von Dual-Use-Gütern in andere Mitgliedstaatenthe transfer of Dual-Use items to other EU Member States
gen.Dienstleistungen,Investitionen,TRIMS,Dual-use-Waren,Normen und Zertifizierungen,auswärtige Beziehungen in den Bereichen Forschung,Wissenschaft,Kernenergie und UmweltServices, investments, TRIMS, dual usage, standards and certifications, external relations in the fields of research, science, nuclear energy and the environment
comp., MSDual-Bootdual boot (A computer configuration in which two different operating systems are installed and either can be loaded at start-up)
tech.Dual-Brennstoffversorgungdual fuel supply
microel.Dual-4-Eingangs-NAND-Gatterdual-4-input-NAND-gate (zwei NAND-Gatter mit je vier Eingängen)
microel.Dual-4-Eingangs-NAND-Gatterdual four-input NAND gate (zwei NAND-Gatter mit je vier Eingängen)
polit.Dual-Hat-Prinzipdual hat concept
auto.Dual Info DisplayDual Info Display
abbr.dual inline plug switchDIP switch
IT, el.Dual-in-line-Gehäusedual-in-line package
el.Dual-In-Line-Gehäusedual in-line package
microel.Dual-in-line-Gehäuse aus Keramikcerdip (dual-in-line package)
microel.Dual-in-line-Gehäuse aus Keramikceramic DIP (dual-in-line package)
microel.Dual-in-line-Gehäuse mit 2,5 mm Stiftabstandjelly bean (Schaltkreisgehäuse mit zwei Reihen von Anschlußstiften)
microel.Dual-in-line-Gehäuse mit 2,5 mm Stiftabstanddual-in-line package (Schaltkreisgehäuse mit zwei Reihen von Anschlußstiften)
microel.Dual-in-line-Metallgehäusedual-in-line metal case
el.Dual-Insulated-Gate-Feldeffekt-transistordual insulated-gate field-effect transistor
el.Dual-Insulated-Gate-Feldeffekttransistor vom Verarmungstypdual depletion-type insulated-gate field-effect transistor
microel.dual kodierte Dezimalzahlbinary code decimal
gen.Dual-mode-Buskonzepte mit automatischer Querführungdual-mode bus concepts with automatic transverse guide
commun.Dual-Mode-Handydual-mode mobile (phone; GSM/DECT)
commun.Dual-Mode-Handyhandheld telephone for two networks
transp.Dual-Mode-Systemdual-mode system
el.Dual-Mode-Telefondual-mode phone
ITDual-Network-Datendual network data
ITDual-Node-Severdual-node server
comp.Dual-Objektivedual lenses
IT, el.Dual-Port-Speicherdual-port memory
ITdual Programmdual program
gen.Dual-Sensor-Kameradual sensor camera
el.Dual-Slope-Analog-Digital-Wandlerdual-slope A/D converter
microel.Dual-slope-Verfahrendual-slope process
commun., el.Dual-Spindual spin
el.Dual-Spin Verfahrendual-spin technique
el.Dual-Spin Verfahrendual spin technology
commun., ITDual-Spin-Stabilisationdual-spin stabilization
IT, transp.Dual-Spin-Systemdual-spin system
environ.Dual-Trap-Tracer-Analysiergerätdual-trap tracer analyser
commer.Dual-Use Güterdual-use items (Güter, die sowohl einen zivilen als auch militärischen Verwendungszweck haben können)
f.trade.Dual-Use Güter, die als besonders sensitiv geltendual-use items which are considered very sensitive
f.trade.Dual-Use VOdual-use Regulation
f.trade.Dual-Use VOdual-use Reg
gen."dual-use"-Material in Bezug auf biologische WaffenBW-related dual-use equipment
gen."dual-use"-Material in bezug auf chemische WaffenCW-related dual-use equipment
gen.dual verschlüsseltbinary-coded
comp.Dual-zahlensystembinary number system
environ.Duale Abfallwirtschaftdual waste management To reduce the quantity of packaging waste, and thereby of overall MSW, Germany introduced a far-reaching legislation to reduce waste, based on the producer's responsibility principle. Industry was given the option to set up a third party organization which would carry out the collection and sorting of sales packaging for care of manufacturers and retailers. Thus, Some 600 companies created "Duales System Deutschland" in 1990 ("Dual" because it meant creating a second collection system in parallel to the existing waste collection system of the local authorities). Duales System Deutschland (DSD), now has overall responsibility for the separate collection and recycling of packaging. At present, the Dual System is the only nationwide system for the collection and sorting of sales packaging. Packaging participating in this collection system is marked with the Green Dot
oper.res.duale Ausartungdual degeneracy
ed.duale Ausbildungalternance training
social.sc., ed.duale Ausbildungdual-training system
ed.duale Ausbildungsandwich course
gen.duale Ausbildung Abk.dual education system
ed.duale Berufsausbildungdual system of vocational education and training
ed.duale Berufsausbildungalternance
oper.res.duale Bewertungshadow price
el.duale Diodenersatzschaltung aus konzentrierten Elementendual one-lump diode model
IT, earth.sc.duale Ein-/Ausgangsstelledual-port interfacing
oper.res.duale Entartungdual degeneracy
ITduale Ersetzungbinary substitution
industr.duale Industriedual use industry
industr., construct.duale Industriedual industry
math.duale Informationseinheitbit
phys.duale Integralgleichungdual-integral equation
gen.duale Karrieredual career
gen.duale Karrieredual career for athletes
hobbyduale Karriere von Sportlerndual career
hobbyduale Karriere von Sportlerndual career for athletes
account.duale Kostenaufschlüsselungsmethodedual-rate method
polygr.duale Preisdifferenzierungdual pricing
IT, el.duale Pufferschaltungdual buffer circuit
commun., ITduale Reflektorantenne mit Offsetspeisungoffset dual reflector antenna
gen.duale Senkrechtstartvorrichtungdual-missile vertical launcher
econ.duale Simplexmethodedual Simplex method
ITduale Substitutionbinary substitution
econ.duale Variabledual variable
comp., MSduale Verzweigungdual forking (A configuration by which Lync Server or Office Communications Server operates in co-existence with the PBX)
IMF.duale Volkswirtschaftdual economy
auto.duale Zielführungdual mode route guidance (Navigationssystem)
busin.dualer Arbeitsmarktdual labour market
nucl.phys., радиоакт.dualer Betazerfalldual ß-decay (a special branching: electron or positron emission)
радиоакт.dualer Betazerfalldual beta decay
energ.ind., industr.dualer Feldeffekttransistordual field-effect transistor
med.dualer Liebesmodusdual sexuality
el.dualer NPN-Transistordual n-p-n bipolar transistor
stat., scient.dualer Prozessdual process
phys.dualer Raumconjugate (space)
phys.dualer Raumdual space
phys.dualer Raumadjoint space
math.dualer Satzdual theorem
comp., MSdualer Stapeldual stack (For Windows CE .NET, an IP protocol stack that supports IPv4 and IPv6 independently or jointly. The DNS name resolution may yield both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. Algorithms are used to determine source and destination addresses, thus determining which stack - IPv4 or IPv6 - to use)
ed.dualer Studiengangdegree programme with vocational and academic elements
IT, earth.sc.dualer Teilnehmerleitung-Sprach-Signal-Bausteindual subscriber line audio-processing circuit
phys.dualer Tensordual tensor
радиоакт.dualer Untersetzerdual counter
радиоакт.dualer Untersetzerdual scaler
nucl.phys., радиоакт.dualer Zerfalldual disintegration (a special branching process)
радиоакт.dualer Zerfalldual decay
nucl.phys., радиоакт.dualer Zählerdual counter
радиоакт.dualer Zählerdual scaler
радиоакт.dualer ß-Zerfalldual ß-decay (a special branching: electron or positron emission)
радиоакт.dualer ß-Zerfalldual beta decay
hi.energ.duales Absorptionsmodelldual absorption (a particle model)
gen.duales Ausbildungssystemdual education system
ed.Duales Ausbildungs-System in Ddual education and vocational training system (Betrieb und Berufsschule, company and vocational college)
law, ADR, amer.duales Banksystemdual banking
lab.law.duales Berufsausbildungssystemdual system
ed.duales Berufsausbildungssystemdual system of vocational education and training
microel.duales Bildbinary image (der Löcher in einer Lochkarte oder einem Lochband)
comp.duales Elementdual element
el.duales Fehlerkorrektursystemdual RQ system
phys.duales Felddual field
phys.duales Gitterreciprocal lattice
phys.duales Gitterdual lattice
ed.duales Lehrlingsausbildungssystemdual apprenticeship system
hi.energ.duales Modell der Hadronendual hadron model
phys.duales Netzwerkdual network
phys.duales Netzwerkdual circuit
el.duales Polarisationssystemdual polarization system
el.duales Polarisationssystemdual polarisation system
oper.res.duales Problemdual problem
construct.duales Problemduality problem
hi.energ.duales Resonanzmodelldual resonance model
ITduales Systembinary number system
ITduales Systembinary numeral system
busin.duales Systemdual system
gen.duales System der Berufsbildungdual education system
environ.Duales System Deutschlandgreen spot system
environ.Duales System DeutschlandDual System
ed.Duales System in Ddual education and vocational training system (Betrieb und Berufsschule, company and vocational college)
math.duales Theoremdual theorem
ITduales Zahlensystembinary numeral system
ITduales Zahlensystembinary number system
lawEG-Dual-Use VOEC Dual-use Regulation
ed., lab.law.Europäischer Bildungsweg für eine duale Berufs-und LehrlingsausbildungEuropean pathway for work-linked training and apprenticeship
microel.logisch-duale Operationdual operation (Boolesche Verknüpfung)
IT, el.14-Pin Dual-in-line-Gehäusefourteen-pin DIL package
ITPufferspeicher-Steuerung mit dualer Ein-/Ausgangsstelledual-port buffer memory manager
IT, earth.sc.Schnittstelle für eine duale Ein-/Ausgangsstelledual port interface circuit
ITSchreib-Lesespeicher mit wahlfreiem Zugriff mit dualer Ein-/Ausgangsstelledual port random-access memory
ITSchreib-Lesespeicher mit wahlfreiem Zugriff mit dualer Ein-/AusgangsstelleDual Port RAM
ITstatischer Schreib-Lesespeicher mit wahlfreiem Zugriff und dualer Ein-/Ausgangsstelledual port static random-acces memory
IT, earth.sc.Steuerung mit dualer Ein-/Ausgangsstelledual-port manager
biol.Theorie der dualen Strahlenwirkungentheory of dual radiation effects (by Kellerer and Rossi)