
Terms containing Data | all forms | exact matches only
comp., MSActiveX Data Objects MultiDimensional.NET, ADOMD.NETADOMD.NET (A .NET managed data provider that provides access to multidimensional data sources, such as Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services)
commun.Advanced-Data-Communication-Control-Procedureadvanced data communications control procedure
commun.Advanced-Data-Communication-Control-Procedureadvanced data communication control procedure
comp., MSAktives Datumactive date (The date at which something goes into effect or becomes applicable)
comp., MSAnwendungsproxy für Business Data Connectivity-DienstBusiness Data Connectivity Service Application Proxy (An application proxy that allows Web applications to connect to a Business Data Connectivity Shared Service Application and contains features for using the shared service)
comp., MSApp-Erlöse bis zum entsprechenden Datumapp proceeds since last payment (Receipts after the Windows Store fee has been subtracted)
IT, dat.proc.arithmetisches Datumarithmetical date
IT, dat.proc.arithmetisches Datumarithmetic date
IT, dat.proc.auferlegtes Datumimposed date
fin., ITAusstellungsort und Datumnotification date and place
gen.Bedrohung durch unbefugte Eingriffe in Data Storesdata store threat
IT, dat.proc.Berechnung nach Datumcomputation using date values
IT, industr., engl.Big DataBig Data
ITBig Databig data
immigr., dat.proc., tech.biometrisches Datumbiometric
comp., MSBusiness Data Connectivity-DienstBusiness Data Connectivity service (A shared service in Windows SharePoint Services and SharePoint Server that provides a means for storing, securing, and administering external content types and related objects)
comp., MSBusiness Data Connectivity-DienstanwendungBusiness Data Connectivity Service Application (A deployed instance of the Business Data Connectivity Shared Service)
comp., MSBusiness Data Connectivity-ModellvorlageBusiness Data Connectivity Model Template (A Visual Studio project template that enables you to create your own .NET Connectivity Assemblies)
commun.Channel-Service-Unit/Data-Service-Unitchannel service unit/data service unit
auto.Cockpit Management and Data SystemCockpit Management and Data System (Head Unit bei Mercedes)
phys.Committee on Data for Science and TechnologyCommittee on Data for Science and Technology
commun.Convergence-Sublayer-Protocol-Data-Unitconvergence sublayer protocol data unit
comp., MSData Center Transmission Control-ProtokollData Center Transmission Control Protocol (A TCP-like protocol for data center networks which leverages Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN) in the network to provide multi-bit feedback to the end hosts)
abbr.Data Communication EquipmentDCE
comp., MSData Connection-Dateidata connection file (A file that stores information about a connection to a data source, such as an Access database, spreadsheet, or text file, and that facilitates data source administration)
IT, dat.proc.Data Dictionarydata dictionary
comp., MSData Discovery Recorddata discovery record (The file format (.ddr) and the actual file that is used by Configuration Manager to report discovery data to a Configuration Manager site database)
industr., construct.Data-Einbandbinder
commun., IT, engl.Data Encryption StandardData Encryption Standard
abbr.Data Encryption StandardDES
ITdata manipulation languagedata manipulation language
comp., MSData Martdata mart (A subset of the contents of a data warehouse that tends to contain data focused at the department level, or on a specific business area)
commun., ITData Miningdata mining
comp., MSData Miningdata mining (The process of identifying commercially useful patterns or relationships in databases or other computer repositories through the use of advanced statistical tools)
comp., MSData Mining-Erweiterungdata mining extension (In Analysis Services, a statement that performs mining tasks programmatically)
commun.Data-Portdata port
abbr.data terminal equipmentDTE
abbr.Data Terminal ReadyDTR
comp., MSData Terminal Readydata terminal ready (A signal used in serial communications sent, for example, by a computer to its modem to indicate that the computer is ready to accept an incoming transmission)
commun., ITData Undervoicedata under voice
comp., MSData Warehousedata warehouse (The database that stores operations data for long periods of time. This data is then used by the Operations Manager reporting server to build reports. By default, this database is named OperationsManagerDW)
comp., MSData Warehouse-Datenbankdata warehouse database (The database that stores operations data for long periods of time. This data is then used by the Operations Manager reporting server to build reports. By default, this database is named OperationsManagerDW)
comp., MSData Warehouse-Konfigurations-AssistentData Warehouse Configuration Wizard (A configuration wizard, available from Commerce Server Setup that you use to configure a distributed installation of the Data Warehouse and your non-Commerce applications and Web servers)
comp., MSData Warehouse-RessourceData Warehouse resource (A global-level Commerce Server resource that is managed through Commerce Server Manager. Use the Data Warehouse resource to specify the database connection string to the Data Warehouse database)
comp., MSData Warehouse-Serverdata warehouse server (The server that hosts the OperationsManagerDW database)
ITData-Warehousingdata warehousing
commun., ITDatum der Anfrageage of waiting list
pharma.Datum der Antragseinreichungsubmission date
environ.Datum der Betriebsaufnahmedate when the station first operated
lawDatum der Einreichung von Zeichnungendate of filing of any drawings
lawDatum der Eintragung der territorialen Ausdehnungdate of recordal of the territorial extension
gen.Datum der Garantiestellungdate on which the bond was given
commun., ITDatum der Inbetrieb-/Ausserbetriebnahmestart/stop date
commun., ITDatum der Inbetriebnahme der Anlageeffective date of connection
health.Datum der Indienststellungdate of entry into service
fin., ITDatum der Kontoauszugserstellungpreparation date
fin., ITDatum der Kontoauszugserstellungdate prepared
lawDatum der nachträglichen Benennungdate of extension
gen.Datum der Zurückziehungdate of withdrawal
fin., ITDatum der Änderungdate of amendment
fin., ITDatum der Änderungamendment date
lawDatum ihrer Konsignationdate on which it is deposited
insur.datum line Deckungdatum line cover
industr., construct.Datum-Mitnehmer Bauteildate driving unit
med.Datum planoGerman horizontal plane
comp., MSDatum/UhrzeitDate/Time (A data type used to hold date and time information)
lawDatum,Uhrzeit und Ort der Hauptversammlungmeeting date,time and place
lawDatum,Uhrzeit und Ort der Hauptversammlungdate,time and place of meeting
fin.Datum und Ort der Ausgabeissue date and place
fin., ITDatum und Uhrzeit der Freigaberelease date and time
fin., ITDatum und Uhrzeit der Übertragungtransmission date and time
transp.Datum-Zeit-Gruppedate-time group
insur.Datum, zu dem die Verpflichtung eingegangen wirddate of commitment
industr., construct.Datum-Zwischenradintermediate date wheel
commun.Digital-Data-Communications-Message-Protocoldigital data communications message protocol
comp., MSDiscovery Data Recorddiscovery data record (The file format (.ddr) and the actual file that is used by Configuration Manager to report discovery data to a Configuration Manager site database)
commun.eindeutige spektrographische Datanon-ambiguous spectrographic data
commun.eingehende PCM/DATA Busanschlüsseinbound PCM/DATA buses
abbr.Electronic Data InterchangeEDI
gen.Electronic Data Interchange on CommerceElectronic Data Interchange on Commerce
abbr.electronic data processingEDP
ITEnhanced Data Rates for GSM EvolutionEnhanced Data Rates for GSM Evolution
comp., MSEntity Data Model-SchemaEntity Data Model schema (An XML text file that describes entity and relationship types. The schema also defines a container within which instances of these types are logically organized)
commun.EROS-Data-CenterEROS data centre
commun.EROS-Data-CenterEROS data center
commun.falsches Datumfalse date
abbr.fiber data distributed interfaceFDDI
stat.fixed data Perturbationfixed data pertubation
comp., MSgemeinsamer Business Data Connectivity-DienstBusiness Data Connectivity Shared Service (A shared service in Windows SharePoint Services and SharePoint Server that provides a means for storing, securing, and administering external content types and related objects)
lawgerichtlich oder notariell beglaubigtes Datumlegal date
comp., MSHigh-Level Data Link ControlHigh-level Data Link Control (A protocol for information transfer adopted by the ISO. HDLC is a bit-oriented, synchronous protocol that applies to the data-link (message-packaging) layer (layer 2 of the ISO/OSI reference model) for computer-to-microcomputer communications)
commun., tech.Julianisches DatumJulian date
nat.sc.Kalendergenaues Datumcalendric date
nat.sc.Kalendergenaues Datumcalendrical date
gen.Kalendergenaues Datumcalendar date
comp., MSKonfigurations-Manager für Master Data ServicesMaster Data Services Configuration Manager (A SQL Server configuration manager used to create and configure Master Data Services databases, Web sites, and Web applications)
comp., MSkurzes Datumshort date (The standard short formats to display a date. For example: MM/dd/yy; dd/MM/yy)
comp., MSlanges Datumlong date (The standard long formats to display a date)
comp., MSMicrosoft System Center Data Protection Manager 2006-VerwaltungskonsoleMicrosoft System Center Data Protection Manager 2006 Administrator Console (A Microsoft Management Console (MMC) snap-in that provides access to the administrative functions of DPM. DPM Administrator Console allows administrators to configure data protection, perform data recovery operations, and monitor and report on these activities)
commun., tech.modifiziertes Julianisches Datummodified Julian date
commun.multispektrale Datamultispectral data
IT, dat.proc.Muß-Ende-Datummust-finish date
IT, dat.proc.Muß-Start-Datummust-start date
lawobengenanntes Datumdate as at head hereof
lawobiges Datumdate as at head hereof
comp., MSODC-Datei, Office Data Connection-DateiOffice data connection file (A file that stores information about a connection to a data source, such as an Access database, spreadsheet, or text file, and that facilitates data source administration)
IT, transp., avia.On-Line Data Interchangeon-line data interchange
ITOpen Dataopen data
comp., MSOpen Data Services-BibliothekOpen Data Services library (A set of C functions that makes an application a server. ODS library calls respond to requests from a client in a client/server network. Also manages the communication and data between the client and the server. ODS library follows the tabular data stream (TDS) protocol)
engl.Open Diagnostic Data ExchangeOpen Diagnostic Data Exchange
comp., MSphysisches Datumphysical date (The date a transaction physically occurred, such as the date that an item was received)
commun.RAM-Mobile-DataRAM mobile data
gen.relatives Datumrelative date
comp., MSReport Data Provider-basierter BerichtReport Data Provider-based report (A report where the data source is defined in a Report Data Provider (RDP) class)
comp., MSReporting-Data Warehousereporting data warehouse (An Operations Manager feature that manages the OperationsManagerDW database and that can be independently installed)
lawSchriftstück,dessen Datum gerichtlich oder notariell beglaubigt istwriting bearing a definite date
gen.Schriftstücke älteren Datumsout-of-date correspondence
gen.Schriftstücke älteren Datumsold correspondence
comp., MSService Manager Data Warehouse-VerwaltungsserverService Manager data warehouse management server (The Service Manager management server that performs the management functions for the data warehouse)
abbr.single instruction, multiple dataSIMD
comp., MSTabular Data Streamtabular data stream (The SQL Server internal client/server data transfer protocol. TDS allows client and server products to communicate regardless of operating-system platform, server release, or network transport)
comp., MStatsächliches Datumphysical date (The date a transaction physically occurred, such as the date that an item was received)
ITUhren/Datum-Schaltungclock/calendar circuit
ITVerwaltung von Datum und Uhrzeittime and date management
comp., MSVerwaltungs-Data Warehousemanagement data warehouse (A relational database that is used to store data that is collected)