
Terms for subject Microsoft containing BE | all forms
B-Frameb-frame (In MPEG and WMV encoding, a frame that contains only the differences from the frame preceding it and the frame following it)
B-Knotenb-node (A NetBIOS implementation that uses broadcast NetBIOS name queries for name registration and resolution)
B-SplineB-spline (A tool that allows a user to draw a vector path defined by a series of points that indicate the direction the path should follow)
B-Spline-Pfadb-spline path (A vector path defined by a series of points that indicate the direction the path should follow. Each node on a B-spline path can be a curve or corner control node. B-Spline paths are similar to Bezier paths, but curves are described by anchor points placed off the path itself)
B-StrukturB-tree (A tree structure for storing database indexes)
B+ TreeB+ tree (A B-tree in which data are stored in the leaves. B+ trees (B plus trees) make it possible to easily search, insert, delete and access data)
Gast-BSguest OS (The operating system running on a virtual machine)
Hepatitis B-Impfstoffhepatitis B vaccine (A vaccine for immunization against hepatitis B virus infection)
IP-Adresse der Klasse BClass B IP address (A unicast IP address that ranges from through The first two octets indicate the network, and the last two octets indicate the host on the network. Class-based IP addressing has been superceded by Classless Interdomain Routing (CIDR))