
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Auflösung | all forms
hohe Auflösunghigh resolution (The capability for reproducing text and graphics with relative clarity and fineness of detail. High resolution is achieved by using a large number of pixels (dots) to create an image in a given area. For screen displays, the resolution is stated in terms of the total number of pixels in the horizontal and vertical dimensions. For example, the VGA video adapter has a resolution of 640 by 480 pixels. In printing, resolution refers to the number of dots per inch (dpi) produced by the printer, such as 300 to 600 dpi for a desktop laser or ink-jet printer or 1000 to 2000 dpi for a production-quality imagesetter)
systemeigene Auflösungnative resolution (The resolution a display is designed to use. Unlike cathode ray tube technology, liquid crystal displays cannot stretch or shrink images gracefully. The pixels are either stretched or shrunk over greater or fewer cells, so upsizing or downsizing images to non-native resolutions degrades visual quality)