
Terms containing verilənlər | all forms | exact matches only
comp., MSActiveX Verilənlər ObyektləriActiveX Data Objects (A data access interface that communicates with OLE DB-compliant data sources to connect to, retrieve, manipulate, and update data)
comp., MSADO verilənlər mənbəyiADO data source (Data and the information that is needed to access that data from applications and databases that support the ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) data access interface)
comp., MSaxtarış üzrə verilənlər bazasısearch database (A database that stores search-related information, including stored procedures and tables that are used for crawler data, document metadata, and administration information)
comp., MSicarə səviyyəli xarici verilənlər jurnalıtenant-level external data log (An error log that contains errors and exceptions that occur when SharePoint tries to connect to external systems through Business Connectivity Services. It can be retrieved by tenant administrators)
comp., MSidarə edilmiş meta verilənlərmanaged metadata (A hierarchical collection of centrally managed terms that you can define, and then use as attributes for items in SharePoint Server)
comp., MSidarə edilmiş meta verilənlər xidmətimanaged metadata service (A shared service that publishes a term store and, optionally, a set of content types)
comp., MSİkili verilənlər növüDouble data type (A fundamental data type that holds double-precision floating-point numbers. It's stored as a 64-bit number ranging in value from approximately -1.797E308 to -4.940E-324 (negative), from 4.94E-324 to 1.797E308 (positive), and 0)
comp., MSİstifadə və Durumla bağlı Verilənlər KolleksiyasıUsage and Health Data Collection (A feature that collects and logs SharePoint health indicators and usage metrics for analysis and reporting purposes)
comp., MSjurnal verilənlər bazasılogging database (The Microsoft SQL Server, MSDE, or WMSDE database that stores health monitoring and usage data temporarily, and can be used for reporting and diagnostics)
comp., MSkomponentin parametrləri üzrə verilənlər bazasıcomponent settings database (A database that stores service information for each portal site in a deployment)
comp., MSkonfiqurasiya verilənlər bazasıconfiguration database (The Microsoft SQL Server, MSDE, or Windows Internal database that contains the configuration information that applies across all servers in a deployment of SharePoint Products and Technologies, such as Web application information)
comp., MSməzmun verilənlər bazasıcontent database (The Microsoft SQL Server or WMSDE database that contains the content for one or more SharePoint sites)
comp., MSnömrələnmiş verilənlər növüenumerated data type (A data type consisting of a sequence of named values given in a particular order)
comp., MSODBC verilənlər mənbəyiODBC data source (Data and the information needed to access that data from programs and databases that support the Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) protocol)
comp., MSoflayn verilənlər mənbəyioffline data source (A secondary data source that is accessible to users who fill out forms offline. When a user is online, data from the data source is stored on the user's computer so that it can appear in controls when the form is offline)
comp., MSOLE verilənlər bazasıOLE DB (A component database architecture that provides efficient network and Internet access to many types of data sources, including relational data, mail files, flat files, and spreadsheets)
comp., MSPivotTable verilənlər sahəsiPivotTable data field (A PivotTable® field that is in the PivotTable area where the data values are shown)
comp., MSsosial verilənlərsocial data (A collection of features that can be used to store and share comments, shortcuts, descriptions, and other information about Web pages and items on a SharePoint site or the Internet)
comp., MSsosial verilənlər bazasısocial database (A database that is used to store social tagging information for a user, i.e. Social Comment or Social Tag or Social Rating)
comp., MSstrukturlu verilənləroutline data (The data that is contained within a worksheet outline. Outline data includes both the summary and detail rows or columns of an outline)
comp., MSsusmaya görə verilənlər faylıdefault data file (The .pst data file used as the main delivery location for your e-mail messages)
comp., MStəhlükəsiz mağazanın verilənlər bazasısecure store database (The database used by the Secure Store Service to store credentials)
comp., MSTək verilənlər növüSingle data type (A data type that stores single-precision floating-point variables as 32-bit (4-byte) floating-point numbers ranging in value from -3.402823E38 to -1.401298E-45 for negative values and 1.401298E-45 to 3.402823E38 for positive values)
comp., MSUzun verilənlər növüLong data type (A fundamental data type that holds large integers. A Long variable is stored as a 32-bit number ranging in value from -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647)
comp., MSverilənlər axını diaqramıdata flow diagram (A tool for functional analysis that shows the general flow of information through a system or program)
comp., MSverilənlər ayırıcısıdate separator (A character that is used to separate the day, month, and year when date values are formatted. The characters are determined by system settings or by the Format function)
comp., MSverilənlər bazasıdatabase (A collection of data formatted/arranged to allow for easy search and retrieval)
comp., MSverilənlər bazasına qoşulmadatabase connection (A connection that specifies the name, type, location, and, optionally, other information about a database file or server)
comp., MSverilənlər bazasının ani görüntüsüdatabase snapshot (A read-only, static view of a database at the moment of snapshot creation)
comp., MSverilənlər cədvəlidata table (A range of cells that shows how changing certain values in your formulas affects the results of the formulas)
comp., MSverilənlər cədvəlidatasheet (Data from a table, form, query, view, or stored procedure, displayed in a row-and-column format)
comp., MSverilənlər düzənidata layout (The arrangement and structure of data in a chart)
comp., MSverilənlər faylıdata file (A file consisting of data in the form of text, numbers, or graphics, as distinct from a program file of commands and instructions)
comp., MSverilənlər formasıdata form (A dialog box that displays one complete record at a time. You can use data forms to add, change, locate, and delete records)
comp., MSVerilənlər Görünüşü Veb-hissəsiData View Web Part (A Web Part that is used to display items in a list)
comp., MSverilənlər kolleksiyasıdata collection (The process of gathering information by sending and receiving HTML forms or InfoPath forms from Access)
comp., MSverilənlər markeridata marker (A bar, area, dot, slice, or other symbol in a chart that represents a single data point or value)
comp., MSverilənlər mübadiləsi formatıdata interchange format (A format consisting of ASCII codes in which database, spreadsheet, and similar documents can be structured to facilitate their use by and transfer to other programs)
comp., MSverilənlər mənbəyidata source (In communications, the portion of a Data Terminal Equipment (DTE) device that sends data)
comp., MSverilənlər nöqtəsidata point (An individual value plotted in a chart and represented together with other data points by bars, columns, lines, pie or doughnut slices, dots, and various other shapes called data markers. Data markers of the same color constitute a data series)
comp., MSverilənlər növüdata type (A property of a field that defines the kinds of data the field can store)
comp., MSverilənlər paketidata packet (A unit of information transmitted as a whole from one device to another on a network)
comp., MSverilənlər panelidata pane (The area of the window that displays the result set of your query)
comp., MSverilənlər planıdata plan (A standardized service agreement between a cell phone user and a mobile operator that establishes data service details such as pricing, types of services, and bandwidth)
comp., MSverilənlər qeydidata label (A label that provides additional information about a data marker, which represents a single data point or value that originates from a datasheet cell)
comp., MSverilənlər qrafikidata graphic (A graphic element on a drawing that is associated with data)
comp., MSverilənlər regionudata region (A range of cells that contains data and that is bounded by empty cells or worksheet borders)
comp., MSverilənlər sahəsidata field (A field that contains the result of a query to an external data source)
comp., MSverilənlər sırasıdata series (Related data points that are plotted in a chart. Each data series in a chart has a unique color or pattern and is represented in the chart legend. You can plot one or more data series in a chart. Pie charts have only one data series)
comp., MSVerilənlər ToruData Grid (An instance of Excel that has minimal UI and that enables a user to insert or edit chart data within the context of a non-Excel Office document)
comp., MSxarici verilənlərexternal data (Data that is stored outside of the application that is currently in use)
comp., MSxarici verilənlər diapazonuexternal data range (A range of data that is brought into a worksheet but that originates outside of Excel, such as in a database or text file)
comp., MSXarici Verilənlər ElementiExternal Data Item (A Web Part that can display a single item in an external list)
comp., MSxarici verilənlər hissəsiexternal data part (A set of controls that interact with external data through BCS)
comp., MSxarici verilənlər sütunuexternal data column (A column type that allows data from external systems to be incorporated into SharePoint lists)
comp., MSyekun verilənlərsummary data (For automatic subtotals and worksheet outlines, all rows or columns that summarize detail data. Summary data usually is adjacent to and below the detail data)