
Terms for subject Microsoft containing toewijzen | all forms
Automatisch toewijzenAutomatic mapping (Field in the Import Data Wizard that indicates that the wizard can determine which of the fields being imported match up with Microsoft Dynamics CRM fields)
niet-toegewezen hardeschijfruimteunallocated disk space (Any unpartitioned and unformatted space on a hard disk)
niet-toegewezen ruimteunallocated space (Available disk space that is not allocated to any volume. The type of volume that you can create on unallocated space depends on the disk type. On basic disks, you can use unallocated space to create primary or extended partitions. On dynamic disks, you can use unallocated space to create dynamic volumes)
rekeningen toewijzenaccount mapping (Specifies maps between text in payment descriptions and the debit or credit account that you want the payment to be matched with when you use the Match Automatically function in the General Journal window)
toegewezen beheerpuntassigned management point (The default management point at the assigned primary site for the Configuration Manager client)
toegewezen bereikmapped range (A range in an XML list that has been linked to an element in an XML map)
toegewezen brondedicated resource (A resource that is committed to or reserved for a specific purpose)
Toegewezen budgetBudget Allocated (In the Microsoft Dynamics CRM user interface, a field in which users type the amount of money designated for a campaign activity)
toegewezen budgetbudget allocated (The amount of money designated for an activity or task)
toegewezen configuratieassigned configuration (The resources contained in the device node that are allocated for the device. For Plug and Play cards, the assigned resources for a device can change dynamically or from one system start-up to the next)
toegewezen gegevensveldmapped data field (" A field that represents commonly used information, such as "First Name." If a data source contains a "First Name" field or variation, such as "FName," the data source field automatically maps to the corresponding mapped data field.")
toegewezen programmaassigned program (A program that has been advertised to a collection and is mandatory to run)
toegewezen siteassigned site (A site to which a Configuration Manager client is currently assigned)
toegewezen stationmapped drive (In the Windows environment, a network drive that has been assigned a local drive letter and is locally accessible)
toegewezen taakassigned task (A task that has been sent to someone as a task request in an e-mail message. When you assign a task, you give up ownership of it (unless the assignee declines it). The assigner can receive status reports for the task)