
Terms for subject Health care containing specialist | all forms | exact matches only
diploma van specialistdiploma of specialised doctor
diploma van specialistcertificate of specialist doctor
erkenningstitel van geneesheer specialistformal evidence of having qualified as a medical specialist
Europese Specialisten VerenigingEuropean Union of Medical Specialists
Europese specialisten verenigingEuropean Union of Medical Specialists
getuigschrift dat machtigt tot het voeren van de titel van specialistcertificate concerning the title of specialist
getuigschrift van specialistrecognised certificate of medical specialist
specialist in de anesthesie-reanimatieanesthesiologist
specialist in de anesthesiologieanesthesiologist
Specialisten-RegistratiecommissieCommission for the Registration of Specialists
titel van medisch specialistcertificate of medical specialization
titel van specialistprofessional qualification of specialist