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Terms containing parallelle | all forms | exact matches only
ITbesturingseenheid voor een parallelle in-/uitgangparallel port controller
gen.criteria voor parallelle operatiesconcurrency criteria
ITgeheugen met parallelle ondervragingparallel search storage
ITgeheugen met parallelle ondervragingcontent-addressed storage
ITgeheugen met parallelle ondervragingassociative storage
econ.gemengde of parallelle activiteitencombination of activities at the same time
el.graad van late-anisochrone parallelle vervormingdegree of late anisochronous parallel distortion
el.graad van vroege anisochrone parallelle vervormingdegree of early anisochronous parallel distortion
ITgrootschalig parallelle computermassively parallel processor
ITgrootschalig parallelle computermassively parallel computer
meas.inst.ionisatievat met parallelle platenparallel-plate chamber
el.lassen met parallelle elektrodeninsert-modified parallel-gap welding
el.lassen met parallelle elektrodenparallel-gap welding
commun., ITleiding met parallelle dradenparallel-wire line
IT, el.omzetten naar parallelle opmaakconversion into parallel format
ITonderzoek naar de haalbare prestaties van zeer sterk parallelle interpretaties van functionele programma'sInvestigation of performance achievable with highly concurrent interpretations of functional programs
commun.opheffen,een parallelle transactie-clear a parallel transaction,to
IT, dat.proc.parallelle aantekeningparallel annotation
IT, el.parallelle afstand-solderingparallel gap solder
gen.Parallelle architecturen en talen voor AIP-een VLSI-gerichte benaderingParallel architectures and languages for AIP-a VLSI directed approach
gen.parallelle architectuurparallel architecture
ITparallelle associatieve ontwikkelingsmachineparallel associative development machine
transp.parallelle banenparallel runways
med.parallelle bevruchting van het poollichaampjeparallel fertilisation of the polar body
IT, tech.parallelle bewerkingparallel operation
comp., MSparallelle brancheparallel branch (An element of workflow logic that defines an alternative wait condition with a corresponding set of additional steps that are only performed when the initial criterion is met)
automat.parallelle cascadewerkingparallel cascade action
el.parallelle chopperschakelingshunt chopper circuit
el.parallelle comparatorparallel comparator
CNCparallelle compensatieparallel compensation
ITparallelle datagestuurd besturingsmechanismeparallel data-driven control mechanism
el.parallelle deelketenparallel divider chain
IT, el.parallelle diferentiële interfacekaartparallel differential interface card
IT, el.parallelle diferentiële interfacekaartPDI card
gen.parallelle diplomatietrack two diplomacy
gen.parallelle diplomatiecitizen diplomacy
health., pharma.parallelle distributieparallel distribution
fin.parallelle en catamaran-obligatiesparallel and catamaran bonds
econ., fin.parallelle Europese munteenheidEuropean parallel currency
fin.parallelle exporteurparallel exporter
fin.parallelle financieringparallel financing
ITparallelle gegevenspoortparallel-data port
IT, earth.sc.parallelle-gegevenspoortparallel-data port
ITparallelle hulpprocessorauxiliary parallel processor
health., pharma.parallelle importparallel import
el.parallelle inductiviteitparallel reactance
ITparallelle input/outputparallel input/output
commer., patents.parallelle invoerparallel import
ITparallelle invoer/uitvoerinterfaceparallel input/output interface
ITparallelle invoer/uitvoerinterfacePIO interface
ITparallelle I/Oconcurrent I/0
IT, dat.proc.parallelle kolommenside-by-side columns
IT, dat.proc.parallelle kolommenparallel columns
IT, dat.proc.parallelle kolommencolumns in document mode
IT, dat.proc.parallelle kolommen met blokbeveiligingside-by-side columns with block protect
IT, dat.proc.parallelle kolommen met blokbeveiligingparallel columns with block protect
gen.2)parallelle lees-en schrijfbewerking m.b.v.een kloksimultaneous reading and writing in one clock signal
fin.parallelle medefinancieringparallel co-financing
nat.sc.parallelle methodeparallel method
econ.parallelle munteenheidparallel currency
lawparallelle octrooiparallel patent
ITparallelle optellerparallel full adder
commun., ITparallelle overdrachtparallel transfer
transp., industr., UNParallelle OvereenkomstAgreement concerning the establishing of global technical regulations for wheeled vehicles, equipment and parts which can be fitted and/or be used on wheeled vehicles
transp., tech., law"Parallelle Overeenkomst"Agreement concerning the establishing of global technical regulations for wheeled vehicles, equipment and parts which can be fitted and/or used on wheeled vehicles
transp., tech., law"Parallelle Overeenkomst""Parallel Agreement"
industr., construct., chem.parallelle-platen viscometrieparallel plate viscosimetry
el.parallelle polarisatieparallel polarization
el.parallelle polarisatieparallel polarisation
ITparallelle poortparallel port
comp., MSparallelle poortparallel port (The input/output connector for a parallel interface device. Printers are generally plugged into a parallel port)
el.parallelle poortenparallel gates 2
el.parallelle poortenparallel gates 1
el.parallelle poortengate input paralleling
el.parallelle poortengate paralleling
CNCparallelle programmeringparallel programming
el.parallelle radiofrequentiekanalenparallel radio-frequency channels
ITparallelle redeneermachineparallel inference machine
commun.parallelle redundantieparallel redundancy
gen.parallelle sessieparallel session
industr., construct., chem.parallelle snedeparallel shearing
commun., ITparallelle staafparallel rod
el.parallelle tellerripple-carry adder
el.parallelle tellerparallel adder
commun.parallelle transactie tot stand brengenestablish a parallel transaction,to
ITparallelle transactieverwerkingparallel transaction processing
comp., MSparallelle uitvoering op gepartitioneerde tabellenpartitioned table parallelism (The parallel execution strategy for queries that select from partitioned objects. As part of the execution strategy, the query processor determines the table partitions that are required for the query and the proportion of threads to allocate to each partition. In most cases, the query processor allocates an equal or almost equal number of threads to each partition, and then executes the query in parallel across the partitions)
automat.parallelle veldregelweerstandfield-diverter rheostat
earth.sc., el.parallelle verlichtingparallel light
ITparallelle verwerkingconcurrent processing
ITparallelle verwerkingparallel processing
IT, el.parallelle voedingshunt feed
IT, el.parallelle voedingparallel feed
IT, el.parallelle waardeoverdrachtcarry look-ahead
gen.parallelle werkzaamhedensidestream activity
earth.sc.plaat met zuiver vlakke of plan-parallelle zijdenplate with plane or plane-parallel faces
IT, earth.sc.poort voor parallelle gegevensparallel-data port
industr., construct.schijf met zuiver vlakke of plan-parallelle zijdendisc with plane or plane-parallel faces
meas.inst.spectrometer met parallelle platenparallel-plate spectrometer
earth.sc., mech.eng.stroming door parallelle bladenflow through a vane cascade
meas.inst.telbuis met parallelle platenparallel-plate counter tube
commun.toewijzing door middel van de parallelle schuifmethodeassignment by use of the parallel shift method
el.transmissielijn met twee parallelle geleidersparallel-twin transmission line
mech.eng.verdamper met parallelle pijpenraceway coil
gen.vibratie-opwekking onder parallelle stromingparallel flow induced vibration