
Terms for subject Microsoft containing nieuwe | all forms | exact matches only
De nieuwe verkoopkans openenOpen the new opportunity (Check box on Convert to Opportunity dialog box where the user chooses that the opportunity will be opened after they have converted it from a task)
Een nieuwe vergadering starten…Start a New Conference... (An item on the More/Actions menu that starts a conference with the person the user selects from the corporate address book. Also an item on the right-click menu for a person that starts a conference with the person)
Nieuw afgelopen weekNew Last Week (A view that lists all the active opportunities that belonging to the mobile user that were created during previous calendar week)
Nieuw deze weekNew This Week (A view that lists all the active opportunities belonging to the mobile user that have been created during the current calendar week)
Nieuw nummer…New Number... (The UI element that opens a dialog box where the user can enter a new phone number for call forwarding)
Nieuw vensterPop Out (Button on a form that causes that section of the form you are in to open in a new window)
Nieuwe agendaNew Calendar (A UI element that allows the user to create a new Calendar page)
nieuwe e-mailnew mail (A notification on the app bar that appears whenever the user receives a new email)
nieuwe fotoretake (A button that appears after the user takes a new Profile picture. Tap "retake" to delete the current picture and take another, or "accept" to upload it)
Nieuwe groepNew Group (The default name for a group of contacts created by the user)
Nieuwe groep makenCreate New Group (A menu item that creates a new group for the user's Contacts list)
nieuwe installatieclean installation (The process of installing Windows onto a bare-metal system or overwriting an existing operating system installation. Clean installations do not migrate data from previous installations)
Nieuwe releasesNew releases (The category that lists new music or video releases)
Nieuwe snelcontactNew Quick Contact (UI that allows a user to open a Quick Contact form to create a contact record without opening an entire record form)
Nieuwe taakNew To Do (A UI element that allows the user to add a new To Do to the To Do list)
nieuwe Windows-ervaringnew Windows experience (The new way of interacting with Windows introduced in Windows 8)
nieuwe Windows-gebruikersinterfacenew Windows user interface (The new way of interacting with Windows introduced in Windows 8)
nieuwe Windows-UInew Windows UI (The new way of interacting with Windows introduced in Windows 8)
optie Melden wanneer nieuwe spam is ontvangenNotify when new spam is received option (The check box that has users receive periodic e-mail reminders to review their newly filtered spam mail)
scherm Nieuwe ervaring startenStart new experience screen (The screen that appears when a Surface unit times out (that is, when a Surface unit doesn't receive any contact for a while). The Start new experience screen enables users to return to the previously running application or to start a new experience)
Uitnodigen om aan een nieuw gesprek deel te nemenInvite to New Conversation... (An item on the right-click menu for a person in a multi-party conversation that invites the selected person to a new conversation, separate from the current conversation)
Uitnodigen om aan nieuw gesprek deel te nemenInvite to New Conversation... (An item on the right-click menu for a person in a multi-party conversation that invites the selected person to a new conversation, separate from the current conversation)
wat is er nieuwwhat's new (A list that displays someone's recent activity on Windows Live)
wizard Nieuwe verbindingNew Connection Wizard (A tool that helps users sign up for Internet service and automatically handles the software configuration steps necessary for gaining access to the Internet)
wizard Nieuwe virtuele harde schijfNew Virtual Hard Disk Wizard (A wizard that is used by advanced users to create custom virtual hard disks for virtual machines. The purpose of the New Virtual Hard Disk Wizard is to gather the basic information from the user necessary to create a new virtual hard disk)