
Terms for subject Microsoft containing modus | all forms | exact matches only
Afgeschermde modus van Windows FirewallWindows Firewall shielded mode (A features of Windows Firewall that blocks everything)
alfanumerieke modusalphanumeric mode (" A display mode in which the monitor can display letters, numbers, and other text characters but no graphical images or WYSIWYG ("what-you-see-is-what-you-get") character formatting (italics, superscript, and so on).")
beveiligde modusprotected mode (A highly privileged mode of operation where program code has direct access to all memory, including the address spaces of all user-mode processes and applications, and to hardware)
BitLocker-modus IngeschakeldBitLocker enabled mode (A mode in which BitLocker Drive Encryption is turned on and the data on the volume is transparently encrypted by BitLocker as it is written and decrypted as it is read)
BitLocker-modus UitBitLocker off mode (A mode in which BitLocker Drive Encryption protection is turned off on a disk volume and the disk volume is not encrypted. This leaves the disk volume with a standard clear text file format)
BitLocker-modus UitgeschakeldBitLocker disabled mode (A mode in which the disk volume is still encrypted by BitLocker Drive Encryption, but security is effectively disabled because the full-volume encryption key that is used to encrypt the operating system volume is accessible by using a clear key to access the volume master key)
blokversleuteling modusblock cipher mode (The cipher mode in which data is encrypted one block at a time)
browsercompatibele modusbrowser-compatible mode (A mode that displays the necessary ribbons, tools and filitered functionality so that the resulting application is Web-compatible)
compacte modusskin mode (An operational state of Windows Media Player in which its user interface is displayed as a skin)
Exchange-modus met cacheCached Exchange Mode (A feature that lets a Microsoft Outlook user who has a Microsoft Exchange e-mail account work offline, either by choice or due to a connection problem. A copy of the user's mailbox is stored on their computer and is frequently updated from the mail server. Any changes that are made while a connection to the server is not available are synchronized automatically when a connection becomes available)
gegevensbinding in virtuele modusvirtual-mode data binding (A type of data binding in which a data-bound control retrieves only as many rows from the database as the user will be able to see on the screen)
gemengde modusmixed mode (An operating mode setting that allows interoperability between versions)
Gereduceerde modusReduced Functionality Mode (A mode which prevents users from logging on to the computer until Windows is activated)
klassieke modusclassic mode (A view or appearance of a form that was used in CRM 2011 and earlier versions)
modus actief/actiefactive/active mode (The mode in which Application Request Routing is deployed on two or more servers to achieve both high availability and scalability)
modus actief/passiefactive/passive mode (The mode in which Application Request Routing is deployed on two ARR servers that process requests and that together act as a failover server. This configuration can achieve high availability, but is still limited by the maximum capacity of one ARR server)
modus Administration CenterAdministration Center mode (A mode for uploading an address list file to Directory Services via the Administration Center user interface. This is one of the three upload modes in EHS. This mode does not permit specifying multiple domains per file)
modus Alleen vernieuwingrenewal only mode (A configuration mode for the Certificate Enrollment Web Service in which it will only process renewal requests)
modus Directory Synchronization ToolDirectory Synchronization Tool mode (A mode for uploading an address list file to Directory Services via the Directory Synchronization Tool. This is one of the three upload modes in EHS. It automatically synchronizes the on-site e-mail address list with the organization's hosted services)
modus "Door administrator goedkeuren"Admin Approval Mode (A security feature of Windows that allows administrators to perform normal day-to-day tasks while running with a standard user token. If administrator privileges are needed for an operation, the administrator will be notified and asked to provide either consent or credentials, depending on system policy settings)
modus HoofdtelefoonvirtualisatieHeadphone Virtualization mode (An audio effect setting that allows users with stereo headphones to experience stereo and multi-channel content without the need to set up an extensive multi-channel speaker system)
Modus met meerdere regelsMulti Line Mode (A text box mode that allows data entry on multiple lines)
modus Opmaakprofiel automatisch toepassenauto style application mode (A mode in which the default style settings defined in Page Options > CSS tab will be used on a page level as well as on an inline style level. The style application mode can also be set to manual)
modus Opmaakprofiel handmatig toepassenmanual style application mode (A mode in which the default style settings defined in Page Options > CSS tab will be not be used, but rather the styles defined in the Manage Styles task pane for the entire page or for individual items on a page will need to be applied by the user. The style application mode can also be set to auto)
modus Pass ThroughPass Through mode (The option on the Accounts page that lists user addresses that will be filtered by the Message Switch. E-mail to all SMTP addresses not on the Pass Through list is delivered directly, without passing through the message filtering system)
modus Peninvoerink entry mode (The environment in which you can fill out a form by writing in ink)
modus Secure FTPSecure FTP mode (A mode for uploading an address list file to Directory Services via Secure FTP (SFTP). This is one of the three upload modes in EHS. This mode permits specifying multiple domains per file)
Modus Terugbellen bij noodgevallenEmergency Callback Mode (A mode the phone goes into after a user calls an emergency number (ex: 911) and the call ends. When the phone is in this mode, only the emergency operator can call the person on their phone, so that the emergency operator can call back or determine where the user is at. The phone is in this mode for about 5 minutes or until the user cancels out of the mode)
modus VirtualisatieVirtualization Mode (An audio effect setting that allows users with stereo headphones to experience stereo and multi-channel content without the need to set up an extensive multi-channel speaker system)
modus voor het verzamelen van inktink collection mode (The collection mode that determines whether ink, gestures, or both are recognized as the user writes)
native modusnative mode (In Windows2000 domains, the domain mode in which all domain controllers in a domain are running Windows2000 and a domain administrator has switched the domain operation mode from mixed mode to native mode. Native mode supports universal groups and nesting of groups. In native mode, domain controllers running WindowsNT4.0 or earlier are not supported. In Windows Server2003 domains, native mode is referred to as 'Windows2000 native', and it is one of three domain functional levels available)
PDF in vaste modusFixed PDF (A view mode that previews the PDF content in its native page-by-page form. This mode corresponds to how other commonly known PDF viewers, such as Windows Reader and Reader, preview a PDF)
stille modusquiet mode (The mode of a command-line application where it does not display confirmation messages or any other user interface items that normally appear on screen. The switch for quiet mode is typically '/q')
uitgebreide modusverbose mode (A mode that presents the user with additional or more detailed information)
Universele modusGlobal mode (A network selection mode that enables the phone to bounce between CDMA and GSM network types)
veilige modussafe mode (A method of starting Windows using only basic files and drivers. Safe mode is available by pressing the F8 key during startup. This allows you to start the computer when a problem prevents it from starting correctly)
vergrendelde moduslocked mode (A mode in which BitLocker Drive Encryption prevents access to the encrypted drive, either because the system components have changed or because it needs an authentication key. In this circumstance, the user investigates why BitLocker triggered recovery mode and can either repair the system or enter the recovery password to exit recovery mode)
volledige modusfull mode (The default operational state of Windows Media Player in which all of its features are displayed. The Player can also appear in skin mode)
zonder modusmodeless (Pertaining to non-restrictive or non-limited interaction. Modeless often describes a secondary window that does not restrict a user's interaction with other windows)