
Terms for subject Environment containing middel | all forms | exact matches only
bederfwerend middelpreservative A chemical added to foodstuffs to prevent oxidation, fermentation or other deterioration, usually by inhibiting the growth of bacteria
belasting als sturend middel in de spreiding van emissiesredistributive charging
brandwerend middelfireproofing agent A chemical used as a coating for or a component of a combustible material to reduce or eliminate a tendency to burn; used with textiles, plastics, rubbers, paints, and other materials
brandwerend middelfireproofing agent
chemisch middel voor oorlogvoeringchemical warfare agent
de netspanning is langzamerhand opgevoerd door middel van een autotransformatorline voltage was progressively increased by an autotransformer
eidodend middelovicide
eidodend middelegg killer
fotochemisch middelphotochemical agent
fotochemisch middelphotochemical agent Agents which trigger off photochemical reactions
glasfabricage door middel van verloren gassenmanufacture of glass by means of waste gases
insektendodend middelinsecticide
internationale verdeling van hulpbronnen middels onderhandelinginternational resource division through negotiation
meting door middel van inventaris van klachtenmethod based on odour complaints
meting door middel van inventaris van klachtensampling based on odour complaints
meting door middel van inventaris van klachtensampling based on odor complaints
meting door middel van inventaris van klachtenmethod based on odor complaints
middelste doseringsgroepmid-dose group
omzetting door middel van enzymenenzyme-induced transformation
scheiding door middel van luchtair classification
schimmeldodend middelfungicide Chemicals used to kill or halt the development of fungi that cause plant disease, such as: storage rot; seedling diseases; root rots; vascular wilts; leaf blights, rusts, smuts and mildews, and viral diseases. These can be controlled by the early and continued application of selected fungicides that either kill the pathogens or restrict their development
schimmeldodend middelfungicide
spijsvertering bevorderen middeldigester
Verdrag inzake de bescherming van het milieu door middel van strafrechtConvention on the Protection of the Environment through Criminal Law