
Terms for subject General containing kunstvoorwerp | all forms
Chinese kunstvoorwerpen porseleinchina ornaments
Dienst voor 'sRijks verspreide Kunstvoorwerpen voorheenState Art Collections Service
kunstvoorwerpen van bronsbronzes works of art
kunstvoorwerpen van edele metalenworks of art of precious metal
kunstvoorwerpen van hout, was, gips of plasticworks of art, of wood, wax, plaster or plastic
kunstvoorwerpen van hout, was, gips of plasticworks of art of wood, wax, plaster or plastic
kunstvoorwerpen van onedele metalenworks of art of common metal
kunstvoorwerpen van porselein, terra cotta of glasworks of art, of porcelain, terra-cotta or glass
kunstvoorwerpen van steen, beton of marmerworks of art of stone, concrete or marble