
Terms containing insluiten | all forms | exact matches only
gen.Commissie van deskundigen "Redding van ingesloten mijnwerkers"Committee of experts "Rescue of trapped miners"
gen.Commissie van deskundigen " Redding van ingesloten mijnwerkers "Committee of Experts on the Rescue of Trapped Miners
insur.de dekking bij overeenkomst insluitento include the cover by agreement
med.extractie ingesloten tandextraction of impacted tooth
met.gasblazen ontstaan doordat gas door vaste stof is ingeslotenblowholes result from the gas being trapped by the solid
law, min.prod., UNhalf-ingesloten zeesemi-enclosed sea
CNChermetisch ingesloten integrerende gyroscoophermetically sealed integrating gyro
comp., MSingesloten afbeeldingembedded picture (A picture that is stored within a document rather than being linked to a source file outside of the document)
comp., MSingesloten bronbestandenembedded resource (The files used by an application that are stored in binary format in the compiled application)
gen.ingesloten drukwerkprinted insert
gen.ingesloten drukwerkprinted enclosure
law, demogr.ingesloten erfenclosed premises
agric., industr.ingesloten fermentatiechamber fermentation
IT, dat.proc.ingesloten functieembedded function
earth.sc.ingesloten gasoccluded gas
agric.ingesloten gebiedenclosures
agric.ingesloten gebiedenclosed areas
comp., MSingesloten grafiekembedded chart (A chart that is placed on a worksheet rather than on a separate chart sheet. Embedded charts are beneficial when you want to view or print a chart or a PivotChart report with its source data or other information in a worksheet)
agric., industr., construct.ingesloten hartboxed pith
agric., industr., construct.ingesloten hartboxed heart
el.ingesloten hoek van de afspeelnaaldincluded angle of a reproducing stylus tip
transp.ingesloten laadruimteenclosed cargo space
econ.ingesloten liggingland-locked situation
construct.ingesloten luchtentrained air
transp.ingesloten luchtbelcaptured air bubble
gen.ingesloten luchtbelentrapped air bubble
hobby, earth.sc.ingesloten luchtmassaincluded mass
ITingesloten macro-opdrachtinner macro instruction
comp., MSingesloten objectembedded object (An object created with one program and embedded into a document created by another. Embedding the object, rather than simply inserting or pasting it, ensures that the object retains its original format. If you double-click the embedded object, you can edit it with the toolbars and menus from the program used to create it)
comp., MSingesloten OLE-objectOLE embedded object (An object embedded within a compound document in which only a single piece of content can be active)
comp., MSingesloten opmaakmodelembedded style sheet (A cascading style sheet that is embedded on a page. Styles in an embedded style sheet can be applied only to the page containing the style sheet and will extend or override styles in any external style sheet linked to the page)
nat.sc.ingesloten phloëeminterxylary phloem
nat.sc.ingesloten phloëemincluded phloem
agric.ingesloten ruimteenclosed space
transp.ingesloten ruimte waar veel brandgevaar bestaatenclosed area of high fire risk
agric.ingesloten spinthoutincluded sapwood
agric.ingesloten spinthoutinternal sapwood
agric.ingesloten spinthoutdouble sapwood
life.sc.ingesloten stukinlier
IT, dat.proc.ingesloten subelementincluded subelement
transp.ingesloten trapruimtestairway enclosure
transp.ingesloten trapruimteenclosed stairway
ITingesloten verwijzerembedded pointer
hobby, transp.ingesloten volume van het draagdoekcanopy included volume
industr., construct.ingesloten warmteinner heat
law, min.prod.ingesloten zeeenclosed sea
gen.insluiten in een vaste matriximmobilization in solid matrices
commun.insluiten van de kooilock up a form
gen.installatie voor het insluiten van afgewerkte hars uit ionenwisselaarsfacility for immobilization of ion exchange resins
comp., MSinterface van ingesloten controllerembedded controller interface (A standard hardware and software communications interface between an operating system driver and an embedded controller, such as Smart Battery and AML code. This allows any operating system to provide a standard driver that can directly communicate with an embedded controller in the system, thus allowing other drivers to communicate with and use the resources of the system embedded controllers)
earth.sc.kosten van veilig insluitencost of containment
comp., MSlettertype insluitenfont embedding (The act of inserting font information into the publication or the compiled application. Once the font is embedded, the information becomes part of the publication or the application)
gen.mobiele installatie voor het insluitenmobile plant for immobilization
comp., MSobjecten koppelen en insluiten voor POSobject linking and embedding for POS (A widely-adopted POS device standard initiated by Microsoft, NCR, Epson, and Fujitsu-ICL to help integrate POS hardware into applications for the Windows™ family of operating systems)