
Terms for subject Health care containing ernstige | all forms | exact matches only
ernstig acuut respiratoir syndroomSevere Acute Respiratory Syndrome
ernstig gehandicapteseverely disabled person
ernstig letselserious injury
ernstige acute ademhalingsziekteSevere Acute Respiratory Syndrome
ernstige acute tubulaire nefrosesevere acute tubular nephrosis
ernstige gecombineerde immunodeficiëntiesevere combined immunodeficiency
ernstige invalideitsevere disability
ernstige of langdurige ziekteserious or protracted illness
ernstige ongewenste bijwerkingserious undesirable effect
ernstige onverwachte ongewenste bijwerkingserious unexpected adverse reaction
ernstige ziekte van de echtgenootserious illness of spouse
niet-ernstig letselminor injury
Roken brengt u en anderen rondom u ernstig schade toesmoking seriously harms you and others around you
vermoedelijke ernstige ongewenste bijwerkingsuspected serious adverse reaction