
Terms for subject Economy containing eggen | all forms
ACS-EG-OvereenkomstACP-EC Convention
Associatieraad EG-HongarijeAssociation Council EC-Hungary
Associatieraad EG-PolenAssociation Council EC-Poland
beschikking van de EGEC Decision
EG-aanbevelingEC recommendation
EG-adviesEC opinion
EG-adviescentrum voor ondernemingenEuropean Business Information Centre
EG-concentratieverordeningEuropean Community Merger Regulation
EG-concentratieverordeningEC Merger Regulation
EG-conformiteitsmerkEC conformity marking
EG-initiatiefprogramma ten behoeve van de grensgebiedenEC initiative programme to assist frontier areas
EG-initiatiefprogramma ten behoeve van de grensgebiedenCommunity initiative concerning border areas
EG-Internationale InvesteringspartnersEC-International Investment Partners financial facility
EG-investeringspartnersEuropean Community Investment Partners
EG-richtlijnEC Directive
EG-ToetredingsverdragEC Accession Treaty
EG-verordeningEC Regulation
financieel instrument "EG-Internationale Investeringspartners"EC-International Investment Partners financial facility
Groep Directeuren van de Munten van de EGMint Directors Working Group
Groep Directeuren van de Munten van de EGEC Mint Directors Working Group
prejudicieel beroep EGreference to the EC Court of Justice for a preliminary ruling
Raadgevend Comité EG/TurkijeEC/Turkey Consultative Committee
uitvoer naar de andere landen van de EGexports to other EEC countries
voorontwerp EG-begrotingpreliminary draft EC budget
Wet uitvoering EG-mededingingsverordeningenEC Competition Regulations Implementation Act