
Terms containing Management | all forms | exact matches only
IT, dat.proc.accounting managementaccounting management
gov., econ.activiteitengeoriënteerd managementActivity Based Management
fin., econ.activiteitsgestuurd managementmanagement by activities
econ.activiteitsgestuurd managementActivity Based Management
gov., econ., engl.Activity Based ManagementActivity Based Management
gen.Ad hoc subgroep SIA-managementad hoc SIA Management Subgroup
commun., ITadministration directory management domainadministration directory management domain
ITadministrative management domainadministrative management domain
ITadministrative management domainadministration management domain
ed., UN, engl.African Training and Management Services ATMS ProjectAfrican Training and Management Services ATMS Project
commun., ITapplication managementapplication-management
lab.law.Arbo Management GroepAMG occupational health service
econ., engl.asset and liability managementasset and liability management
fin.asset-liability managementasset and liability management
fin.asset-liability managementsurplus management
fin.asset-liability managementasset/liability management
econ., fin., engl.asset-liability managementasset-liability management
engl.Battlefield Management SystemBattlefield Management System
ed.beleid en management gezondheidszorghealth care policy and management
fin., unions.beperking van de beloning van het managementcap on executive remuneration
transp.Bureau Management OndersteuningManagement Support Section
commun., el.call management-subsysteemcall management subsystem
ed.Centrum Beleid en ManagementCentre for Policy and Management Studies
ed.Centrum voor Internationale Conflictanalyse en ManagementCentre for International Conflict Analysis and Management
gen.Commissie Onderzoektechniek en managementCommittee on Research Techniques and Management
commun.common management information protocolcommon management information protocol/common management information services
IT, tech.computer-ondersteund managementautomated management
IT, tech.computer-ondersteund managementcomputer assisted management
commun., ITconsensus managementconsensus management
el., empl."content management"content management
law, fin.controle op organisatie en managementmanagement-practice audit
engl.crowd managementcrowd management
comp., MSCustomer Relationship Managementcustomer relationship management (The process of building profitable customer relationships through the delivery of highly targeted interactions at all customer touch points by aligning marketing, sales and service functions and systems)
ITCustomer Relationship Management SystemCustomer Relationship Management Systems
econ.database management systemdatabase management system
patents.diensten op het gebied van management en consultancymanagement consultancy services
comp., MSDigital Rights Management, digital rights managementdigital rights management (Any technology used to protect the interests of owners of digital content and services (such as copyright owners). Typically, authorized recipients or users must acquire a license in order to use the content)
gen.Directoraat-Generaal Management Openbare DienstDirectorate-General for Public Service Management
commun., ITdirectory management domeindirectory management domain
comp., MSDirectory Management-serviceDirectory Management Service (A service used to manage distribution lists)
environ.economisch management instrument/hulpmiddeleconomic management instrument
commun., ITeffectief managementefficient management
econ.elektronisch document managementelectronic document management
commun.element management-systeemelement management system
ed.Europees-Arabisch Management-InstituutEuro-Arab Management School EAMS
market.franchise managementfranchise management staff
market.franchise managementfranchise executive staff
market.franchise management-teamfranchise management staff
market.franchise management-teamfranchise executive staff
comp., MSGeavanceerd energiebeheer, Advanced Power ManagementAdvanced Power Management (An older power management technology used in mobile PCs before the implementation of Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI). Advanced Power Management is a software interface that functions between the BIOS power-management software that is specific to the hardware and a power-management policy driver that is run by the operating system)
commun., ITgesloten directory management domeinprivate directory management domain
gen.Handvest van het Internationaal Instituut voor Technologie-ManagementCharter of the International Institute for the Management of Technology
corp.gov.hoger managementtop management
corp.gov.hoger managementtop-level management
corp.gov.hoger managementsenior management
corp.gov.hoger managementupper management
corp.gov.hoger managementhigh management
fin., empl., engl.human resource managementhuman resource management
comp., MSInformation Rights Management-servicesInformation Rights Management Services (An information protection technology that works with RMS-enabled applications to help safeguard digital information from unauthorized use)
environ.integraal management/bedrijfsbeheerintegrated management
food.ind., UN, engl.International Management GroupInternational Management Group
comp., MSinvoegtoepassing Failover Cluster ManagementFailover Cluster Management snap-in (A Microsoft Management Console (MMC) snap-in that is used to validate failover cluster configurations, create and manage failover clusters, and migrate certain settings to a cluster running the Windows Server 2008 operating system)
law, fin., engl.Irregularity Management SystemIrregularity Management System
law, fin., engl.Irregularity Management SystemIrregularities Management System
polit.IT-toegang, Asset management en LSUIT Access & Asset Management & LSU
commun., ITlaag-N managementlayer-management
commun., ITlaag-N managementN-layer management
commun., ITlayer managementlayer-management
commun., ITlayer managementN-layer management
transp.leeg voertuig managementempty vehicle management
econ.logistiek managementphysical distribution management
econ.logistiek managementbusiness logistics
commun.maatschappij voor management-dienstenmanagement services company
market.management accountingmanagement accounting
market.management accountingbusiness accounting
gen.management adviseur Personeel en OrganisatiePersonnel and Organisation management adviser
environ.Management Analysis North SeaNorth Sea Management Analysis
econ., fin.management-auditmanagement audit
fin., engl.management buy-outmanagement buy-out
econ.management by exceptionmanagement by exception
econ.management by objectivesmanagement by objectives
econ.management by objectivesStandards of performance
market.management consultantmanagement consultant
lab.law.management developmentmanagement development
gen.Management Development functionarissenmanagement development staff
ITmanagement domainmanagement domain
commun., ITmanagement-domeinnaammanagement domain name
econ.management door doelstellingmanagement by objectives
econ.management door doelstellingStandards of performance
law, fin.management- en interne controlesystemenmanagement and internal control systems
IT, dat.proc.management-en-testmonitormanagement and test monitor
IT, R&D.management-informaticamanagement information system
fin., ITmanagement-informatiemanagement information
market.management informatiesysteemmanagement information system
ITmanagement-informatiesysteemmanagement information system
commun., ITManagement Information Basemanagement information base
comp., MSManagement Information Format-bestandManagement Information Format file (A file that can be used to modify the SMS/Configuration Manager database by creating architectures, object classes, and attributes)
work.fl.Management Inhoudelijk Documentair Activiteiten SysteemManagement Information Documentary Activities System
gen.management inzake noodsituatiesemergency management
account.management op groepsniveaugroup management
comp., MSmanagement pack-bestandmanagement pack file (A file that is associated with an Operations Manager management pack and that incorporates overrides, custom monitors, and custom rules)
commun., ITmanagement-poortmanagement port
commun., ITmanagement servermanagement server
gen.Management Unitmanagement unit
fin.management van de financiële crisiscrisis management
fin.management van de financiële crisisfinancial crisis management
lawmanagement van een franchise-organisatiefranchise management
account.management van een groepsonderdeelcomponent management
commun.management van gebeurtenissenevent management
med.management van het landbouwbedrijfroutine farm management
med.management van het landbouwbedrijffarm management
med.management van het landbouwbedrijffarm administration
stat.management van kwaliteit van volkstellingencensus quality management
el.management van schakeldefectswitch fault management
IT, dat.proc.management-wetenschapmanagement science
commer., ITmarketing managementmarketing management
comp., MSMessaging Records Managementmessaging records management (Records management technology in Exchange 2007 that helps organizations to reduce the risks that are associated with e-mail and other communications. MRM makes it easier to keep messages that are needed to comply with company policy, government regulations, or legal needs, and to remove content that has no legal or business value)
gen.methoden voor toekomstgericht management van het arbeidspotentieelmethods for forward-looking labour force management
comp., MSMicrosoft Rights Management-toepassing voor delenMicrosoft Rights Management sharing application (The application that permits consumption and creation of RMS-protected content on PCs or mobile devices)
gen.mobility management entitymobility management entity
gen.mobility management entitymobile management entity
gen.Nederlandse Vereniging voor Management, Den HaagNetherlands Association for Management
account.oneigenlijke beïnvloeding door het managementmanagement bias
commun., ITopenbaar directory-management-domeinadministration directory management domain
IT, dat.proc.operationeel managementoperations control
gen.opleiding in managementmanagement training
commun., ITOSI-managementopen systems interconnection management
commun., ITOSI-managementOSI management
commun., ITOSI-management frameworkopen system interconnection management framework
commun., ITOSI-management frameworkOSI management framework
commun., ITOSI-management-omgevingopen system interconnection management environment
commun., ITOSI-management-omgevingOSI management environment
gen.Overeenkomst inzake de oprichting van het Internationaal Instituut voor Technologie-ManagementConvention on the Establishment of the International Institute for the Management of Technology
econ.participatief managementparticipative supervision
econ.participatief managementparticipative management
crim.law.PD-managementcrime scene management
commun., ITprivé directory management domeinprivate directory management domain
econ., lab.law.Programma inzake management,reaffectatie en informatie1989-90Management, redeployment and information programme 1989-90
ed.Programma management-trainingHuman Resources Training Programme
gen.Project Integraal ManagementIntegrated Management Project
account.puntschatting van het managementmanagement's point estimate
commun., engl.RACE Management CommitteeRACE Management Committee
commun., engl.RACE Management CommitteeRMC
commun., engl.RACE Management CommitteeCommittee for a R&D Programme in Advanced Communication Technologies for Europe
comp., MSRelational Database Management Systeemrelational database management system (A database system that organizes data into related rows and columns as specified by a relational model)
comp., MSRelational Database Management SysteemRDBMS (A database system that organizes data into related rows and columns as specified by a relational model)
econ.resultaatgericht managementresult-oriented management
gen.resultaatgericht managementResult Oriented Management
gen.resultaatgericht managementresult oriented management
gen.safety managementsafety management
health., anim.husb., engl.seed managementseed management
lab.law.Shared Service Center Human Resources ManagementShared Service Center for Human Resources Management
lab.law.Shared Service Center Human Resources ManagementShared Service Center for HRM
comp., MSSoftware Asset Managementsoftware asset management (A best practice incorporating a set of proven processes and procedures for managing and optimizing the purchase, deployment, maintenance, utilization, and disposal of software applications within an organization. SAM practice helps to manage risk from counterfeit as well as improperly licensed software)
commun.subsysteem voor management van de dienstverleningservice management subsystem
comp., MSSystem Center Management APM-serviceSystem Center Management APM service (A service that processes events collected from the monitored systems)
comp., MSSystem Center Management Health-serviceSystem Center Management Health service (The Windows-based service responsible for executing management packs as part of the Operations Manager agent and server components)
commun., ITsystems managementsystems-management
commun., ITsystems management application-entiteitsystems-management-application-entity
comp., MSTotal Quality Management-diagramTotal Quality Management diagram (A flowchart used to compare current and ideal processes, and to understand how the steps in a process work together)
ITtrunk resource managementtrunk resource management
lab.law.Vereniging Management en Arbeid Nieuwe StijlAssociation for New-Style Management and Labour
gen.Vereniging voor het management in het Voortgezet OnderwijsAssociation of secondary school managers
comp., MSVirtual Machine Management-serviceVirtual Machine Management service (The Hyper-V service that provides management access to virtual machines)
comp., MSWeb Server Management Enumerator-moduleWeb Server Management Enumerator module (A probe action module type that performs a WS-Management Enumerate operation)
comp., MSWindows Management Instrumentation-filterWindows Management Instrumentation filter (A query that is based on Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) and used to filter the effect of a Group Policy object (GPO). WMI filters are written in WMI Query Language (WQL) and are evaluated on the target computer or user. If the filter evaluates to true, then the GPO is applied. Otherwise, the GPO is not applied. WMI filters are useful for exception management)