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Terms containing Area | all forms | exact matches only
comp., MSarea border-routerarea border router (A router that is attached to multiple areas. Area border routers maintain separate topological databases for each area)
math.area comparability factorarea comparability factor
stat., agric.area frame samplingaerial survey
gov., agric., engl.area frame samplingarea frame sampling
med.area germinativaembryonic shield
med.area parolfactoriaBroca's convolution
med.area van ObersteinerObersteiner spaces
med.area van ObersteinerRedlich-Obersteiner area
immigr."Common Travel Area"common travel area
ITcontrol-area splitcontrol-area splitting
ITcontrol-area splitcontrol-area split
IT, engl.Controller Area NetworkController Area Network
health.danger areadanger area
commun.dynamic adaptive total area coverageDYNA TAC
transp., avia., engl.final approach and take-off areafinal approach and take-off area
gen.in-area bestedingenin-area expenditure
med.intermediaire areaintermediary area
agric.leaf-area-indexleaf area index
comp., MSLocal Area Networklocal area network (A network of computers, printers, and other devices located within a relatively limited area (for example, a building). A LAN enables any connected device to interact with any other on the network)
commun.local area network emulationLAN emulation
commun.location area identificationlocation area identification
commun., ITmetropolitan area netwerkmetropolitan area network
comp., MSMetropolitan Area Networkmetropolitan area network (A highspeed network that can carry voice, data, and images at up to 200 Mbps or faster over distances of up to 75 km. Based on the network architecture, the transmission speed can be higher for shorter distances. A MAN, which can include one or more LANs as well as telecommunications equipment such as microwave and satellite relay stations, is smaller than a wide area network but generally operates at a higher speed)
gen.no-go-areano-go area
gen.out-area bestedingenout-area expenditure
math.relative area of transvariationrelative area of transvariation
pharma., earth.sc., el.risk arearisk area
gen.Single Euro Payments AreaSEPA
gen.Single Euro Payments AreaSingle Euro Payments Area
gen.standard metropolitan statistical areastandard metropolitan statistical area
comp., MSStorage Area Networkstorage area network (A set of interconnected devices (such as disks and tapes) and servers that are connected to a common communication and data transfer infrastructure such as Fibre Channel)
UN, engl.United Nations Protected AreaUnited Nations Protected Area
ITvirtual local area networkvirtual LAN
ITvirtual local area networkvirtual local area network
comp., MSVirtual Local Area Networkvirtual local area network (A logical grouping of hosts on one or more local area networks (LANs) that allows communication to occur between hosts as if they were on the same physical LAN)
commun."wide area" aanvullingwide area augmentation
commun., comp.wide-area netwerkwide area network
commun., comp.wide area netwerkwide area network
commun., ITwireless local area networkwireless local area network
commun., ITwireless local area networkWi-Fi
commun., ITwireless local area networkwireless LAN
commun., ITwireless local area networkRadio LAN
commun., ITwireless local area networkRadio Local Area Network