
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Aan | all forms | exact matches only
aan beperkingen onderworpen productrestricted product (A product whose distribution is limited or constrained by a government authority)
aan de clientzijdeclient-side (Occurring on the client side of a client-server system. For example, on the World Wide Web, JavaScript scripts are client-side because they are executed by your browser (the client). In contrast, CGI scripts are server-side because they run on the Web server. Java applets can be either server-side or client-side depending on which computer (the server or the client) executes them)
Aan de slagQuick Start Guide (The initial user reference guide or piece of documentation for using a device or feature)
Aan de slagGetting Started (A drop-down item under the Help menu that opens up a quick overview help file)
Aan een record koppelenLink to Record (A button, located in the Business Contact Manager group, that enables the user to link an item to a record)
aan favorieten toevoegenfavorite (To add something to one's Favorites folder)
aan gesprek toevoegenadd call (A button that appears during an active phone call, allowing a user to add another person to his/her conference call)
aan oproep voorafgaande mediaearly media (Audio and video on a call that are exchanged before the recipient accepts the call. Examples include announcements, requests for input, and caller voice commands)
aan persoonlijke voorkeur aanpassenpersonalize (To add a personal touch to something)
aan startscherm vastmakenpin to start (To add a shortcut to an application or part of an application or contact by fixing its tile to the Start screen)
Aan/uitPower (A button that shuts down or restarts the PC)
aan/uit-knoppower button (A button that turns a device off and on)
aan/uit-knopPower button (A hardware button or slider on all form factors that controls the power of the PC)
aan/uit/standby-knopOn/Standby power button (The power button that turns a device, computer, or Surface unit, on and off)
aanbetaling aan leveranciervendor prepayment (A payment made to a vendor before any items are received or services are performed)
aanpassen aan standaardformaatnatural sizing (The default layout and sizing of a collection of elements, as determined by MSHTML)
Behoefte aan vaardigheden bepalen - recruteringsplan - recruteringsvoorspellingDevelop Skills Needs - Hiring Plan - Hiring Forecast (A template that provides a framework for the general activities, from a Human Resources departmental perspective, that are undertaken to perform an analysis of forecasted skills needs and the potential hiring and/or training plans needed to address the gap between needed skills and available skills)
bewaking aan clientzijdeclient-side monitoring (The monitoring perspective that receives events and statistics from end user browser sessions)
deelnemer aan vergaderingmeeting participant (A presenter or attendee in a meeting)
deelvenster Aan de slagGetting Started pane (The upper portion of the Office 365 Small Business Premium admin landing page, which contains links to "Getting started" tasks for the P admins when they sign in to Office 365 for the first time. After exploring the "Getting started" tasks, the admin can hide the pane)
Doorverbinden aanCall Forwarding On (The menu item that displays a menu of options that the user can select to turn on the automatic forwarding of incoming calls)
Een persoon aan de oproep toevoegenAdd a Person to the Call (" A button in a conversation window that opens the "Add a Person to the Call" dialog box. The user can call a number for the selected participant to add them to the current call.")
flits aanflash on (A flash mode when the phone's built-in camera flash is set to on)
franco aan boordFree On Board (A shipping method that establishes the point at which ownership of goods passes to the buyer. The FOB can establish ownership when an item is damaged in transit)
grootste werklast aan het beginfront-loaded contour (A contour that begins at its highest point, and then slopes downward)
groter dan of gelijk aanGREATER-THAN OR EQUAL TO (The ≥ character)
identificatie van aangeroepen stationcalled subscriber ID string (A string that specifies the called subscriber ID transmitted by the receiving fax machine when receiving an inbound fax. This string is usually a combination of the fax or telephone number and the name of the business. It is often the same as the transmitter subscriber ID)
Koppelen aan contactpersoonAssociate to Contact (In a conference, this command associates a participant or phone number with a contact on the user's contact list)
Notities die per e-mail aan mij zijn verzondenNotes E-mailed To Me (The name of a folder that contains any .one files that have been sent to you as an e-mail message attachment)
pagina Aan de slagGet started page (The first page that IWs (end users) see when they sign in to Office 365. Admins (both P and E) can also see this page, but they don't see it first)
Persoon aan de oproep toevoegen…Add Person to Call… (An item on the right-click menu for a conversation participant. Clicking it opens the "Add a Person to the Call" dialog box)
regel Aanline
regel AanTo line (The part of a message header that contains the e-mail addresses of the primary recipients of an e-mail message)
scherm aan/uittoggle screen (In Windows Media Player Mobile, an optional setting that enables the user to toggle the device's display on and off. This is useful, for example, when the user is playing music using Windows Media Player on a mobile device and wants to conserve battery life. When the display is toggled off, pressing any key will turn the display back on)
sessie aan de clientzijdeclient-side session (The Windows PowerShell session on a user's local computer, which has the basic Windows PowerShell commands available to it)
Snelbericht aan voornaam verzendenSend first name a quick message (The message text box that is displayed on a contact's summary page)
Toevoegen aan lijst met contactpersonenAdd to Contacts List (An item on the shortcut menu that adds a selected person to the user's Contacts list)
Toevoegen aan woordenlijstAdd to dictionary (A menu item that enables the user to add a word marked as a misspelling to the dictionary used by the spelling checker)
toevoeging aan vaste activa, vaste-activatoevoegingfixed asset addition (An add-on item to a fixed asset that is considered part of the fixed asset and is not tracked as its own fixed asset, such as an extra battery for a laptop. Typically, an add-on item is maintenance or an improvement and relates to a write-up adjustment)
Uitnodigen om aan een bestaande vergadering deel te nemenJoin an Existing Conference... (An item on the Actions menu that adds the user to an existing conference)
Uitnodigen om aan een nieuw gesprek deel te nemenInvite to New Conversation... (An item on the right-click menu for a person in a multi-party conversation that invites the selected person to a new conversation, separate from the current conversation)
Uitnodigen om aan een vergadering deel te nemenInvite to Conference... (An item on the right-click menu for a person in a conference participant list that invites the selected person to join a conference)
Uitnodigen om aan nieuw gesprek deel te nemenInvite to New Conversation... (An item on the right-click menu for a person in a multi-party conversation that invites the selected person to a new conversation, separate from the current conversation)
vak Aanbox
vak AanTo box (A text box where someone enters the e-mail addresses of the primary recipients of an e-mail message)
vastmaken aan startschermPin to Start (The UI label for the button on the app bar that affixes a tile to the Start screen)