
Terms for subject Microsoft containing één | all forms | exact matches only
Aan de slagQuick Start Guide (The initial user reference guide or piece of documentation for using a device or feature)
Aan de slagGetting Started (A drop-down item under the Help menu that opens up a quick overview help file)
Aan een record koppelenLink to Record (A button, located in the Business Contact Manager group, that enables the user to link an item to a record)
aanvraag voor het in dienst nemen vanhiring requisition (A formal request to hire an employee to fill a specific position within the organization)
Abonneren met één klikOne-click Subscribe (A plug-in that enables users to quickly insert an HTML tag into the body of an email message that, when clicked, adds the email address of the email recipient to the specified list)
activum met een lage waarde, lagewaarde-activumlow-value asset (In Australia, a depreciating asset that is not a low-cost asset but which has an opening net book value less than $1,000 (as of July 1 in the year that it is allocated to the pool), and for which the organization has previously worked out any deduction using the reducing balance depreciation method)
Afgesloten response op een campagne vastleggenRecord a closed campaign response (Check box that indicates if the user wants to create a campaign response based on the information that is included in the opportunity)
afsluiting van een aanvraagcase resolution (An activity that includes such information as the description of the resolution and the billable time of the case)
apparaat waarmee een relatie bestaatpartnered device (A device that has been set to establish device-to-device connection with another one, such as by radio, Bluetooth or infrared)
apparaat-app voor de desktopdesktop device app (A device app built in C++/Win32/COM)
artikel van het type Serviceservice item (An itemized service that participates in an operations process)
as voor het samenvouwen van rijencompact row axis (A feature that enables the user to compact or collapse rows when viewing several levels of data)
Association Française de NormalizationAssociation Française de Normalisation (The French subsidiary of the International Standards Organization (ISO))
Beperkingen van het menu StartStart Menu restrictions (Settings that allow the administrator to restrict Start Menu attributes)
bijwerktransactie van het grootboekledger update transaction (A system transaction that tracks and reports what has been posted to the ledger)
binnen het bedrijfin-house (Produced or available within one's own company)
buiten de asoff-axis (One of the presets for 3D rotation effects. When selected, specifies that the object will be rotated off-axis)
codering in één keerone-pass encoding (An encoding method in which content is analyzed and compressed in the same pass through the encoder)
consolidatie van een domeindomain consolidation (The process of combining two or more domains into a larger domain)
continue replicatie in een clustercluster continuous replication (A replication that combines the asynchronous log shipping and replay features built into Exchange 2007 with the failover and management features provided by a failover cluster that is created with the Microsoft Windows Cluster service)
Delen van een toepassing of whiteboard startenStart Application Sharing or Whiteboard (The button on the toolbar in a conversation window that starts a sharing session with the participants of the current conversation)
Dempen van de luidsprekers opheffenUnmute Speakers (A button on Audio Controls that turns off mute on the user's speakers)
Dempen van de microfoon opheffenUnmute Microphone (A button on Audio Controls that turns off mute on the user's microphone)
door de gebruiker gedefinieerd objectuser-defined object (A custom object defined by the user)
door de gebruiker gedefinieerd velduser-defined field (A field that you can define to track information specific to your business)
door de gebruiker ingestelde planninguser-controlled scheduling (A feature that allows the user to specify manual or automatic scheduling on a per-task basis)
Een ander document koppelenAssociate a different document (An option that allows the user to replace the document currently attached to the To Do with another document that has already been saved)
Een andere websitekoppeling koppelenAssociate a different Web site link (An option that allows the user to replace the Web link attached to the To Do with a different web link)
Een andere Works-taak koppelenAssociate a different Works task (An option that allows the user to change the document associated with the active To Do by selecting a different Works template to serve as the basis for a new associated item)
Een audiogesprek starten…Start an Audio Conversation... (The item on the Actions menu that starts an audio conversation with the person the user selects from the corporate address book)
een back-up makenback up (To make a duplicate copy of a program, a disk, or data)
een bump-map makenbump mapping (A technique for simulating the appearance of rough surfaces in 3-D scenes. Variations in depth are stored in a texture and applied to geometry, using standard texture-blending techniques)
Een chatbericht verzenden...Send an Instant Message... (The item on the Actions menu that sends an instant message to the person the user selects from the corporate address book)
Een contactpersoon verwijderen…Delete a Contact... (A UI element that opens a list of contacts so the user can select one to remove from the user's contact list)
Een document koppelenAssociate a document (An option that allows the user to associate an existing document with a Project To Do)
Een e-mail verzenden…Send E-Mail... (An item on the Actions menu that sends e-mail to the person the user selects from the corporate address book)
een gesprek integrerenmerge a conversation (To bring a separate conversation, including all its participants, into the current one)
Een gesprek integrerenMerge a Conversation (The heading, in the Invite menu, for the list of available conversations that a user can bring into the current conversation)
Een groep verwijderenDelete a Group (A menu item that removes a group and its contacts from the user's Contacts list)
een lijst makenlist (To make or include in a list)
een melding geventag (To request an alert for a specific contact when that contact's presence status changes)
Een nieuwe vergadering starten…Start a New Conference... (An item on the More/Actions menu that starts a conference with the person the user selects from the corporate address book. Also an item on the right-click menu for a person that starts a conference with the person)
een-op-een-relatieone-to-one relationship (An association between two tables in which the primary key value of each record in the primary table corresponds to the value in the matching field or fields of one, and only one, record in the related table)
een-op-veel-relatieone-to-many relationship (An association between two tables in which the primary key value of each record in the primary table corresponds to the value in the matching field or fields of many records in the related table)
Een persoon aan de oproep toevoegenAdd a Person to the Call (" A button in a conversation window that opens the "Add a Person to the Call" dialog box. The user can call a number for the selected participant to add them to the current call.")
Een vergadering plannenSchedule a Meeting (A menu item that opens an Outlook meeting invitation prepopulated with the selected contact(s))
Een vergadering plannenSchedule a Conference... (An item on the Actions menu that opens a new Outlook meeting invitation using the user's conferencing information)
Een videogesprek starten…Start a Video Conversation... (The item on the Actions menu that starts a video conversation with the person the user selects from the corporate address book)
Een webkoppeling koppelenAssociate a Web link (An option that allows the user to associate a Web site link with a Project To Do)
Een Works-taak koppelenAssociate a Works task (An option that allows the user to associate a Works task with a Project To Do)
entiteit van het type Persoonperson-type entity (An entity that represents a person, declared as such in metadata)
flashupgrade op het BIOS toepassenflash the BIOS (To update the computer's BIOS software with a new version)
formule voor de voorwaardelijke somconditional sum formula (A formula that will sum a set of values that meet specified conditions)
gebeurtenis voor tracering van de behoeftepegging event (A resource flow event that signals the demand for a product)
gegevens voor het factuuradresbilling address information (The complete set of bill-to address information that makes up the full postal address)
gegevensopslag van de appapp data storage (An isolated data store specific to a particular application and user)
gegevensopslag van de toepassingapp data storage (An isolated data store specific to a particular application and user)
geschiedenismap van een zakelijke contactpersoonBusiness History Folder (A folder that contains all history items and the records they are linked to)
grootste werklast aan het beginfront-loaded contour (A contour that begins at its highest point, and then slopes downward)
Hoe herken ik hetHow to Tell (A marketing initiative to assist consumers in identifying genuine Microsoft software)
hoofdmodel van de siteroot model site (The primordial model site for an application. Each application must contain one root model site)
hub met één transactievertalersingle TT hub (A USB 2.0 hub with a single transaction translator (TT) for all downstream-facing ports on the hub)
in de houder plaatsencradle (To place a mobile device in a cradle to connect to a desktop computer)
In een bijeenkomstIn a conference (The status label that indicates that a user is speaking with more than one person via phone)
In een vergaderingIn a meeting (The status label that indicates that a user has an accepted current meeting, marked Busy, on his or her calendar)
Incrementeel importeren vanaf de serverServer Side Incremental (A feature that must be enabled in Active Directory to run incremental import of profiles)
Informatie over het gedeelde adresShared Address Information (An IP address of the OneNote session that is being shared with other users)
installatie op de achtergrondsilent setup (An installation that runs unattended and does not require any user input after it has been started)
installatie op de achtergrondsilent installation (An installation that runs unattended and does not require any user input after it has been started)
I/O-virtualisatie met één hoofdmapsingle-root I/O virtualization (Functionality that enables SR-IOV–capable devices, e.g. network adapters, to be assigned directly to virtual machines)
Kampioen der LogicaChampion of Logic (Skill level in the Purble Place game. Once a Purble Place game is completed, a player gets a skill level rank assigned automatically by the game (based on number of guesses and hints during the game))
levensduur van de accubattery life (The time for which a dry or alkaline cell is able to produce an electric current before it needs to be replaced)
levensduur van de batterijbattery life (The time for which a dry or alkaline cell is able to produce an electric current before it needs to be replaced)
map op het hoogste niveautop-level folder (The uppermost directory on a computer, partition or volume)
met één klikwith one click (Done by positioning the pointer over an item and pressing the left mouse button once)
modus voor het verzamelen van inktink collection mode (The collection mode that determines whether ink, gestures, or both are recognized as the user writes)
n.v.t.N/A (Pertaining to something for which an answer is not available or appropriate)
n.v.t.n/a (Pertaining to something for which an answer is not available or appropriate)
na de gebeurtenispost-event (Occurring after a core system operation has been completed)
Naam van de groep wijzigenRename Group (An item that lets a user rename a group, when the group name in the Contacts list is right-clicked)
naam van het toegangspuntaccess point name (The name of the access point used to establish wireless connectivity)
onderliggend model van de sitechild model site (A model site that is subordinate to a root model site and is used to organize data in an application)
onlinegame met een zeer groot aantal spelersMMOG (A game conducted over the Internet in which a large number of players (hundreds or thousands) participate simultaneously)
onlinegame met een zeer groot aantal spelersmassively multiplayer on-line game (A game conducted over the Internet in which a large number of players (hundreds or thousands) participate simultaneously)
op een domein gebaseerde naamruimtedomain-based namespace (A type of Distributed File System (DFS) namespace in which the namespace information is stored in Active Directory and replicated to other namespace servers)
op een hoger niveau weergevenroll up (On the Gantt Chart, to display symbols on a summary task bar that represent subtask dates. You can roll up dates from subtasks to make important dates easily visible on a summary task bar)
op een rek gemonteerd chassisrack-mounted chassis (A chassis type that can be reported by the Win32_SystemEnclosure class in Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) and that refers to a chassis that is designed to be rack-mountable)
opnemen in een lijstlist (To make or include in a list)
Opstellen van een openingsbalans op de overgangsdatum naar IFRSPreparation of an Opening Balance Sheet at the Date of Transition to IFRS (A template that addresses, from a Finance & Accounting perspective, the significant activities required of companies to prepare their opening balance sheet at the date of transition to IFRS within the context of a conversion from previous Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) to International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS))
overdracht van een gehele zonefull zone transfer (The standard query type supported by all DNS servers to update and synchronize zone data when the zone has been changed. When a DNS query is made using AXFR as the specified query type, the entire zone is transferred as the response)
postvak voor een vergaderruimteroom mailbox (A type of resource mailbox that is assigned to a meeting location such as a conference room, auditorium, or training room. Room mailboxes can be included as resources in meeting requests, providing a simple and efficient way of organizing meetings for an organization)
Prijsstelling voor de overheidGovernment Pricing (Pricing of Office 365 offers applicable to Government entities only)
programma op de clientclient-side program (A program that is run on a client computer rather than on a server computer)
project met een vaste prijsfixed-price project (A type of project in which the customer pays a predetermined amount for the entire project)
publicatie met één klikone-click publish (A feature in Visual Studio that lets you deploy a Web application from the development computer to a server by clicking a button on a toolbar, and to deploy changes by clicking the button again, without having to redeploy the full application. You can create multiple publishing profiles to define the settings for different publishing scenarios, such as deploying to a test server, to a production server, and so on)
Race tegen de klokTime Attack Mode (A menu item on the Purble Place menu that allows the user to select a timed mode for their game)
record voor een zakelijke contactpersoonbusiness database (The repository for all Business Contact Manager for Outlook data)
rotatie rond de x-aspitch (A rotation in 3D space around the x-axis)
rotatie rond de y-asyaw (A rotation in 3D space about the y-axis)
Tip van de dagTip of the Day (A tip that provides useful information about product features for the user. A new tip is displayed each day)
toegangstoken met een laag integriteitsniveaulow integrity access token (A filtered access token that is created with a low integrity level. This access token is used by Internet Explorer Protected Mode, but can also be used by other applications)
tracering van de behoeftepegging (The process of tracing the quantity of a required item to its source)
Typ een bericht voor je vriendenShare a quick message (The link that prompts someone to enter a personal message to share, if the personal message field is currently empty. The personal message appears on someone's Profile page, and in Messenger)
Uit de wachtstand halenRetrieve (A button on in the Transfer Call dialog box that reconnects the user to the call that is currently on hold)
Uitnodigen om aan een bestaande vergadering deel te nemenJoin an Existing Conference... (An item on the Actions menu that adds the user to an existing conference)
Uitnodigen om aan een nieuw gesprek deel te nemenInvite to New Conversation... (An item on the right-click menu for a person in a multi-party conversation that invites the selected person to a new conversation, separate from the current conversation)
Uitnodigen om aan een vergadering deel te nemenInvite to Conference... (An item on the right-click menu for a person in a conference participant list that invites the selected person to join a conference)
updates uit een sociaal netwerksocial update (An action taken on Windows Live or on partner websites such as Facebook that is considered to have social relevance and that might appear in an activity feed. For example, photo activity and status updates are considered to be socially relevant. Within Windows Live, friends see one another's relevant actions in feeds within Messenger, on Windows Live Home, and other places. Depending on the partner and their settings, actions that a customer takes on Windows Live may be visible on partner sites, actions they take on partner sites may be visible on Windows Live, or both)
veld met een lijstenumerated field (A type of field whose content is selected from a list of predefined choices. For example, in the Accrue At field you can select the way resource costs are accrued from a list that includes Start, Prorated, and End)
Verbinding met een projector makenConnect to a Projector (A wizard that is part of the Network Presentation feature of Windows Vista. This wizard finds and connects to available network-attached projectors on the local network)
verloopdatum van een accountaccount expiration (A time limit that is applied to the life of an account, so that it can be used only for a predetermined period of time)
Verwijderen uit de groepRemove from Group (An item that deletes a selected contact from a contact group, when the contact is right-clicked)
Verwijderen uit de lijst met contactpersonenRemove from Contact List (An item on a contact's context menu to remove a contact from the contact list)
voor de gebeurtenispre-event (Occurring before a core system operation occurs)
weergave met één deelvenstersingle-pane view (A window in which only one view appears, such as the Task Sheet, Network Diagram view, Resource Graph view, or Calendar view)
werklast met een late pieklate-peak contour (A contour that slopes up gradually, peaks near the end of the curve, and then drops off)
werklast met een vroege piekearly-peak contour (A contour that peaks near the beginning of the curve and then slopes downward more gradually)