
Terms containing time | all forms | exact matches only
gen.a impiego a part-timeshort-time working
gen.a impiego a part-timeshort-time employment
insur.agente part-timepart-time agent
comp., MSalgoritmo Microsoft Time SeriesMicrosoft Time Series algorithm (Algorithm that uses a linear regression decision tree approach to analyze time-related data, such as monthly sales data or yearly profits. The patterns it discovers can be used to predict values for future time steps)
econ.azienda agricola part-timehalf-time farming
fin.bearish call time spreadbearish call horizontal spread
fin.bearish call time spreadbearish call calendar spread
fin.bearish put time spreadbearish put horizontal spread
fin.bearish put time spreadbearish put calendar spread
fin.bearish time spreadbearish time spread
fin.bearish time spreadbearish calendar spread
fin.bullish call time spreadbullish call horizontal spread
fin.bullish call time spreadbullish call time spread
fin.bullish call time spreadbullish horizontal call spread
fin.bullish call time spreadbullish call calendar spread
fin.bullish put time spreadbullish put time spread
fin.bullish put time spreadbullish put horizontal spread
fin.bullish put time spreadbullish put calendar spread
fin.bullish time spreadbullish time spread
fin.bullish time spreadbullish calendar spread
fin., industr.consegna "just in time"just-in-time supply
fin., industr.consegna "just in time"just in time delivery
stat.dipendente part-timewhen actually employed
comp., MSdomanda media per lead timedemand during lead time (The average daily demand for a product multiplied by the average lead time)
IT, engl.down-timedown-time
commun.elemento di informazione "starting time"starting time information element
comp., MSerrore di run-timerun-time error (A software error that occurs while a program is being executed, as detected by a compiler or other supervisory program)
comp., MSevento Current Time Incrementcurrent time increment event (A special punctuation event that indicates the completeness of the existing events)
fin., industr.fornitura "just in time"just-in-time supply
fin., industr.fornitura "just in time"just in time delivery
law, stat.impiego part-timepart-time employment
law, stat.impiego part-timepart time employment
mech.eng.indicatore Time-RiteTime-Rite indicator
ed.istruzione secondaria professionale part-timePart-time Vocational Secondary Education
transp., engl.just-in-timejust-in-time
sec.sys.lavoro part-time involontarioinvoluntary part-time
busin., engl.lead timelead time
comp., MSlead time di produzioneproduction lead time (The lead time required to produce an item, starting from the time the order is released to production until the item is moved to inventory)
comp., MSlead time di transitoin-transit lead time (The lead time required for an item to leave the shipping party and arrive at the receiving party)
comp., MSlead time ordine interaziendaleinternal lead time (The lead time for an intercompany sales order)
comp., MSlibreria run-timerun-time library (A file that contains one or more prewritten routines to perform specific, commonly used functions. Programmers use an RTL primarily in high-level languages such as C to avoid rewriting these routines)
fin.neutral time spreadneutral calendar spread
insur.odd timeodd time
transp., avia., engl.off-block timeoff-block time
transp., avia., engl.on-block timeon-block time
sec.sys.part time involontarioinvoluntary part-time
comp., MSpassword monouso, One Time Passwordone-time password (Passwords produced by special password generating software or by a hardware token and that can be used only once)
ITproduzione di documenti just-in-timejust-in time document production
labor.org.produzione just-in-timejust-in-time production
comp., MSprogetto Time and Materialtime and materials project (A project where the vendor invoices the customer based on work completed on the job. There is a direct relationship between the invoice lines and the usage already performed on the job)
IT, corp.gov., engl.Recovery Time ObjectiveRecovery Time Objective
commun., ITrecupero dopo time-outtime-out recovery
lawregolamentazione del lavoro part-timeregulation of part-time work
patents.servizi di time sharing per l’utilizzo di computercomputer time-sharing services
IT, dat.proc.sistema time-sharingtime sharing option
IT, tech.sistema time sharingtime sharing
IT, tech.sistema time sharingtime slicing
ITsistema time-sharingtime sharing
fin.time call spreadhorizontal call spread
fin.time call spreadcalendar call spread
law, transp.time-chartertime-charter
fin.time put spreadhorizontal put spread
fin.time put spreadcalendar put spread
commun.time sharingtime-sharing
commun.time sharingsharing time
IT, dat.proc.time-sharing conversazionaleconversational time-sharing
patents.time sharing per l’utilizzo di computercomputer timesharing
fin.time spreadtime spread
fin.time spreadhorizontal spread
fin.time spreadcalendar spread
fin., engl.time valuetime value