
Terms for subject Environment containing specie | all forms | exact matches only
Accordo delle Nazioni Unite sugli stock ittici transzonali e sulle specie altamente migratorieUnited Nations Agreement on Straddling Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks
Accordo delle Nazioni Unite sugli stock ittici transzonali e sulle specie altamente migratorieUnited Nations Convention on Straddling Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks
Accordo delle Nazioni Unite sugli stock ittici transzonali e sulle specie altamente migratorieAgreement on Straddling Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Species
carattere genetico della speciegenetic material of the species
categoria delle specie minacciatecategory of endangered species Those of the planet's flora and fauna which are threatened with extinction. Hunting and poaching to fuel the trade in ivory, horn, skins, fur and feathers have long been a threat to already endangered species. Pollution, agricultural expansion, loss of wetlands, deforestation and other erosion of habitats have been added to the hazards. Human activity was responsible for most of the animals and plants known to have been lost in the past two centuries
ciclo riproduttivo di alcune speciereproductive cycle of certain species
conservazione delle specieconservation of species Controlled utilization, protection or development of selected classes of plants or animals for their richness, biodiversity and benefits to humanity
conservazione delle specieconservation of species
conservazione delle specie selvaticheconservation of wild species
conservazione delle varietà e delle specieconservation of stocks and species
Convenzione delle Nazioni Unite sugli stock ittici transzonali e sulle specie altamente migratorieUnited Nations Agreement on Straddling Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks
Convenzione delle Nazioni Unite sugli stock ittici transzonali e sulle specie altamente migratorieUnited Nations Convention on Straddling Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks
Convenzione delle Nazioni Unite sugli stock ittici transzonali e sulle specie altamente migratorieAgreement on Straddling Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Species
Convenzione sul commercio internazionale delle specie animali e vegetali in via di estinzioneConvention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora
Convenzione sul commercio internazionale delle specie animali e vegetali in via di estinzioneWashington Convention
Convenzione sul commercio internazionale delle specie di flora e di fauna selvatiche minacciate di estinzioneConvention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora
Convenzione sul commercio internazionale delle specie di flora e di fauna selvatiche minacciate di estinzioneWashington Convention
convenzione sulla conservazione delle specie migratorie appartenenti alla fauna selvaticaConvention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals
diminuzione del numero delle speciedecline in number of species
diversità della speciespecies diversity
habitat di una speciehabitat of a species
impoverimento di speciespecies impoverishment Loss of species due to factors such as climate change or random events such as persistent drought, natural catastrophe, the emergence of a new predator, or genetic mutation
impoverimento di speciespecies impoverishment
introduzione di specie esoticheintroduction of exotic species
introduzione di specie non indigeneintroduction of non-native species
Principi guida relativi alle specie esotiche invasiveGuiding Principles on Invasive Alien Species
programma di conservazione delle speciespecies conservation programme An organized group of activities and procedures, often run by a government agency or a nonprofit organization, to preserve and protect living organisms designated as being at risk
programma di conservazione delle speciespecies conservation programme
Programma europeo di azione a favore delle specie in pericoloEurospecies programme
Programma europeo di azione a favore delle specie in pericoloEuropean Action Programme on Threatened Species
protezione delle speciespecies protection
protezione delle specieprotection of species
protezione delle specieprotection of species Measures adopted for the safeguarding of species, of their ecosystems and their biodiversity
reinsediamento delle speciere-establishment of species
reintroduzione di speciespecies reintroduction Reintroducing wild animal and plant species to their natural habitat. The reintroduction of species in a region requires a preliminary study to establish the reasons of their disappearance and the modifications that might have occurred in the biotopes
reintroduzione di speciespecies reintroduction
reintroduzione di specie vegetaliplant species reintroduction Reintroducing wild plant species to their natural habitat. The reintroduction of species in a region requires a preliminary study to establish the reasons of their disappearance and the modifications that might have occurred in the biotopes
reintroduzione di specie vegetaliplant species reintroduction
salvaguardia delle varietà e delle specieconservation of stocks and species
sopravvivenza delle speciesurvival of the species
specie a basso rischiolower risk species (IUCN)
specie a basso rischio (IUCNlower risk species IUCN
specie adattabileadaptable species
specie animaleanimal species Species belonging to the animal kingdom
specie animale in pericoloendangered animal species Animals, birds, fish or other living organisms threatened with extinction by natural or human-induced changes in their environment
specie animale in pericoloendangered animal species
specie apomitticaapomictic species
specie arborea resistente al fuocofire resistant tree
specie autogamaself-pollinating species
specie bersagliotargeted species
specie bersagliotarget species
specie delicatafragile species
specie di animali e di piante rare o minacciateendangered or rare species of fauna and flora
specie dominantedominant species
specie endemicaendemic species Species native to, and restricted to, a particular geographical region
specie esoticaexotic species Plants, animals or microorganisms which are introduced by humans into areas where they are not native. Exotics are often associated with negative ecological consequences for native species and the ecosystems
specie estintaextinct species (IUCN)
specie estinta (IUCNextinct species IUCN
specie euritermaeurythermal species
specie in pericoloendangered species (IUCN)
specie in pericolo IUCNendangered species IUCN
specie localmente estintavanished species
specie localmente estintavanished species Species which have disappeared from an area because of adverse environmental conditions
specie migratricemigratory species
specie minacciata d'estinzionespecies threatened with extinction
specie minacciata d'estinzioneendangered species
specie minacciate di estinzionespecies threatened with extinction
specie minacciate di estinzioneendangered species
specie ornitichebird species
specie ornitichebird species Any species of the warm-blooded vertebrates which make up the class Aves
specie ospitehost species
specie protettaprotected species Threatened, vulnerable or endangered species which are protected from extinction by preventive measures
specie rararare species
specie rararare species Species which have a restricted world range
specie sensibile al fuocofire sensitive tree
specie vegetaleplant species Species belonging to the plant kingdom
specie vegetale in pericoloendangered plant species
specie vegetale in pericoloendangered plant species The plants threatened with extinction by human or natural changes in the environment
specie viventiliving species
specie vulnerabilevulnerable species (IUCN)
specie vulnerabile (IUCNvulnerable species
strategia europea sulle specie esotiche invasiveEuropean Strategy on Invasive Alien Species