
Terms for subject Microsoft containing servizio | all forms | exact matches only
account del servizioservice account (An account that is intended to be used to run a service. A service account has privileges beyond those provided when a service is run as part of the system, such as the ability to connect over the network to another computer)
account del Servizio Gestione avanzata Criteri di gruppoAGPM Service Account (The account under which the AGPM Service runs)
account del servizio gestitomanaged service account (A new type of domain account designed to provide applications such as SQL Server or Exchange with automatic password management and simplified service principal name (SPN) management)
account del servizio RFIDRFID Service account (The Windows account whose identity is used to run the BizTalk RFID service)
account di servizio automaticounattended service account (The security account that is used when a data source is configured to connect as a single shared identity for all users)
Aggiornamento di servizio di Office 365Office 365 service update (" The customer-facing term for an update of Office 365. Internally, we recognize this as an update from one version to another (e.g. from wave 14 to wave 15). Externally, we do not use the term "version" for a service update.")
amministratore del servizioservice administrator (The person responsible for setting up and managing a service)
analizzatore servizio di linguaggiolanguage service scanner (A component that is used to identify types of tokens in source code. This information is used for syntax highlighting and for quickly identifying token types that can trigger other operations, for example, brace matching)
applicazione del servizio BDCBDC Service Application (A deployed instance of the Business Data Connectivity Shared Service)
applicazione del servizio di integrazione applicativa dei datiBusiness Data Connectivity Service Application (A deployed instance of the Business Data Connectivity Shared Service)
applicazione del servizio PowerPivotPowerPivot service application (A specific configuration of the PowerPivot service)
applicazione di servizioservice application (A background application that runs without any user interface components (such as windows) and that supports another application that is displaying on the screen)
applicazione servizio Web AnalyticsWeb Analytics service application (A SharePoint service application that collects, reports, and analyzes the usage and effectiveness of SharePoint Server sites)
associazione al servizio remotoremote service binding (A Service Broker object that specifies the local security credentials for a remote service)
bus di servizioService Bus (The hosted service from Microsoft that provides developer-oriented services and a secure messaging infrastructure for widespread communication, large-scale event distribution, naming, and service publishing)
certificato di servizioservice certificate (A certificate issued by a signing authority verifying a cloud service's authenticity and security)
Chiama tramite servizio di conferenzaCall Via Conferencing Service (An item on the right-click menu for a conference participant. In a conference, this command requests that the conferencing service call the selected participant)
componente Amministrazione e monitoraggio del servizio WebWWW Service Administration and Monitoring component (A component of the World Wide Web Publishing Service (WWW service) in IIS that is responsible for configuration, by means of the metabase, and for worker process management)
componente del servizioservice component (The set of configuration items that are used to deliver a business service, such as computers, Web sites, databases, and other application components)
Configurazioni distribuzione servizioService Deployment Configurations (A node in the Library workspace where you can view instances of services that have been saved (during the process of configuring specific deployment settings for the service instance) but have not been deployed)
connessione al servizio di recupero datidata retrieval service connection (A Web Service installed on Windows SharePoint Services for connecting to and retrieving data)
contratto di servizioSLA (An agreement between two or more parties describing the deliverables, support, and communication that each party will provide to the other)
contratto di servizioservice level agreement (An agreement between two or more parties describing the deliverables, support, and communication that each party will provide to the other)
contratto di servizio predefinito della societàdefault company service level agreement (A service level agreement that a company uses as a default)
copertura del servizioservice coverage (The specific hours and days of the week for which service support will be provided)
Diagnosi Servizio licenze Desktop remotoRemote Desktop Licensing Diagnoser (A management tool that provides information to help identify possible licensing problems for the Remote Desktop Session Host server)
Diagnosi Servizio licenze Desktop remotoRD Licensing Diagnoser (A management tool that provides information to help identify possible licensing problems for the Remote Desktop Session Host server)
dipendente del servizioservice dependent (The person or service in an enterprise that relies on a business service. These people and services are affected by the output and downtime of the business service)
eccezione al contratto di servizioservice level exception (An alert that has remained longer than specified in a resolution state. For example, the default service expectation time for an alert to remain in the New resolution state is 10 minutes. If an alert's resolution state is New for longer than 10 minutes, it is considered a service level exception)
endpoint servizioservice endpoint (An endpoint through which an application system exposes or provides a service of some kind)
endpoint servizio WebWeb service endpoint (An endpoint that exposes a Web service)
entità servizioservice principal (An entity that represents a service at the key distribution center (KDC). A service principal generally does not correspond to a human user of the system, but rather to an automated service providing a resource, such as a file server)
estensione servizio WebWeb service extension (An ISAPI or CGI that extends IIS functionality beyond serving static pages)
evasione richieste di servizioservice request fulfillment (The process for managing service requests)
file di configurazione del servizioservice configuration file (The file that sets values for a service. The values that you can specify include the number of instances to deploy for each role, the values for the configuration parameters that you established in the service definition file, and the thumbprints for any SSL certificates associated with the service)
file di configurazione del servizio, *.cscfgservice configuration file (The file that sets values for the hosted service that can be configured while the service is running in the Windows Azure fabric. Values in the service configuration file include the number of instances required for each role, the values for the configuration parameters established in the service definition file, and the thumbprints for any SSL certificates associated with the service)
file di definizione del servizioservice definition file (The file that determines the service model, such as the roles that comprise a service, optional local storage resources, configuration settings, and certificates for SSL endpoints)
file di definizione del servizio, *.csdefservice definition file (The file that defines the service model for the application, which includes the roles that comprise a hosted service, the service endpoints, configuration settings, and certificates for SSL endpoints. The service model cannot be changed once the service is deployed and running)
finestra Dettagli servizio WebWeb Service Details window (The window that displays the behavior specification for a Web service endpoint. For example, it displays the operations for a Web service endpoint)
Gestione servizio InternetInternet service manager (A utility included with IIS and Personal Web Server that allows you to configure the Web sites your server supports)
host servizioservice host (The run-time environment for hosting a service within a process)
Host servizio di diagnosticaDiagnostic Service Host (A service that hosts the WDI (Windows Diagnostic Infrastructure) components that need to run in Local Service context and enables problem detection, troubleshooting and resolution for Windows components)
identità del servizio ACSACS service identity (A credential that is registered with an ACS namespace and intended for use by autonomous applications or clients)
impegno di tipo servizioservice activity (A schedulable appointment to provide a service to a customer. A service activity uses one or more resources to perform a service at a specific time and place)
impostazione di configurazione del servizioservice configuration setting (A configuration option that can be changed in a running service without requiring the service to be redeployed)
indicatore di qualità del servizioquality-of-service indicator (A statistic that indicates the degree to which a computer, server farm, or server cluster meets usage demands for that configuration)
intervallo di servizioservice window (A reserved time for performing administrative tasks on a computer, server farm, or server cluster)
istanza del servizioservice instance (An instance of an orchestration that BizTalk Server is either processing or has serialized into the MessageBox for further processing or tracking. Within BizTalk Server, this is usually a serialized representation of the state of the orchestration and references to any messages in use within the orchestration)
livello di servizioservice level (The level of support that customer service is required to provide for a case. The service contract a customer purchases determines the service level for its associated cases)
messaggio di servizioservice message (A message that contains service-related content)
metrica della qualità del servizioservice quality metrics (A collection of statistics that indicates the degree to which a service meets performance, usage, and other demands for the service)
modello del servizio di integrazione applicativa dei datiBusiness Data Connectivity Model Template (A Visual Studio project template that enables you to create your own .NET Connectivity Assemblies)
modello di piano di servizioservice plan template (An XML file used to define the elements of a service plan or a mailbox plan)
modello di servizioservice template (A Virtual Machine Manager library resource that contains the configuration settings used to deploy each tier of a service)
modello di servizio VMMVMM service template (A template, also called a virtual machine template, that represents a set of virtual machines that are working together to provide a tool for the customer)
Nessun servizioNo service (A status notification that the device is not within the wireless service range)
nome dell'entità servizioservice principal name (The name by which a client uniquely identifies an instance of a service. It is usually built from the DNS name of the host. The SPN is used in the process of mutual authentication between the client and the server hosting a particular service)
offerta di servizioservice offering (The item or work effort that is available to customers through the Self-Service Portal in the service catalog)
pacchetto del servizioservice package (A package, also known as a service template, is a file that contains the role binaries and the service definition file to be published to the Windows Azure fabric)
parser servizio di linguaggiolanguage service parser (A component that is used to describe the functions and scope of the tokens in source code)
piano di servizioservice plan (A collection of Exchange features, organization-wide resource limits, and permissions that are automatically configured or applied when a new hosted organization is provisioned in the service)
piattaforma distribuita come servizioplatform as a service (The capability provided to the consumer of deploying onto the cloud infrastructure consumer-created or acquired applications created using programming languages, libraries, services, and tools supported by the provider. The consumer does not manage or control the underlying cloud infrastructure, including network, servers, operating systems, or storage, but has control over the deployed applications and possibly of the configuration settings for the application-hosting environment)
posizione del servizioservice location (The process by which clients can automatically discover and select a network service--for example, through Active Directory publishing or DNS SRV resource records)
Progettazione modelli di servizioService Template Designer (A graphical tool in the VMM console that is used to create and modify service templates)
programma del servizioservice program (A program that uses Service Broker functionality. A service program may be a Transact-SQL stored procedure, a SQLCLR stored procedure, or an external program)
provider del servizio di crittografiacryptographic service provider (An independent software module that actually performs cryptography algorithms for authentication, encoding, and encryption)
Provider del servizio di crittografia CSP di base per smart cardBase Smart Card Cryptographic Service Provider (The basic software module for by smart cards that performs cryptography and includes algorithms for authentication, encoding, and encryption)
proxy di applicazione del servizio BDCBDC Service Application Proxy (An application proxy that allows Web applications to connect to a Business Data Connectivity Shared Service Application and contains features for using the shared service)
proxy di applicazione del servizio di integrazione applicativa dei datiBusiness Data Connectivity Service Application Proxy (An application proxy that allows Web applications to connect to a Business Data Connectivity Shared Service Application and contains features for using the shared service)
Proxy servizio federativoFSP (An installable role service of Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS) that is used to create a federation server proxy. When it is installed, the Federation Service Proxy role service uses WS-Federation Passive Requestor Profile (WS-F PRP) protocols to collect user credential information from browser clients and Web applications and send the information to the Federation Service on their behalf)
Proxy servizio federativoFederation Service Proxy (An installable role service of Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS) that is used to create a federation server proxy. When it is installed, the Federation Service Proxy role service uses WS-Federation Passive Requestor Profile (WS-F PRP) protocols to collect user credential information from browser clients and Web applications and send the information to the Federation Service on their behalf)
punto di accesso al servizioservice access point (A logical address that allows a system to route data between a remote device and the appropriate communications support)
punto di connessione del servizioservice connection point (An Active Directory node on which system administrators can define Certificate Lifecycle Manager (CLM) management permissions for users and groups)
punto di servizio fuori bandaout of band service point (A Configuration Manager site system that has the role of provisioning computers for out of band management)
Qualità del servizioQuality of Service A set of quality assurance standards and mechanisms for data transmission (QoS)
rappresentante del servizio clienticustomer service representative (An employee who provides service to the customers of the organization or business unit through the opening and resolution of cases, among other activities)
record di servizioservice record (A category of data in the Internet Domain Name System that specifies information on available services. The SRV record is used to locate domain controllers for Active Directory)
requisito del servizioservice requirement (A design option that, if it is changed, requires the service to be redeployed)
requisito di qualità del servizioquality of service requirement (A type of work item that records a constraint on the system such as performance, load, stress, security mechanism, or platform. These requirements do not describe functionality but rather constraints on that functionality)
richiesta di servizioservice request (A request from a customer for a service)
ripristino del serviziorestoration of service (The process of bringing service back online after data corruption, hardware or software failure, or disaster by either recovering data and settings or rebuilding a component in order to make its functionality available to users)
ripristino del serviziorestoration of service (The process of bringing service back online after data corruption, hardware or software failure, or disaster by either recovering data and settings or rebuilding a component in order to make its functionality available to users)
servizi commercialibusiness services (For-fee services that are available on the Microsoft Small Business Center Web site)
servizi WebWeb services (Protocols that enable computers to work together by exchanging messages. Web services are based on the standard protocols of XML, SOAP and WSDL, which allow them to interoperate across platforms and programming languages, including the ability to manage federated identities and security)
servizio Access EdgeAccess Edge service (A service that runs on Lync Server that resides in the perimeter network and routes instant messaging (IM) and presence information from external users to internal users)
Servizio Agente distribuzione WebWeb Deployment Agent Service (A Windows service that enables you to perform MS Deploy operations such as dump and sync over a network. By default, the remote service runs by using the Network Service account)
Servizio Agente distribuzione Web MicrosoftMicrosoft Web Deployment Agent Service (A Windows service that enables you to perform MS Deploy operations such as dump and sync over a network. By default, the remote service runs by using the Network Service account)
servizio Agente protezione dati DPMDPM File Agent service (The component of DPM that synchronizes replicas of protected volumes with the data sources. The DPM File Agent service receives changes to protected data from the file servers and applies the changes to the replicas on the DPM server)
servizio agente protezione DPMDPM protection agent service (The component of DPM that synchronizes replicas of protected data with the data sources. The DPM protection agent service receives changes to protected data from the servers and applies the changes to the replicas on the DPM server)
Servizio aggiornamento destinatariRecipient Update Service (A service that updates the recipient objects within a domain with specific types of information)
Servizio analisiAnalytics Service (The service that performs analytics processing for search in SharePoint)
servizio Annuncio conferenzaConferencing Announcement service (A unified communications application that plays tones and prompts on certain actions, such as when conference participants enter or leave a conference, and when participants are muted or unmuted. This service is automatically installed and activated by default when you deploy a Conferencing workload and select the dial-in conferencing option)
Servizio Annuncio conferenzaConference Announcement Service (The service that implements in-conference services for multiple PSTN users at the same time. For example, it can be used to play an entry or exit tone to multiple PSTN users at the same time)
Servizio AntigenAntigen Service (The configuration and monitoring agent on the server to which the Antigen Administrator connects)
servizio APM di gestione di System CenterSystem Center Management APM service (A service that processes events collected from the monitored systems)
servizio assistitoassisted service (A service for which an employee requires assistance from another person, such as a call center)
Servizio attivazione di Windows Rights ManagementRM activation service (The Microsoft service responsible for placing a secure repository on an end user's computer)
servizio Attivazione processo WindowsWindows Process Activation service (A service that provides process activation, resource management, and health management services for message-activated applications)
servizio autonomoself service (A service that an employee can complete independently, such as completing an online address change form)
servizio A/V Conferencing EdgeA/V Conferencing Edge service (An Office Communications Server that resides in the perimeter network and provides a single trusted point through which media traffic can traverse NATs and firewalls)
servizio AvvisiAlerter service (A service used by the server and other services to notify selected users and computers of administrative alerts that occur on a computer)
servizio aziendalebusiness service (A collection of features and functions that enable a business process, including configuration items, metadata, and the people associated with the process)
servizio BlobBlob service (The data management service in Windows Azure Storage for storing large amounts of unstructured data that can be accessed from anywhere via HTTP or HTTPS)
servizio Browser di computerComputer Browser service (A service that maintains an up-to-date list of computers that share resources on your network and that supplies the list to programs that request it. The Computer Browser service is used to view a list of available network resources)
Servizio cache tipi di carattereFont Cache Service (A Win32 service process that optimizes performance of applications by caching commonly used font data. Applications will start this service if it is not already running. It can be disabled, though doing so will degrade application performance)
Servizio cache tipi di carattere di WindowsWindows Font Cache Service (A Win32 service process that optimizes performance of applications by caching commonly used font data. Applications will start this service if it is not already running. It can be disabled, though doing so will degrade application performance)
servizio certificazione accountaccount certification service (A Windows RMS Web service that creates and distributes RM account certificates)
servizio clienticustomer service (A wide variety of activities intended to ensure that customers receive the goods and services they require to satisfy their needs or wants in the most effective and efficient manner possible)
servizio clienticustomer service center (A business department that deals with routine inquiries and complaints from customers)
servizio cloudcloud service (An instance of the Cloud Services offer that consists of packaged software programming and configuration settings and is hosted on virtual machines based on web and worker roles)
Servizio clusterCluster service (The essential software component that controls all aspects of server cluster or failover cluster operation and manages the cluster configuration database)
servizio condiviso di integrazione applicativa dei datiBusiness Data Connectivity Shared Service (A shared service in Windows SharePoint Services and SharePoint Server that provides a means for storing, securing, and administering external content types and related objects)
Servizio configurazione automatica reti cablateWired AutoConfig Service (A system service that provisions local area network (LAN) Ethernet adapters with the security and connectivity settings that are required for Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 802.1X authenticated IEEE 802.3 wired access)
servizio ConnectConnect service (The networking service in Windows Azure that enables secure, IP-level network connectivity between a customer's on-premises IT resources and their cloud service deployments)
servizio Controllo di ammissione di chiamatacall admission control (A service that manages media quality over a wide area network (WAN) connection by either rerouting traffic or by denying connection requests when bandwidth is approaching saturation)
Servizio Controllo ortografiaSpelling Service (A Web service that provides spelling checker functionality)
Servizio Copia Shadow del volumeVSS (A Windows Server 2003 technology that supports creation of single point-in-time shadow copies - also known as snapshots - of single or multiple volumes without impacting file server performance. Volume Shadow Copy Service also supports backups of open files)
Servizio Copia Shadow del volumeVolume Shadow Copy Service (A Windows Server 2003 technology that supports creation of single point-in-time shadow copies - also known as snapshots - of single or multiple volumes without impacting file server performance. Volume Shadow Copy Service also supports backups of open files)
Servizio criteri di diagnosticaDPS (A service in Windows that improve reliability by detecting impending failures and taking action to handle them by either initiating automatic corrective action or logging the appropriate diagnostic information for later root cause analysis, and/or notifying the user of an impending failure)
Servizio criteri di diagnosticaDiagnostic Policy Service (A service in Windows that improve reliability by detecting impending failures and taking action to handle them by either initiating automatic corrective action or logging the appropriate diagnostic information for later root cause analysis, and/or notifying the user of an impending failure)
servizio Crittografia posta elettronicaEncrypted E-mail service (A feature that enables customers who subscribe to the Hosted Encryption service to send and receive encrypted e-mail messages by using the Zero Download Messenger Web site)
servizio del dominiodomain service (A service that encapsulates the business logic of an application. It exposes a set of related domain operations in a service layer)
servizio dell'applicazioneapplication service (In ASP.NET, built-in functionality for common application tasks. ASP.NET includes application services for authentication (ASP.NET membership), persistent per-user information (profile properties), and more)
servizio dell'applicazione clientclient application service (In Windows-based applications, built-in functionality to access ASP.NET application services for common application tasks, including remote login, roles, and application settings)
servizio dell'applicazione Windows Communication FoundationWindows Communication Foundation application service (An application service such as authentication, profile properties, or roles, that can be accessed by any non-ASP.NET application that can read and send messages in SOAP format. WCF services enable different types of applications to share common data, such as user credentials for logging in)
servizio Desktop virtuale personalePersonal Virtual Desktop service (A service that allows users to connect to their own, personally assigned virtual desktops)
servizio di accesso ai dati di System CenterSystem Center Data Access service (A Windows service that runs on the management servers in each management group, and that allows client applications to access Operations Manager data and functionality)
Servizio di accesso remotoRemote Access Service (Windows software that allows a user to gain remote access to the network server via a modem)
Servizio di accodamentoQueue service (The data management service in Windows Azure Storage for storing large numbers of messages that can be accessed via HTTP or HTTPS)
servizio di aggiornamento Motore regole di businessRules Engine Update service (A service that performs dynamic policy updates)
servizio di analisi businessbusiness analytics service (The category of services in Windows Azure that includes SQL StreamInsight, SQL Reporting, and Hadoop)
servizio di archiviazione sicuraSecure Store Service (The shared service that securely stores credential sets for external data sources and associates those credential sets to identities of individuals or to group identities. This service can be used to support a variety of solutions. For example, the stored credentials can be leveraged by certain applications to enable single sign-on)
Servizio di assistenza macchina virtualeVirtual Machine Helper service (A service of Virtual Server that allows you to run a virtual machine in the context of a specified user account. The virtual machine is started in that user account's context, and uses it for accessing network resources. Virtual machine scripts also run in this user account's context)
servizio di autenticazioneauthentication service (A service provided by an operating system or underlying subsystem (like Microsoft Internet Information Services) that provides a means to authenticate users, typically using a user name and password. Part of the general security system, authentication services can also be offered at the application layer)
Servizio di biometria WindowsWindows Biometric Service (A privileged Windows service that interfaces with biometric hardware through the Windows Biometric Driver Interface, and manages the capture, matching and storage of biometric data, and exposes this capability to applications through the Windows Biometric API)
servizio di cachingcaching service (The category of services in Windows Azure that includes Content Delivery Network (CDN), InMem Cache, and Caching)
Servizio di calcolo ProjectProject Calculation Service (A scheduling engine for Project Server that enables automated project updates and scheduling that is similar to that in Project Professional)
Servizio di categorizzazione dati ed elementi consigliati MicrosoftMicrosoft Data Categorization and Recommendation Service (A feature in the PowerPivot add-in for Excel that identifies the categories of data in your Excel workbook (such as cities, sports teams, or animals), sends those data categories online to Microsoft, and recommends other sets of similar data that might interest you)
servizio di comunicazionicommunications service (The program that runs the server through which Communicator connects with other users)
Servizio di condivisione calendari su Office OnlineOffice Online Sharing Service (A service that allows users to share calendars through an Office Online website)
Servizio di condivisione in rete Windows Media PlayerWindows Media Player Network Sharing Service (A method for exposing a media library hosted in Windows Media Player to various media renderer devices on the local network)
servizio di conferenzaconferencing service (An internally or externally hosted service for users to host multiparty conferences from their computers)
Servizio di controllo di accessoAccess Control Service (The Windows Azure service that provides federated authentication and rules-driven, claims-based authorization for REST Web services)
servizio di creazione reportreporting service (A service provided by an application or underlying database subsystem, for example, SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS), that enables rapid development of reports based on underlying data sources)
servizio di distribuzione pacchettipacket distribution service (The Web service that issues provisioning packets to the computer enabled by FlexGo technology based on the client's certificate and hardware version. The Web service also updates the distribution database to delete the downloaded packet)
Servizio di elaborazione dei vincoliConstraint Service (A service responsible for answering HWS constraints-related querying by evaluating constraint clauses that are based on facts provided by the fact store manager and the relevant fact retrievers)
servizio di flusso di lavoroworkflow service (A WCF service that is implemented as a workflow. The workflow contains messaging activities that send and receive WCF messages)
servizio di gestione ACSACS management service (A Representational State Transfer (REST) Web service that enables programmatic management of an ACS namespace, using the Open Data (OData) protocol)
Servizio di gestione automatizzata dei creditiBankgiro Receivables A complete deposit service product from BankGiroCentrolen, which provides accounts receivable and deposit handling support for organizations that use it (Svezia)
Servizio di gestione Connessione RemoteApp e desktopRemoteApp and Desktop Connection Management (A Windows Server role service for Remote Desktop Services (i.e. a RD subrole) that houses the assignment, connection handling, and execution designation policy, thus defining the contents and availability of a remote workspace)
servizio di gestione datidata management service (The category of services in Windows Azure that includes SQL Database, Blob, Table, and Queue services)
Servizio di gestione dei cubiCube Build Service (A service that manages the OLAP cubes for Project Server reporting)
Servizio di gestione del lavoroWork Management Service (A SharePoint shared service that aggregates tasks that systems such as SharePoint, Project Server, and Exchange assign to users)
Servizio di gestione delle chiaviKMS (A Windows role service installed on a KMS host to issue and validate volume software licenses to local computers, enabling individual computers on a network to validate their software licenses locally rather than with Microsoft)
Servizio di gestione delle chiaviKey Management Service (An optional Microsoft Exchange 2000 Server component that is installed on a designated server in an administrative group. It provides centralized administration and archival of private keys, and maintains every user s private encryption key in an encrypted database. The keys are used for encrypting e-mail messages and signing messages with digital signatures)
Servizio di gestione delle chiaviKey Management Service (An optional Microsoft Exchange 2000 Server component that is installed on a designated server in an administrative group. It provides centralized administration and archival of private keys, and maintains every user s private encryption key in an encrypted database. The keys are used for encrypting e-mail messages and signing messages with digital signatures)
servizio di gestione delle identitàidentity service (The category of services in Windows Azure that includes Windows Azure Active Directory)
Servizio di gestione directoryDirectory Management Service (A service used to manage distribution lists)
servizio di hosting DNSDNS hosting service (A service that runs Domain Name System (DNS) servers. Most, but not all, domain name registrars include DNS hosting service with registration)
servizio di hosting WebWeb hosting service (A wide variety of activities that provide computer and communication facilities to businesses or individuals, especially for use in creating Web and electronic commerce sites. A Web host provides such services as news, mail, or data to computers that connect to it. A Web host can provide high-speed access to the Internet, redundant power and data storage, and 24-hour maintenance at a lower cost than implementing the same services independently)
servizio di individuazione automaticaAutodiscover service (A service that returns server configuration information for a mobile device or other client using only the user's SMTP e-mail address and password)
servizio di informazioniinformation service (A group of settings that enable you to send, store, and receive e-mail, and that define how to store and use addresses. You can have multiple information services in one user profile)
servizio di inoltro dati di controllo di System CenterSystem Center Audit Forwarding service (The service that is used by an Operations Manager agent to be an Audit Collection Services (ACS) forwarder, which sends information about security events to the management server that is acting as the ACS collector when Audit Collection is enabled)
servizio di integrazioneintegration service (The category of services in Windows Azure that includes Service Bus, Workflow, and EAI)
servizio di integrazione applicativa dei datiBusiness Data Connectivity service (A shared service in Windows SharePoint Services and SharePoint Server that provides a means for storing, securing, and administering external content types and related objects)
servizio di linguaggiolanguage service (A service in Visual Studio that provides language-specific support for editing source code in the integrated development environment (IDE))
Servizio di marketing via posta elettronicaE-Mail Marketing Service (An online service for your Marketing Campaign that allows you to acquire and manage e-mail lists, and to track the results)
servizio di modificaedit service (A reusable component that provides a specific editing function, such as selecting User Interface (UI) elements)
servizio di monitoraggio dei sensorisensor monitoring service (A Windows service that supports screen rotation, screen brightness, and the inbox location provider. Windows 8 starts this service whenever it detects one of the corresponding sensors or when a user launches a location-aware app)
Servizio di notifica eventi di sistemaSystem Event Notification Services (An event publisher for various system events)
Servizio di notifica SPPSPP Notification Service (A Windows service that provides software licensing activation and notification)
servizio di pagamentopayment service (A service that provides the secure transfer of payment from a customer to a supplier for goods or services)
Servizio di protezione MicrosoftMicrosoft Protection Service (A firewall engine installed and managed by Windows Live OneCare as part of its subscription service)
servizio di provisioningProvisioning Service (Part of the Provisioning Server that implements the Provisioning Server's business logic)
servizio di recapito della postamail delivery service (A type of information service used to configure Outlook (and other messaging programs) to send and receive e-mail. For example, with an Internet mail delivery service you send and receive messages over the Internet in Outlook)
Servizio di registrazione unificatoUnified Logging Service (An instrumentation and logging platform that provides monitoring, reporting and log viewing capabilities for Office servers and services)
Servizio di registrazione unificatoULS (An instrumentation and logging platform that provides monitoring, reporting and log viewing capabilities for Office servers and services)
servizio di retenetwork service (A service, such as file and printer sharing on your computer or automatic backup to a network server)
servizio di retenetworking service (The category of services in Windows Azure that includes Virtual Networks, Windows Azure Connect, and Traffic Manager)
servizio di riconoscimento presenza in reteNLA2 (A service of Windows Vista that collects network information available to Windows on behalf of applications and enables them to easily and effectively adapt to changes in network environments)
servizio di riconoscimento presenza in retenetwork location awareness service (A service of Windows Vista that collects network information available to Windows on behalf of applications and enables them to easily and effectively adapt to changes in network environments)
servizio di sincronizzazione AzureAzure Sync Service (The synchronization service running behind the Azure Sync Portal)
servizio di testotext service (A program that enables a user to enter or edit text. Text services include keyboard layouts, handwriting and speech recognition programs, and Input Method Editors (IMEs). IMEs are used to enter East Asian language characters with a keyboard)
servizio di trasferimento dati a pacchettopacket data service (A Windows service for transferring data over mobile networks)
servizio di verifica indirizzoAVS (The service that is provided by a credit card processor that validates that the billing address provided by a card holder matches the information on file with the issuing bank)
servizio di verifica indirizzoaddress verification service (The service that is provided by a credit card processor that validates that the billing address provided by a card holder matches the information on file with the issuing bank)
servizio di WindowsWindows service (A service designed for consumers that runs on Windows or in a web browser)
servizio directorydirectory service (A service that provides access to data and objects in a directory or network environment)
Servizio dischi virtualiVirtual Disk Service (A set of application programming interfaces (APIs) that provides a single interface for managing disks. VDS uses two sets of providers to manage storage devices. The built-in VDS software providers enable the management of disks and volumes at the operating system level. The VDS hardware providers enable the management of disk storage subsystems and are supplied by the hardware vendor)
servizio DisponibilitàAvailability service (A service that improves information workers' free/busy data by providing secure, consistent, and up-to-date free/busy information to computers that are running Microsoft Office Outlook 2007. By default, this service is installed with Exchange 2007)
Servizio distribuzione chiavi di gruppoGroup Key Distribution Service (An Active Directory Domain Services service that provides cryptographic keys that correspond to arbitrary sets of security principals in AD DS to users who are authorized to access those keys)
Servizio distribuzione chiavi di gruppoGKDS (An Active Directory Domain Services service that provides cryptographic keys that correspond to arbitrary sets of security principals in AD DS to users who are authorized to access those keys)
Servizio distribuzione chiavi di gruppo MicrosoftMicrosoft Group Key Distribution Service (An Active Directory Domain Services service that provides cryptographic keys that correspond to arbitrary sets of security principals in AD DS to users who are authorized to access those keys)
servizio DPMDPM service (The core component of DPM. The DPM service manages all core DPM operations, including replica creation, synchronization, and shadow copy creation)
servizio DPM WriterDPM Writer service (A service that manages backup shadow copies of DPM replicas, and backups of the DPM and Report databases, for purposes of data archival. The DPM Writer service is invoked by the DpmBackup command-line tool)
Servizio elementi consigliatiRecommendation Service (A feature in the PowerPivot add-in for Excel that identifies the categories of data in your Excel workbook (such as cities, sports teams, or animals), sends those data categories online to Microsoft, and recommends other sets of similar data that might interest you)
servizio elenco indirizzi bloccati in tempo realereal-time block list service (The business that compiles and distributes lists of IP addresses from which spam has originated in the past)
servizio elenco indirizzi bloccati in tempo realeRBL service (The business that compiles and distributes lists of IP addresses from which spam has originated in the past)
servizio elenco indirizzi IP consentitiIP Allow List provider service (A business that compiles and distributes lists of IP addresses that are known not to have sent spam in the past)
servizio Espansione gruppoGroup Expansion service (A service that expands distribution groups so that members of a group can be viewed individually)
Servizio federativoFS (An installable role service of Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS) that is used to create a federation server. When it is installed, the Federation Service provides tokens in response to requests for security tokens. Multiple federation servers can be configured to provide fault tolerance and load balancing for a single Federation Service)
Servizio federativoFederation Service (An installable role service of Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS) that is used to create a federation server. When it is installed, the Federation Service provides tokens in response to requests for security tokens. Multiple federation servers can be configured to provide fault tolerance and load balancing for a single Federation Service)
servizio fornitosupplied service (A service that an employee receives without taking action or requesting assistance, such as automatic payroll deposit)
servizio forzatoforced service (In a database mirroring session, a failover initiated by the database owner upon the failure of the principal server that transfers service to the mirror database while it is in an unknown state. Data may be lost)
servizio Full-TextFull-Text service (The SQL Server component that performs the full-text querying)
Servizio genericoGeneric Service (A resource type in a failover cluster or server cluster that supports a service that was not originally designed to run on a cluster)
Servizio genericoGeneric Service (A resource type in a failover cluster or server cluster that supports a service that was not originally designed to run on a cluster)
Servizio Gestione avanzata Criteri di gruppoAGPM Service (A Windows service that enables Advanced Group Policy Management (AGPM) clients to manage deployed and archived Group Policy objects (GPOs) and enforces delegation in AGPM)
Servizio gestione credenzialiCredential Vault Service (A behind-the-scene service that is part of Credential Manager and that actually does the work of creating and managing user credentials to allow users to log on across machines and sites)
servizio Gestione flussi di lavoroWorkflow Management service (A Windows service that manages the execution of instance control commands, the recovery of workflow service hosts, and the resumption of instances in the event of expired timers)
Servizio gestione licenze softwareSoftware Licensing Service (A service which provides an infrastructure that enforces a software license policy based on trusted platform module; thus, enabling secure licensing to, and only to, the license holder)
Servizio gestione licenze softwareSLS (A service which provides an infrastructure that enforces a software license policy based on trusted platform module; thus, enabling secure licensing to, and only to, the license holder)
Servizio Gestione WebWeb Management Service (A service that enables remote and delegated management of a Web server and its Web sites and applications)
Servizio Gestione Web IISIIS Web Management Service (A service that enables remote and delegated management of a Web server and its Web sites and applications)
Servizio grafica di VisioVisio Graphics Service (A Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 service application that allows users to share and view Visio web drawings using Visio Services. The service application also enables data-connected Microsoft Visio 2010 web drawings to be refreshed and updated from a variety of data sources)
servizio Gruppo di continuitàUPS service (A service that manages an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) connected to a computer)
servizio Hosted BlackBerryHosted BlackBerry service (A separately-purchased service available to Exchange Online and Business Productivity Online Standard Suite customers who need support for a range of BlackBerry(R) Enterprise Server capabilities, including wireless access to people and information on the go, and advanced security features)
servizio IM ConferencingIM Conferencing service (A service that runs on a Lync Server or Office Communications Server front-end server to mix and manage inputs from multiple clients in a multiparty instant messaging (IM) session)
Servizio Informazioni applicazioniApplication Information Service (A system service that facilitates starting applications that require one or more elevated privileges to run, such as Administrative Tasks. When user requires elevated privileges to run an application and gives consent, AIS creates a new process for the application with the user's full access token)
Servizio Informazioni applicazioniAIS (A system service that facilitates starting applications that require one or more elevated privileges to run, such as Administrative Tasks. When user requires elevated privileges to run an application and gives consent, AIS creates a new process for the application with the user's full access token)
servizio Informazioni percorsoLocation Information service (A web service that manages a table of network elements and locations for use by clients of Enhanced 9-1-1 (E9-1-1))
Servizio informazioni sullo stato di Microsoft SharePoint ServerMicrosoft SharePoint Server State Service (A SharePoint Server service that maintains temporary state information for InfoPath Forms Services)
servizio integrità di gestione di System CenterSystem Center Management Health service (The Windows-based service responsible for executing management packs as part of the Operations Manager agent and server components)
Servizio integrità radiceRoot Health Service (A Root Management Server component that performs state correlation based on state change data coming from other management servers)
Servizio interfaccia guest Hyper-VHyper-V Guest Interface Service (The service that provides a mechanism to interact with a virtual machine from the management interfaces on a host system)
servizio InternetInternet service (One of any of a number of technologies for making information accessible to users over the Internet. Each Internet service is defined by a protocol, such as Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), and each is enabled using client/server applications, such as Web browsers and Web servers. Internet protocols are defined in the Request for Comments (RFC) documents that are published by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF))
servizio InternetInternet service (One of any of a number of technologies for making information accessible to users over the Internet. Each Internet service is defined by a protocol, such as Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), and each is enabled using client/server applications, such as Web browsers and Web servers. Internet protocols are defined in the Request for Comments (RFC) documents that are published by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF))
Servizio Internet BlackBerryBlackBerry Internet Service (A subscription service that enables e-mail synchronization for BlackBerry(R) devices)
servizio lablab service (A Team Foundation Server Web service used to manage virtual environments)
Servizio licenze Desktop remotoRemote Desktop Licensing (A Remote Desktop Services role service that manages the Remote Desktop Services client access licenses (RDS CALs). RD Licensing installs, issues, and monitors the availability of RDS CALs on a Remote Desktop license server by using RD Licensing Manager)
Servizio licenze Desktop remotoRD Licensing (A Remote Desktop Services role service that manages the Remote Desktop Services client access licenses (RDS CALs). RD Licensing installs, issues, and monitors the availability of RDS CALs on a Remote Desktop license server by using RD Licensing Manager)
servizio line-of-businessLOB service (A service that exposes access to LOB data sources)
servizio line-of-businessline-of-business service (A service that exposes access to LOB data sources)
servizio localelocal service (A service that performs a specific function for other local processes on the computer)
servizio MARSmulticast address resolution service (A service for resolving multicast IP addresses to the asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) addresses of the clients that have joined that multicast group. MARS can work in conjunction with the multicast server (MCS) and clients to distribute multicast data through point-to-multipoint connections)
Servizio Messaggistica unificata di Microsoft ExchangeMicrosoft Exchange Unified Messaging Service (A service that implements Unified Messaging (UM) capabilities for UM-enabled users)
servizio MessengerMessenger service (A service that sends and receives messages sent by administrators or by the Alerter service)
Servizio metadatiMetadata Service (A Duet server component that facilitates the transfer of application metadata from the SAP system to the Duet client computer)
Servizio metadati DuetDuet Metadata Service (A Duet server component that facilitates the transfer of application metadata from the SAP system to the Duet client computer)
Servizio Microsoft Operations ManagerMicrosoft Operations Manager Service (The service that the Microsoft Operations Manager provides)
Servizio MOMMOM Service (The service that the Microsoft Operations Manager provides)
servizio Multi-Factor AuthenticationMulti-Factor Authentication Service (A service that places an automated phone call, sends a text message, or pushes a notification to the Multi-Factor Authentication app on the user's mobile device and processes the result)
Servizio online di risoluzione problemi di WindowsWindows Online Troubleshooting Service (An online service that is used by Microsoft and OEMs to post Windows Troubleshooting Packs for their customers to quickly resolve issues after Windows has shipped)
servizio PerformancePoint PlanningPerformancePoint Planning service (The Windows service that manages and processes the work item queue in Performance Planning Server. PerformancePoint Planning Server work items can include job and cube processing, data writebacks, and audit and trace logging)
servizio PowerPivotPowerPivot service (A middle tier service of the Analysis Services SharePoint integration feature that allocates requests, monitors server availability and health, and communicates with other services in the farm)
Servizio presentazioni OfficeOffice Presentation Service (A free online service that enables Office users to share presentations with people who view them on the web)
Servizio profilo linguaLanguage Profile Service (A Windows service that automatically manages user language preferences. Localized apps can inherit these settings, saving developers time and effort by making it unnecessary for applications to manage user language preferences on their own)
servizio provider elenco indirizzi IP bloccatiIP Block List provider service (The business that compiles and distributes lists of IP addresses from which spam has originated in the past)
servizio proxy Centro distribuzione chiaviKey Distribution Center proxy service (A service that runs on corporate network edge servers to proxy Kerberos protocol messages to domain controllers which are situated on the corporate network. This permits Kerberos authentication to edge services such as Remote Desktop Services Gateway or DirectAccess Server)
servizio proxy KDCKDC proxy service (A service that runs on corporate network edge servers to proxy Kerberos protocol messages to domain controllers which are situated on the corporate network. This permits Kerberos authentication to edge services such as Remote Desktop Services Gateway or DirectAccess Server)
servizio Pubblicazione centraleCentral Publishing service (A service within Remote Desktop Services responsible for aggregating RemoteApp programs and desktops that are published to end users from across the entire deployment. It ensure only users with appropriate rights can access published resources. The resources are used to display error messages that, for example, might say that the publishing service is unavailable. This can help the admin debug their deployment)
Servizio Pubblicazione sul WebWWW Publishing Service (The service that manages the IIS core components that process HTTP requests and configure and manage Web applications. Formerly known as W3SVC)
Servizio Pubblicazione sul WebWorld Wide Web Publishing Service (The service that manages the IIS core components that process HTTP requests and configure and manage Web applications. Formerly known as W3SVC)
Servizio QueryQuery Service (The web service exposed by the web front-end that allows a client program to execute queries)
servizio Registrazione dispositivi di reteNetwork Device Enrollment Service (In Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2008 R2 the Network Device Enrollment Service (NDES) is the Microsoft implementation of the Simple Certificate Enrollment Protocol (SCEP). There is also an add-on module for SCEP for Windows Server 2003 Certificate Services. NDES and the SCEP add-on provide support for the SCEP protocol which allows Cisco routers and other intermediate network devices to obtain certificates)
Servizio Registro applicazioniApplication Registry Service (A shared service in SharePoint Server that duplicates the Office SharePoint Server Business Data Catalog service. The Application Registry Service supports running solutions that are based on the SharePoint Server Business Data Catalog service)
servizio Registro eventiEvent Log service (A service that records events in the system, security, and application logs)
servizio Replica fileFRS (A service that provides multimaster file replication for designated directory trees between designated servers running Windows Server 2003. The designated directory trees must be on disk partitions formatted with the version of NTFS used with the Windows Server 2003 family. FRS is used by Distributed File System (DFS) to automatically synchronize content between assigned replicas and by Active Directory to automatically synchronize content of the system volume information across domain controllers)
servizio Replica filefile replication service (A service that provides multimaster file replication for designated directory trees between designated servers running Windows Server 2003. The designated directory trees must be on disk partitions formatted with the version of NTFS used with the Windows Server 2003 family. FRS is used by Distributed File System (DFS) to automatically synchronize content between assigned replicas and by Active Directory to automatically synchronize content of the system volume information across domain controllers)
servizio ReportServerReportServer service (The local report service that manages, executes, renders, schedules, and delivers DPM reports)
servizio Risponditore OCSPOCSP responder service (A service that is part of the Online Responder role service and that decodes a revocation status request for a specific certificate, evaluates the status of this certificate, and sends back a signed response containing the requested certificate status information)
servizio Risponditore onlineOnline Responder service (A service that is part of the Online Responder role service and that decodes a revocation status request for a specific certificate, evaluates the status of this certificate, and sends back a signed response containing the requested certificate status information)
servizio roamingroaming service (" A service for making calls outside the "home" service area defined by a service provider.")
Servizio roaming di OfficeOffice Roaming Service (A feature that helps keep a user's Office settings up to date across devices running Office)
Servizio RubricaAddress Book Service (A service that runs on an Office Communications Server Front End Server and daily synchronizes SIP user data on the client with refreshes from Active Directory)
servizio ruolorole service (A software program or logical collection of software programs that provide the functionality of a role)
servizio ruolo Risponditore onlineOnline Responder role service (A role service installed on a trusted server that receives and responds to individual client requests for information about the status of a certificate)
servizio Servizi utenteUser Services service (A Lync Server service that is used to help maintain presence information for users and to manage meetings and conferences)
servizio SMSSMS (A service for wireless products that allows users to send and receive brief messages consisting of text and numbers to and from mobile phones and devices)
servizio SQL AgentSQL Agent service (The SQL Server agent (SQLAgent$MICROSOFT$DPM$) that manages the DPM jobs schedule)
servizio SQL ServerSQL Server service (The SQL Server service that manages the DPM database)
servizio tabelleTable service (The data management service in Windows Azure Storage that stores large amounts of structured, non-relational data. The Table service is a NoSQL datastore that accesses authenticated calls from inside and outside Windows Azure)
servizio token di sicurezzaSTS (A Web service that issues security tokens. A security token service makes assertions based on evidence that it trusts to whoever trusts it. To communicate trust, this service requires proof, such as a security token or set of security tokens, and it issues a security token with its own trust statement. (Note that for some security token formats, this can simply be a reissuance or cosignature) In Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS), the Federation Service is a security token service)
servizio token di sicurezzasecurity token service (A Web service that issues security tokens. A security token service makes assertions based on evidence that it trusts to whoever trusts it. To communicate trust, this service requires proof, such as a security token or set of security tokens, and it issues a security token with its own trust statement. (Note that for some security token formats, this can simply be a reissuance or cosignature) In Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS), the Federation Service is a security token service)
Servizio UPHCleanUser Profile Hive Cleanup Service (A service that helps to ensure user sessions are completely terminated when a user logs off)
servizio Virtual Machine ManagementVirtual Machine Management service (The Hyper-V service that provides management access to virtual machines)
servizio Virtual Machine ManagerVirtual Machine Manager service (The software component that runs Virtual Machine Manager)
servizio WCFWCF service (An application service such as authentication, profile properties, or roles, that can be accessed by any non-ASP.NET application that can read and send messages in SOAP format. WCF services enable different types of applications to share common data, such as user credentials for logging in)
servizio WebWeb service (A unit of application logic providing data and services to other applications that can invoke Web protocols)
servizio Web abilitato per ADFSAD FS-enabled Web server (A Web server that is configured with the appropriate AD FS Web Agent software-either the claims-aware agent or the Windows token–based agent-which is necessary for authenticating and authorizing federated access to locally hosted, Web-based applications)
Servizio Web Business Scorecard Manager ServerBusiness Scorecard Manager Server Web service (An application programming interface (API) that provides the core functionality of Microsoft Office Business Scorecard Manager)
Servizio Web Connessione RemoteApp e desktopRemoteApp and Desktop Connection Web service (A Web service that is installed as a part of RAD Web Access to help client computers keep in sync with workspaces)
Servizio Web di informazioni sulle registrazioni di certificatiCertificate Enrollment Policy Web Service (A role service within the AD CS server role that enables users and computers to obtain certificate enrollment policy information even when the computer is not a member of a domain or if a domain-joined computer is temporarily outside the security boundary of the corporate network)
Servizio Web di monitoraggio di PerformancePoint ServerPerformancePoint Monitoring Server Web Service (A collection of application programming interfaces (APIs) that provide the core functionality of PerformancePoint Monitoring Server, connecting PerformancePoint Dashboard Designer to the Monitoring Server database, Dashboard Viewer for SharePoint, and data sources)
Servizio Web di PerformancePoint Planning ServerPerformancePoint Planning Server Web Service (The Web service that is used by Planning Business Modeler and PerformancePoint Add-in for Excel to interact with Planning Server. The Web service supports user authentication, authorization, and the storage and retrieval of information that resides in Planning Server)
servizio Web di pianificazionePlanning Web Service (The Web service that is used by Planning Business Modeler and PerformancePoint Add-in for Excel to interact with Planning Server. The Web service supports user authentication, authorization, and the storage and retrieval of information that resides in Planning Server)
Servizio Web di queryQuery Web Service (A Provisioning Server Web service that responds to customer service related queries from solution providers)
Servizio Web di registrazione certificatiCES (A role service within the AD CS server role that enables users and computers to enroll for and renew certificates even when the computer is not a member of a domain or if a domain-joined computer is temporarily outside the security boundary of the computer network)
Servizio Web di registrazione certificatiCertificate Enrollment Web Service (A role service within the AD CS server role that enables users and computers to enroll for and renew certificates even when the computer is not a member of a domain or if a domain-joined computer is temporarily outside the security boundary of the computer network)
Servizio Web di richiesteRequest Web Service (A Web service that accepts requests from solution providers to manage computers with FlexGo technology)
Servizio Web di risposteResponse Web Service (A Web service created by a solution provider to receive Provisioning Server responses)
servizio Web PowerPivotPowerPivot Web service (A Web service that performs request redirection for processing requests that are directed to a PowerPivot Engine service instance that is outside the farm)
servizio Web ReportServerReport Server Web service (A Web service that hosts, processes, and delivers reports)
servizio Web Web AnalyticsWeb Analytics Web Service (A service that processes analytics logging data about a SharePoint Server site and returns aggregated data)
servizio Web XMLXML Web service (A unit of application logic providing data and services to other applications that can invoke Web protocols)
servizio Windows Azure Multi-Factor AuthenticationWindows Azure Multi-Factor Authentication Service (A service that places an automated phone call, sends a text message, or pushes a notification to the Multi-Factor Authentication app on the user's mobile device and processes the result)
Servizio Windows InstallerWindows Installer service (A Microsoft Windows service that defines and manages a standard format for installing applications)
servizio writer SQLSQL Writer Service (A service that permits Windows backup programs to copy SQL Server data files through the Volume Shadow Copy Service framework, while SQL Server is running)
servizio WWWWWW service (The service that manages the IIS core components that process HTTP requests and configure and manage Web applications. Formerly known as W3SVC)
Stato del servizioService status (A UI element that links to a Web page that displays the condition and quality of the service)
tempo di risoluzione definito dal contratto di servizioservice level agreement time (The amount of time an alert can remain in an alert resolution state before it becomes a service level exception)
ticket di servizioservice ticket (A ticket issued by the Kerberos V5 ticket-granting service (TGS) that allows a user to authenticate to a specific service in the domain)
topologia del servizioservice topology (The number of instances of a role to run for a Windows Azure hosted service, as defined by the service configuration file)
unità di servizioallotment type (A unit of service, such as a case or a range of coverage dates, specified in a service contract that indicates how much access a customer has to customer service)
unità di servizioallotment (A portion or unit of something that has been reserved for a particular use)
Unità di servizio rimanentiAllotments Remaining (A field in the contract line dialog where the user enters the number of allotments remaining)
unità di servizio rimanentiallotment remaining (The number of units of allotted service that remain in the service contract)
Unità di servizio utilizzateAllotments Used (A field in the contract line dialog where the user enters the number of allotments used)
unità di servizio utilizzateallotment used (The number of units of allotted service that have been used)