
Terms for subject Microsoft containing ricezione | all forms | exact matches only
adapter di ricezionereceive adapter (An adapter that listens to a protocol-specific address for an incoming message. When the message is received, the receive adapter sends the message through the receive pipeline to eventually be persisted to the MessageBox database. A send adapter accepts a message from a send pipeline and sends it to the send port)
adapter di ricezione isolatoisolated receive adapter (The receive adapter that is hosted in a process other than a BizTalk Server process. This adapter is created and controlled by external process and it registers with BizTalk server at run time to submit messages)
gruppo di invio/ricezioneSend/Receive group (E-mail accounts and folders that you can group and set common options for, such as whether to download headers or messages, size limits on downloaded messages, behavior online vs. offline, and time interval for connecting to the server)
notifica sulla ricezione del messaggiomessage disposition notification (A request for disposition information from a recipient after a message has been successfully delivered. The information might include whether the message was displayed, printed, or deleted without display, or if a recipient refused to send notification)
notifica sulla ricezione del messaggioMDN (A request for disposition information from a recipient after a message has been successfully delivered. The information might include whether the message was displayed, printed, or deleted without display, or if a recipient refused to send notification)
opzione Invia notifica alla ricezione di nuova posta indesiderataNotify when new spam is received option (The check box that has users receive periodic e-mail reminders to review their newly filtered spam mail)
porta di ricezionereceive port (A logical grouping of similar receive locations)
ricezione falsi positivi in copiafalse-positive submission copy (" The capability for users to enter a specific e-mail address to receive a copy of every message submitted as a "false positive," a message that is identified as spam when it is not. ")