
Terms containing portale | all forms | exact matches only
med.ascesso piemico portaleportal pyemic abscess
commun., transp.cabina a portalebridge signal box
transp., construct.carreggiata sopraelevata con sostegni a portale ripiegabileelevated roadway with collapsible portal frames
transp., industr.carrello a portalestacking straddle carrier
transp., industr.carrello a portalevan carrier
transp., industr.carrello a portaletimber carrier
transp., industr.carrello a portalestraddle truck
industr.carrello a portalestraddle carrier
transp.carro a portalegantry wagon
construct.casseratura mobile di tipo a portaleportal-type travelling formwork
med.circolazione portaleportal circulation
construct.controvento a portaletransverse bracing by rigid frame
construct.edificio con ossatura a portale in acciaiosteel framed portal type building
transp.elevatore a portalevan-carrier
transp.elevatore a portalegantry-lift
construct.fabbricato a sei piani sospeso a grossi portali di acciaiosix-storey building hanging from large steel trusses
construct.falso portalefalse portal
construct.fissaggio dei pannelli sui portalifixing panels to portal frames
transp., industr.gru a portalestraddle carrier
transp., industr.gru a portalevan carrier
transp., industr.gru a portaletimber carrier
mech.eng., construct.gru a portalegantry crane
mech.eng., construct.gru a portaleportal crane
transp., industr.gru a portalestraddle truck
transp., industr.gru a portalestacking straddle carrier
mech.eng.gru a portale di scaricotransporter crane
industr.gru a portale mobilemobile lifting frame
mech.eng.gru a portale mobile su pneumaticimobile lifting frame on tyred wheels
transp.gru a portale per combustibilifuel-distributing frame
transp.gru a portale per sabbiasand frame
transp.gru a portale per scorieslag-removing frame
transp.gruista portalem/fdockyard crane operator m/f
mech.eng.incastellatura a portalestirrup frame
mech.eng.incastellatura a portaleportal-type frame
med.ipertensione portaleportal hypertension
med.ipertensione portale idiopaticaidiopathic portal hypertension
med.ipertensione portale postsinusoidalepostsinusoidal portal hypertension
med.ipertensione portale presinusoidalepresinusoidal portal hypertension
met.macchina d'ossitaglio a portaleportal cutting machine geometry
met.macchina d'ossitaglio a portalecutting machine
met.macchina d'ossitaglio a portale con due aree di tagliodouble portal cutting machine
met.macchina d'ossitaglio a portale munita di braccio porta-cannelli a sbalzoportal cantilever cutting machine
nucl.phys.monitore di radiazione a portaleradiation portal monitor
med.pioemia portalesuppurative pylephlebitis
med.pioemia portaleportal pyemia
construct.ponte a portale rigidorigid frame bridge
construct.portale a due cernieretwo-hinged frame
construct.portale a tre cernierethree-hinged frame
comp., MSPortale aziendale dei Microsoft Online ServicesMicrosoft Online Services My Company Portal (The Web site provided by Microsoft Online Services for end users to access company services)
comp., MSportale aziendale, Enterprise Portalenterprise portal (A Web site that provides a single point of entry for internal and external users of an organization to access a wide variety of business information)
comp., MSportale del progettoproject portal (The site used to store and present non-code work products and reports for a team project)
comp., MSportale del progetto teamteam project portal (The Windows SharePoint Services (WSS) site for each team project. A team project portal allows team members to store and share documents, reports, and information related to a specific team project)
construct.portale della galleriatunnel portal
busin.portale delle destinazioni turistiche europeeEuropean Tourist Destinations Portal
met.portale di ammaraggio di ferrovie elettrichestrain portal of electric railways
comp., MSportale di assistenzastewardship portal (A feature of MDS that provides centralized control over master data, including members and hierarchies and enables data model administrators to ensure data quality by developing, reviewing, and managing data models and enforcing them consistently across domains)
transp., construct.portale di entrataentrance portal
comp., MSportale di gestioneManagement Portal (The secure Web portal for managing Windows Azure hosted applications and services)
comp., MSportale di gestione ACSACS management portal (A Web-based user interface that ACS administrators can use to manage the configuration settings of a specific ACS namespace)
comp., MSPortale di gestione dei servizi Microsoft LiveMicrosoft Live
comp., MSportale di gestione di Windows AzureWindows Azure Management Portal (The secure Web portal for managing Windows Azure hosted applications and services)
comp., MSPortale di gestione FlexGoFMP (A Web site used by customer service representatives and support personnel to perform administrative functions such as updating information for computers that are already in the system or creating batch updates)
comp., MSPortale di gestione FlexGoFlexGo Management Portal (A Web site used by customer service representatives and support personnel to perform administrative functions such as updating information for computers that are already in the system or creating batch updates)
comp., MSportale di gestione Multi-Factor AuthenticationMulti-Factor Authentication Management Portal (Used by administrators to manage company-wide Multi-Factor Authentication settings and view centralized usage reports)
comp., MSPortale di gestione per database SQL di Windows AzureManagement Portal for Windows Azure SQL Database (A web-based, lightweight database management tool for SQL Azure databases that supports database development tasks, schema modification, Transact-SQL, and extract/deploy operations with data-tier applications)
comp., MSportale di gestione Windows Azure Multi-Factor AuthenticationWindows Azure Multi-Factor Authentication Management Portal (Used by administrators to manage company-wide Multi-Factor Authentication settings and view centralized usage reports)
comp., MSPortale di Microsoft Office 365Microsoft Office 365 portal (The website through which administrators and partners purchase and manage Office 365 services and where users access and use Office 365 collaborative tools)
tech.portale di rilevamento delle radiazioniradiation portal monitor
tech.portale di rilevamento delle radiazioninuclear portal monitor
comp., MSportale di sincronizzazione AzureAzure Sync Portal (The web UI that you use to interact with the Azure Sync Service)
environ., construct.portale di transitoconnecting gate
transp., construct.portale di uscitaexit portal
ed., ITportale educativoeducation portal
transp., el.portale elasticoflexible cross-span suspension
transp., el.portale elasticoflexible gantry
transp., el.portale elasticoheadspan
transp., el.portale elasticohead span
transp., el.portale elasticoflexible cross-span suspension by means of wire or cable
el.tract.portale elasticohead-span suspension
empl.portale EURESEuropean Job Mobility portal
empl.portale EURESEURES
empl.portale EURESEURES Portal
law, ITportale europeo della giustiziaEuropean e-justice portal
law, ITportale europeo della giustiziaEuropean justice portal
law, ITportale europeo della giustizia elettronicaEuropean justice portal
law, ITportale europeo della giustizia elettronicaEuropean e-justice portal
empl.portale europeo della mobilità professionaleEURES Portal
empl.portale europeo della mobilità professionaleEuropean Job Mobility portal
empl.portale europeo della mobilità professionaleEURES
immigr.Portale europeo dell’immigrazioneImmigration Portal
immigr., ITportale europeo dell'immigrazioneEU Immigration Portal
obs.Portale europeo dell'innovazioneEuropean Innovation Portal
social.sc., ed., ITPortale europeo per i giovaniEuropean Youth Portal
construct.portale in acciaiogantry in structural steelwork
comp., MSportale Intranet Live MeetingLive Meeting intranet portal (A site on an intranet for creating and joining Live Meetings and that can be used as an option to a Web-based Live Meeting conference center)
comp., MSportale IT di Service ManagerService Manager IT portal (A Web interface designed for information technology (IT) managers and IT professionals so that they can view and manage incidents, changes, and assets. It can also be used to examine metrics and reports)
ed., commun.portale "mobilità""mobility" portal site
construct.portale multiplomulti-bay frame
transp.portale per combustibilifuel-distributing frame
comp., MSPortale per i clienti dei Microsoft Online ServicesMicrosoft Online Services Customer Portal (The Web site through which potential Microsoft Online Services customers can try, buy, and manage subscriptions to Microsoft Online Services)
transp., el.portale per la linea di contattogantry support for catenary
transp., el.portale per la linea di contattoarched catenary support
comp., MSPortale per la vendita dei Microsoft Online Services dedicato ai partnerMicrosoft Online Services Partner Sales Portal (The portal that Microsoft authorized partners use to set up trials and create quotes for paid subscriptions, which they then send to their customers)
transp.portale per sabbiasand frame
railw., sec.sys.portale per segnalisignal bridge
railw., sec.sys.portale per segnalisignal gantry
transp., el.portale rigidorigid portal structure
transp.portale segnaleticooverhead sign gantry
comp., MSPortale self-serviceSelf-Service Portal (A Web interface that is configured by an administrator so that end users can search knowledge, create requests, and read IT announcements)
comp., MSPortale self-service Virtual Machine ManagerVirtual Machine Manager Self-Service Portal (The Web site that users with the needed permissions and settings can use to manage their own virtual machines within a controlled environment. The Virtual Machine Manager administrator configures self-service policies to determine which users can use the self-service portal and what they can do)
pwr.lines.portale-Sostegno ad H"H" pole
pwr.lines.portale-Sostegno ad H"H" frame
pwr.lines.portale-Sostegno ad Hportal support
ed.portale sulle opportunità di apprendimento nello spazio europeoPortal on Learning Opportunities throughout the European Space
comp., MSportale utenti Multi-Factor AuthenticationMulti-Factor Authentication User Portal (Allows users to complete the Multi-Factor Authentication enrollment process and manage their settings, such as phone number and PIN, through a simple web interface)
comp., MSportale utenti Windows Azure Multi-Factor AuthenticationWindows Azure Multi-Factor Authentication User Portal (Allows users to complete the Multi-Factor Authentication enrollment process and manage their settings, such as phone number and PIN, through a simple web interface)
commun.portale verticalevertical portal
commun., ITportale verticalevertical industry portal
commun.portale verticalevortal
commun.portale verticaleverticle
commun.portale verticalevertal
commun.portale verticalespecialist portal
comp., MSportale Webweb portal (A user interface implemented by a software application via a component of a web server, such as IIS)
comp., MSportale Web per gestori di certificaticertificate manager Web portal (A Web application running on the Certificate Lifecycle Manager (CLM) server. This portal allows certificate administrators to administer other users' certificates and smart cards. The certificate subscriber and certificate manager Web portals are both accessed through the same universal resource locator (URL); however, the content displayed is based on a user's roles and permissions)
comp., MSportale Web per i sottoscrittori di certificaticertificate subscriber Web portal (A Web application running on the Certificate Lifecycle Manager (CLM) server. This component of the CLM server interacts directly with users in a self-service mode. The specific functionality is based upon Active Directory group memberships and permissions. The certificate subscriber and certificate manager Web portals are both accessed through the same universal resource locator (URL); however, the content displayed is based on a user's roles and permissions)
gen.portali in metallogates of metal
gen.portali non metallicigates not of metal
met., mech.eng.pressa a portaleportal press
mech.eng.recuperatore a portaleportal reclaimer
gen.robot con struttura a portalegantry robot
gen.robot portalegantry robot
commun.sacco portale per invii a data fissadatapost/bag
commun.sacco portale per invii a data fissadata postbag
met.scivolo del portale di torrerun way
transp.segnale a portaleoverhead gantry sign
transp.segnale a portaleoverhead sign gantry
transp.segnaletica stradale a portaleportal sign-signal gantry
med.sistema portaleportal system
med.sistema venoso portaleportal venous system
ITsito portaleportal site
comp., MSsito portaleportal site (A type of SharePoint site that provides the top-level Web view (home page and related pages) of the portal)
mech.eng.sostegno a portalestirrup frame
mech.eng.sostegno a portaleportal-type frame
med.spazio portale di Kiernaninterlobular space
med.spazio portale di Kiernanportal canal
med.spazio portale di KiernanKiernan's space
mech.eng.telaio a portalestirrup frame
mech.eng.telaio a portaleportal-type frame
comp., MSURL del portaleportal URL (An internal Web address for accessing Live Meeting Manager on an intranet)
med.vaso portaleportal vessel
med.vene portali ipofisariepolar veins of hypophysis (venae portales hypophysiales)