
Terms for subject Microsoft containing percorso | all forms | exact matches only
condivisione percorso datidata co-location (In DPM, a feature that enables protection of multiple data sources on a single volume or on the same tape. This allows you to store more data on each volume or tape)
metodo del percorso criticocritical path method (A project management method of calculating the total duration of a project based on individual task durations and their dependencies)
percorsi critici multiplimultiple critical paths (A series of tasks that must be completed on schedule for a project to finish on schedule. Identify and track multiple critical paths to be more effective in managing conditions that could affect your project's finish date)
percorsi multiplimultipathing (In storage technologies, a solution that increases availability and path failover by providing multiple paths from a server or cluster to a storage subsystem. In the event that the path being used fails, multipathing logic uses an alternate path for I/O so that applications can still access their data)
percorso animazionemotion path (The path that a specified object or text will follow as part of an animation sequence for a slide)
percorso assolutoabsolute path (A path to a file that begins with the drive identifier and root directory or with a network share and ends with the complete file name (for example, C:\docs\work\contract.txt or \\netshare\docs\work\contract.txt))
percorso attendibiletrusted location (A folder or file path on your computer or a location on your intranet from which it is safe to run code. Default trusted locations include the Templates, Addins, and Startup folders, and you can specify your own trusted locations)
percorso basebase location (A URL that you can specify for a Web page in order to convert all relative URLs on that page to absolute URLs)
percorso completorooted path (A sequence of folders (directories) that begins with a drive letter and colon (for example, C:) or a directory separator character (\) and leads to a specific file or folder)
percorso completofully qualified path (A path to a file that begins with the drive identifier and root directory or with a network share and ends with the complete file name (for example, C:\docs\work\contract.txt or \\netshare\docs\work\contract.txt))
percorso completofull path (In a hierarchical filing system, a path name containing all the possible components of a pathname, including the network share or drive and root directory, as well as any subdirectories and the file or object name)
percorso condivisioneshare path (The full name of a resource on a network in the format \\servername\sharename, which can include a directory path under the share name)
percorso criticocritical path (The series of activities that determines the duration of the project. In a deterministic model, the critical path is usually defined as those activities with float less than or equal to a specified value, often zero. It is the longest path through the project)
percorso del collegamentolink path (The descriptive form, or explicit connecting points, of referring to the location of a link source)
percorso della queryquery path (A string representation of a path that specifies which related objects to return when a typed object query is executed)
percorso dello script di accessologon script path (A sequence of directory names that specifies the location of the logon script. When a user logs on, the authenticating computer locates the specified logon script (if one has been assigned to that user account) by following that computer's local logon script path (usually systemroot\\\\System32\\\\Repl\\\\Import\\\\Scripts))
percorso dell'oggettoobject path (A formatted string used to access namespaces, classes, and instances. Each object on the system has a unique path that identifies it locally or over the network. Object paths are conceptually similar to Universal Resource Locators (URL))
percorso di archiviazione della configurazione clustercluster configuration storage location (The shared location (or shared storage location) where cluster configuration information is persisted. It can be a shared file or a database)
percorso di certificazionevalidation chain (A sequence of certificates, where each certificate in the sequence is signed by the subsequent certificate. The last certificate in the chain is normally a self-signed certificate)
percorso di certificazionecertification path (A sequence of certificates, where each certificate in the sequence is signed by the subsequent certificate. The last certificate in the chain is normally a self-signed certificate)
percorso di comunicazionecommunication pathway (An established connection between two endpoints, each on separate servers or zones. The connection may additionally be configured with appropriate communication protocols)
percorso di joinjoin path (A series of joins indicating how two tables are related)
percorso di navigazionebreadcrumb navigation (A form of navigation that shows the path to the current Web page)
percorso di recuperorecovery path (The sequence of data and log backups that have brought a database to a particular point in time (known as a recovery point). A recovery path is a specific set of transformations that have evolved the database over time, yet have maintained the consistency of the database. A recovery path describes a range of LSNs from a start point (LSN,GUID) to an end point (LSN,GUID). The range of LSNs in a recovery path can traverse one or more recovery branches from start to end)
percorso di retenetwork location (In a URL, a unique name that identifies an Internet server. A network location has two or more parts, separated by periods, as in microsoft.com)
percorso di riassegnazioneescalation path (A series of workflow escalation actions that can be taken to complete a workflow work item when it cannot be complete by the current assignee)
percorso file di loglog file path (The location of the log file on a computer)
percorso file relativorelative file location (An address that is relative to the active document or a hyperlink base)
percorso fisicophysical path (The physical location of a directory or file. May be either a path on the local computer or a universal naming convention (UNC) path on a remote computer)
percorso hosthost path (A sequence of host group names that specifies the location of a virtual machine host or host group within the hierarchy of host groups. All host paths begin with the root host group, Managed Computers)
percorso in clicclick-distance (The number of links between a content item and an authoritative page linking to the content item)
percorso in clicclick distance (The number of links between a content item and an authoritative page linking to the content item)
Percorso rapidoQuick Path (A control that provides the essential user interface needed for a task, making the interaction straightforward. This feature shows only the most most relevant and most often used information options in a simple format)
percorso relativorelative path (A path that is implied by the current working directory. When a user enters a command that refers to a file, if the full pathname is not entered, the current working directory becomes the relative path of the file referred to)
percorso UNCUNC path (The standard path to access network shares)
percorso virtualevirtual path (A sequence of names that is used to locate a file and that has the same form as a pathname in the file system but is not necessarily the actual sequence of directory names under which the file is located. The part of a URL that follows the server name is a virtual path. For example, if the directory c:\bar\sinister\forces\distance on the server miles is shared on the local area network at foo.com under the name \\miles\baz and contains the file elena.html, that file may be returned by a Web request for http://miles.foo.com/baz/elena.html)
server Informazioni percorsoLocation Information Server (A network node originally defined in the National Emergency Number Association i2 network architecture that addresses the intermediate solution for providing Enhanced 9-1-1 (E9-1-1) service for VoIP telephony users)
servizio Informazioni percorsoLocation Information service (A web service that manages a table of network elements and locations for use by clients of Enhanced 9-1-1 (E9-1-1))
visualizzazione Percorso criticoHot Path view (The Profiler Performance Report view that helps to automate the process of locating a performance bottleneck)