
Terms containing log | all forms | exact matches only
el.antenna log-periodicalog-periodic aerial
el.antenna log-periodicalog-periodic antenna
el.antenna log-periodicalog periodic
comp., MSbackup del loglog backup (A backup of transaction logs that includes all log records not backed up in previous log backups. Log backups are required under the full and bulk-logged recovery models and are unavailable under the simple recovery model)
comp., MSbackup della parte finale del logtail-log backup (A log backup taken from a possibly damaged database to capture the log that has not yet been backed up. A tail-log backup is taken after a failure in order to prevent work loss)
life.sc.carta log-normalelog-probability paper
life.sc.carta log-normalelog-normal paper
med., pharma., R&D.carta log-probitlogarithmic-probability paper
med., pharma., R&D.carta log-probitlog-probit paper
comp., MScatena di loglog chain (A continuous sequence of transaction logs for a database. A new log chain begins with the first backup taken after the database is created, or when the database is switched from the simple to the full or bulk-logged recovery model. A log chain forks after a restore followed by a recovery, creating a new recovery branch)
CNCdiagramma log-grandezzalog-magnitude plot
CNCdiagramma log-modulolog-modulus plot
math.distribuzione del log-chi-quadratolog-chi-squared distribution
math.distribuzione di log Flog F distribution
math.distribuzione di log gammalog gamma distribution
math.distribuzione log-logisticalog-logistic distribution
stat.distribuzione log-normaleGalton's distribution
stat.distribuzione log-normalelog-normal distribution
stat.distribuzione log-normalelognormal distribution
pharma.Distribuzione log-normaleLog-normal distribution
stat.distribuzione log-normalelogarithmic normal distribution
stat.distribuzione log-normalelog normal distribution
stat.distribuzione log-normaleGalton distribution
med.distribuzione log-normale dei valorilog-normal distribution of values
math.distribuzione log-normale discretadiscrete lognormal distribution
math.distribuzione log-zero di Poissonlog-zero-Poisson distribution
comp., MSfile di loglog file (A file that stores messages generated by an application, service, or operating system. These messages are used to track the operations performed. Log files are usually plain text (ASCII) files and often have a .log extension)
comp., MSfile di log virtualevirtual log file (Non-physical files that are derived from one physical log file by the SQL Server Database Engine)
math.limiti di tolleranza log convessolog convex tolerance limits
comp., MSlistener di loglog listener (A component that hooks up to a log object)
met.log acusticosonic log
comp., MSlog degli errorierror log (A file that lists errors that were encountered during an operation)
comp., MSlog della cronologiaHistory Log (The section in an Account, Business Contact, or Opportunity record that contains all items (such as phone logs, business notes, and e-mail messages) that are linked to the record)
comp., MSlog delle azioniaction log (A record of the actions that have been taken during the lifetime of an incident to resolve the incident. Examples include comments by the analyst, communications from the user, attachments, and task outputs)
comp., MSlog delle modifichechange log (The log where the quorum resource stores data. This data is maintained by the clustering software)
comp., MSlog dell'elemento di lavorowork item log (A log that lists the current notes you are typing and the uneditable historical conversation that has already been saved)
comp., MSlog di compilazionebuild log (The recorded text output of a Visual Studio build, often indicating command lines issued and status of each step in the build process. For a C++ build, this file is called BuildLog.htm)
comp., MSlog di controlloaudit log (The SQL Server database in which Microsoft Provisioning Framework (MPF) stores data about successful and failed transactions for which auditing is enabled)
comp., MSlog di controllo della cassetta postalemailbox audit log (A log that is generated for each mailbox that has mailbox audit logging enabled. Log entries are stored in the Audits subfolder of the audited mailbox Recoverable Items folder)
comp., MSlog di controllo dell'amministratoreadministrator audit log (An auditing record that records any action, based on a Windows PowerShell cmdlet, performed by an administrator. This can help the administrator troubleshoot configuration issues or identify the cause of security- or compliance-related problems)
comp., MSlog di telemetria di OfficeOffice Telemetry Log (A feature that displays an Office event log in Excel format and helps the user to find and resolve known compatibility issues for Office files and solutions)
comp., MSlog di tracciatrace log (The file that contains the information gathered during trace logging)
ITlog di transazioneusage log
ITlog di transazioneaccess logging
ITlog di transazioneaccess history keeping
life.sc., el.log elettricoelectrolog
life.sc., el.log elettricoelectric log
life.sc., el.log elettricoelectrical log
life.sc., el.log elettricoE-log
comp., MSlog gatherergatherer log (A log that is updated each time Microsoft Office SharePoint Portal Server updates a content index. Log entries contain data about URLs accessed while creating an index)
life.sc., el.log geofisicogeophysical log
commun., IT, engl.log inlog in
ITlog inlog-in
agric., construct.log linelog line
commun., ITlog onlog in
ITlog onlog-on
comp., MSlog operativooperational log (A log that contains information about operations carried out by a computer in the process of executing a program)
fin., work.fl.log relativo ai datireporting log
comp., MSlog write-aheadwrite-ahead log (A transaction logging method in which the log is always written prior to the data)
math.modello log-linearelog-linear models
pharma.Modello log-lineareLog-linear model
med.modello log-linearelog-linear model
comp., MSnumero di sequenza del file di loglog sequence number A unique number assigned to each entry in a transaction log. LSNs are assigned sequentially according to the order in which entries are created (LSN)
comp., MSpercorso file di loglog file path (The location of the log file on a computer)
comp., MSprovider di loglog provider (A provider that logs package information at run time. Integration Services includes a variety of log providers that make it possible to capture events during package execution. Logs are created and stored in formats such as XML, text, database, or in the Windows event log)
comp., MSsink di loglog sink (A tracing function of the cache client and cache host. Log sinks capture trace events from the cache client or cache host and can display them in a console, write them to a log file, or report them to the Event Tracing for Windows (ETW) framework inside Windows)
comp., MSsink di log basato su ETWETW-based log sink (A means of capturing trace events on the cache client or cache host with the Event Tracing for Windows (ETW) framework inside Windows)
comp., MSsink di log basato su Event Tracing for WindowsEvent Tracing for Windows ETW-based log sink A means of capturing trace events on the cache client or cache host with the Event Tracing for Windows (ETW) framework inside Windows (ETW)
industr., construct., mech.eng.stay logstay log
stat.test log-rankMantel-Cox test
stat.test log-rankMantel-Haenzel test
stat.test log-ranklog-rank test
stat.trasformazione log-logloglog transformation
comp., MSvisualizzatore loglog viewer (A tool that enables the user to monitor and analyze traffic and to troubleshoot network activity)
comp., MSvoce di loglog entry (A record in a log file)