
Terms for subject Microsoft containing linea di | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
etichetta della linea di tendenzatrendline label (Optional text for a trendline, including either the regression equation or the R-squared value, or both. A trendline label can be formatted and moved; it cannot be sized)
finestra di manutenzione in lineaonline maintenance window (Period of time during which online maintenance occurs)
giunzione di lineeline join (The common area that is formed by two lines whose ends meet or overlap)
guida della linea di basebaseline guide (A layout guide to which lines of text can be aligned to provide a uniform appearance between columns of text)
linea di associazioneassociation line (A line leading from a field or property to a shape that represents that field or property's type)
linea di avanzamentoprogress line (A visual representation of the progress of your project, displayed in the Gantt Chart view. Progress lines connect in-progress tasks, creating a graph on the Gantt Chart indicating work that is behind and peaks indicating work that is ahead)
linea di basebaseline (In the printing and display of characters on the screen, an imaginary horizontal line with which the base of each character, excluding descenders, is aligned)
linea di basebase line (In the printing and display of characters on the screen, an imaginary horizontal line with which the base of each character, excluding descenders, is aligned)
linea di collegamentolink line (On the Gantt Chart and Network Diagram, the line that appears between two tasks to indicate a task dependency)
linea di comunicazione chiavi in manoturnkey communications line (A private network provider that is hired by a company to facilitate electronic data interchange (EDI) or provide other network services)
linea di connessione tra formeshape connector line (A line used to link shapes and to determine their relative order in an orchestration)
linea di connessione tra porteport connector line (A line showing the connection between a Send/Receive shape and an operation on a Port shape)
linea di interruzionebreak line (The actual line that is shown in a document to indicate a line break)
linea di joinjoin line (A line that connects fields between two tables and shows how the data is related. The type of join indicates which records are selected for the query's result set)
linea di prodottiproduct line (A set of related products grouped together due to technical or marketing considerations)
linea di riferimento murowall reference line (The line that extends from the wall begin point to the wall endpoint. Although the wall reference line is typically centered on the wall or aligned with one edge of the wall, you can locate it any distance you want from the wall)
linea di tendenzatrendline (A graphic representation of trends in data series, such as a line sloping upward to represent increased sales over a period of months)
linea di tendenza della media mobilemoving average trendline (A trendline that smoothes out fluctuations in data to show a pattern or trend more clearly)
linea di tendenza di potenzapower trendline (A curved trendline that is used with data sets that compare measurements that increase at a specific rate)
linea di tendenza esponenzialeexponential trendline (A curved trendline that is used when data values rise or fall at constantly increasing rates)
linea di tendenza logaritmicalogarithmic trendline (A best-fit curved trendline that is used when the rate of change in the data increases or decreases quickly and then levels out)
linea di tendenza polinomialepolynomial trendline (A curved trendline that is used when data fluctuates)
linea di vita dell'oggettoobject lifeline (In a sequence diagram, a representation of the existence of an object at a particular time. If the object is created or destroyed during the time period the diagram represents, then the lifeline stops or starts at the appropriate point)
linee di Min-Maxhigh-low lines (In 2-D line charts, lines that extend from the highest to the lowest value in each category. High-low lines are often used in stock charts)
linee di proiezionedrop lines (In line and area charts, lines that extend from a data point to the category (x) axis. Useful in area charts to clarify where one data marker ends and the next begins)
modalità di linealine appearance (In telephony systems, the instance of an extension or phone number on a phone. For example, if a user's desk phone is provisioned with his extension, then you can say that his phone has his line appearance. Business phones may have more than one line appearance)
modalità di linea condivisabridged line appearance (A telephony feature that makes two or more phones behave as if they are linked; that is, that a call to one number causes all phones to ring)
modalità di linea condivisashared line appearance (A telephony feature that makes two or more phones behave as if they are linked; that is, that a call to one number causes all phones to ring)
modalità di linea condivisabridge line appearance (A telephony feature that makes two or more phones behave as if they are linked; that is, that a call to one number causes all phones to ring)
modalità di linea condivisaBLA (A telephony feature that makes two or more phones behave as if they are linked; that is, that a call to one number causes all phones to ring)
numero di accesso alla linea esternaoutside line access code (The prefix that is used to access an outside line. In the United States, this prefix is typically 9)
segmento di linealine segment (A portion of a line, defined by its beginning and ending points)
segnale di lineadial tone (A sound emitted by the receiver of a telephone that indicates that a number can be dialed)
stile di linealine style (In desktop publishing, printing, and high-end word processing, the form and quality of a line, such as a dotted line, a double line, or a hairline)