
Terms for subject Environment containing lavoro | all forms | exact matches only
ambiente di lavoroworkscape
condizioni di lavoroworking condition All existing circumstances affecting labor in the workplace, including job hours, physical aspects, legal rights and responsibilities
condizioni di lavoroworking condition
diritto del lavorolabour law The branch of the legal system which lays down the rules governing employment relationships, trade union relations, and state intervention to provide protection against particular situations of need for citizens who are workers
dispositivo di induzione di lavorojob-coater
disposizioni sulla sicurezza del lavorooccupational safety regulation Law enacted to reduce the incidence among workers of personal injuries, illnesses, and deaths resulting from employment
disposizioni sulla sicurezza del lavorooccupational safety regulation
filtro d'aria a tessuto lavorato a magliaair filter with knitted fabric filter medium
forza lavorolabour force
gesso (lavoratogypsum
Gruppo di lavoro ad hoc sugli ulteriori impegni per i Paesi inclusi nell'Allegato I che hanno ratificato il Protocollo di Kyoto AWG-KPAd Hoc Working Group on Further Commitments for Annex I Parties under the Kyoto Protocol
Gruppo di lavoro ad hoc sull'azione cooperativa di lungo termine della convenzioneAd Hoc Working Group on Long-term Cooperative Action under the Convention
Gruppo di lavoro "Ambiente"Working Party on the Environment
Gruppo di lavoro "Ambiente e qualità della vita"Working Party on the Environment and Quality of Life
Gruppo di lavoro "Anno dell'ambiente"Working Party on the Year of the Environment
Gruppo di lavoro "Eco-tassa"Eco-Tax Working Party
Gruppo di lavoro "Energia e ambiente"Working Party on Energy and the Environment
Gruppo di lavoro europeo per la ricerca e la biodiversitàEuropean Working Group on Research and Biodiversity
gruppo di lavoro europeo sui flussi prioritari di rifiutiEuropean Working Party on Priority Waste Streams
gruppo di lavoro incaricato della "Gestione integrata delle zone umide costiere del tipo mediterraneo"working party on the integrated management of Mediterranean-type coastal wetlands
Gruppo di lavoro " Legislazione relativa all'ambiente - responsabilità civile "Working Party on Legislation Relating to the Environment - Third Party Liability
gruppo di lavoro Open EndedOpen-Ended Working Group
Gruppo di lavoro "Residui"Working Party on Waste
Gruppo di lavoro "Scarichi termici delle centrali elettriche"Working Party on Thermal Discharges from Power Stations
igiene del lavorooccupational health An area of statutory duty imposed on employers and employees in most countries, for the protection of the workforce from occupational diseases and stresses and physical hazards through adequate planning, ventilation, lighting, safeguards, safety and emergency procedures, routine inspections, monitoring, personal protection, etc.
incidente sul lavorowork accident Accident occurring in the course of the employment and caused by inherent or related factors arising from the operation of materials of one's occupation
lavori di costruzioneconstruction work The construction, rehabilitation, alteration, conversion, extension, demolition or repair of buildings, highways, or other changes or improvement to real property, including facilities providing utility services. The term also includes the supervision, inspection, and other on-site functions incidental to the actual construction
lavori di costruzioneconstruction work
lavori fluvialiriver engineering
lavoro al di fuori delle ore di puntaoff-peak working
lavoro antincendiofire duty
lavoro d'imboschimentoafforestation work
lavoro giovanileyouth work
lavoro giovanileyouth work Job opportunities and employment for adolescents, either for financial reward or educational enrichment
lavoro verdegreen job
lavoro verdegreen employment
materiale da lavoro pericolosohazardous working material A poison, corrosive agent, flammable substance, explosive, radioactive chemical, or any other material which can endanger human health or well-being if handled improperly
materiale da lavoro pericolosohazardous working material
medicina del lavoroindustrial medicine The branch of medicine which deals with the relationship of humans to their occupations, for the purpose of the prevention of disease and injury and the promotion of optimal health, productivity, and social adjustment
medicina del lavoroindustrial medicine
orario di lavoroworking hours The time devoted to gainful employment or job-related activities, usually calculated as hours per day or per week
organizzazione del lavoroorganisation of work The coordination or structuring of work practices and production processes in order to influence the way jobs are designed and performed in the workplace
posto di lavoroworkplace Any or all locations or environments where people are employed
programma di lavoroWork Programme
programma di lavoro annuale plaAnnual Work Programme
Programma di lavoro della Commissione riguardante un progetto sperimentale per la raccolta, il coordinamento e l'uniformazione dell'informazione sullo stato dell'ambiente e delle risorse naturali nella ComunitàCoordination of Information on the Environment
Programma di lavoro della Commissione riguardante un progetto sperimentale per la raccolta, il coordinamento e l'uniformazione dell'informazione sullo stato dell'ambiente e delle risorse naturali nella ComunitàCommission work programme concerning an experimental project for gathering, coordinating and ensuring the consistency of information on the state of the environment and natural resources in the Community
programma di lavoro pluriennaleMultiannual Work Programme
rapporti di lavorolabour relations The dynamics or general state of the association between management and non-management employees in an enterprise, industry or nation, with special attention to the maintenance of agreements, collective bargaining and the status of unions
relazione calore-lavoropower-heat relation
relazione calore-lavoropower-heat relation The ratio of the work done by an engine to the heat supplied
rifiuti da fibre tessili lavorate mistewastes from processed mixed textile fibres
rifiuti da fibre tessili lavorate principalmente artificiali o sintetichewastes from processed textile fibres mainly of artificial or synthetic origin
rifiuti da fibre tessili lavorate principalmente di origine animalewastes from processed textile fibres mainly of animal origin
rifiuti da fibre tessili lavorate principalmente di origine vegetalewastes from processed textile fibres mainly of vegetable origin
sicurezza sul lavorooccupational safety An area of statutory duty imposed on employers and employees in most countries, for the protection of the workforce from occupational disease and stresses and physical hazards through appropriate measures
sicurezza sul lavorooccupational safety
squadra di lavoro manualehotshot crew
stazione di lavoro per la rilevazione automatica del petrolio rovesciato o scaricatostation for automatic oilspill detection
vibrazioni dovute al attrezia di lavorotool vibration