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Terms containing international | all forms | exact matches only
nat.sc., el.accordo di cooperazione sulle attività riguardanti la progettazione ingegneristica dell'International Thermonuclear Experimental ReactorAgreement on Cooperation in the Engineering Design Activities for the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor
org.name.ActionAid InternationalActionAid International
transp., avia., engl.Airports Council InternationalAirports Association Council International
transp., avia., engl.Airports Council InternationalAirports Council International
econ.Amnesty InternationalAmnesty International
h.rghts.act.Anti-Slavery InternationalAnti-Slavery Society for the Protection of Human Rights
chem.AOAC InternationalAssociation of Offical Analytical Chemists
chem.AOAC InternationalAOAC International
chem.AOAC InternationalAssociation of Analytical Communities
chem.AOAC InternationalAssociation of Offical Agricultural Chemists
org.name.BirdLife InternationalBirdLife International
org.name.Greenpeace InternationalGreenpeace International
h.rghts.act., engl.Human Concern InternationalHuman Concern International
gen.International Assessment of Agricultural Science and Technology for Development IAASTDInternational Assessment of Agricultural Knowledge, Science and Technology for Development
environ., engl.International Council for Bird PreservationInternational Council for Bird Preservation
engl.International Crisis GroupInternational Crisis Group
commun., engl.international mobile subscriber identityinternational mobile subscriber identity
comp., MSInternational Organization for Standardization, organizzazione internazionale per la standardizzazioneInternational Organization for Standardization (An international association of 157 countries/regions, each of which is represented by its leading standard-setting organization-for example, ANSI (American National Standards Institute) for the United States. The ISO works to establish global standards for communications and information exchange. Primary among its accomplishments is the widely accepted ISO/OSI reference model, which defines standards for the interaction of computers connected by communications networks)
commun., engl.International Post CorporationInternational Post Corporation
fin., econ.International Securities Identification Numberinternational security identification number
fin., econ.International Securities Identification Numberinternational securities identification number
h.rghts.act., engl.International Service for Human RightsInternational Service for Human Rights
gen.International Ship and Port Facility Security CodeInternational Ship and Port Facility Security Code
gen.International Ship and Port Facility Security CodeISPS Code
libr.international standard book numberISBN
libr.international standard book numberISBN number
libr.international standard book numberISBN code
libr.international standard book numberinternational standard book number
libr.international standard serial numberISSN code
libr.international standard serial numberISSN
libr.international standard serial numberISSN number
libr.international standard serial numberinternational standard serial number
fin.International Stock Exchange of Great Britan and IrelandInternational Stock Exchange of Great Britain and Ireland
fin., engl.London International Financial Futures ExchangeLondon International Financial Futures and Options Exchange
fin., engl.London International Financial Futures ExchangeLondon International Financial Futures Exchange
fin.Marché à terme international de FranceFrench international futures market
industr., engl.Oil Companies International Marine ForumOil Companies International Marine Forum
IT, tech., engl.Personal Computer Memory Card International AssociationPersonal Computer Memory Card International Association
ed., engl.Programme for International Student AssessmentProgramme for International Student Assessment
org.name.Rotary InternationalRotary International
econ., fin.strumento finanziario "EC-International Investment Partners"EC-International Investment Partners financial facility