
Terms for subject Microsoft containing importazioni | all forms
Analisi file di importazioneImport File Parse (A system job that parses a file used in data migration or import)
file di importazione CSVCSV import file (A comma separated value (CSV) file used to provision many new users at one time)
formato di importazioneimport format (The file format for the import of payments)
importazione completafull import (An import of all data from a file, or a scoped view, of a connected data source to the connector space. Data from the connected data source is compared with data in the connector space. If there are no attribute changes, the object is not changed in the connector space)
Importazione di massa guidataBulk Import Wizard (A tool used to add multiple rows of data into a database in one operation)
Importazione/esportazione guidata Management PackManagement Pack Import/Export Wizard (The wizard to import and export management packs)
Importazione guidata datiImport Data Wizard (A wizard used to import multiple records from a comma-delimited text file into Microsoft Dynamics CRM as records)
Importazione incrementale lato serverServer Side Incremental (A feature that must be enabled in Active Directory to run incremental import of profiles)
importazione MEFMEF import (A dependency that a MEF part specifies and fulfills from exports provided by other MEF parts. For example, common services can be provided in a MEF part and declared as an import by other MEF parts)
Importazione nel catalogoCatalog Importers (A feature that lets the user choose which file types will be recognized for import into a catalog)
processo di importazioneimport process (The process of provisioning new users using a CSV file)