
Terms containing hardware | all forms | exact matches only
comp., MSaccount per dashboard hardwarehardware dashboard account (An account that is required to submit hardware certification packages, device metadata, service metadata, and drivers for Windows)
patents.affitto di hardware informaticorental of computer hardware
ITambiente strutturato per la progettazione di hardwarestructured hardware design environment
comp., MSAnalisi funzionalità hardwareHardware Functionality Scan (A process whereby a driver authenticates the validity of hardware)
comp., MSAnalisi funzionalità hardwareHFS (A process whereby a driver authenticates the validity of hardware)
ITassistenza hardwarehardware service
commun., tech.avaria hardwarefailure
commun., tech.avaria hardwarehardware error
commun., tech.avaria hardwarehard error
ITavaria hardwarehardware failure
ITbasato sull'hardwarehardware-based
comp., MSblocco hardwarehardware locking (The act of forcing a computer into Hardware Locked Mode (HLM), where the computer is not under the control of the operating system; instead, the boot sequence is stopped at a firmware screen and the user is told to call customer support. Hardware Locked Mode (HLM) prevents the use of a computer in the case of tampering or default on the agreement with the customer)
comp., MSCertificazione hardware WindowsWindows Hardware Certification (A certification program to ensure that systems and hardware are compatible and reliable and can perform to meet Windows standards)
IT, dat.proc.compatibilità dell'hardwarehardware compatibility
IT, dat.proc.compatibilità dell'hardwareequipment compatibility
comp., MScompressione hardwarehardware compression (A feature available on some tape devices that automatically compresses the data that is being stored on the device. This is usually an option that is turned on or off in a backup program)
patents.computer e hardwarecomputers and computer hardware
comp., MSconfigurazione hardwarehardware configuration (Resource settings that have been allocated for a specific device. Each device on your computer has a hardware configuration, which can consist of interrupt request (IRQ) lines, direct memory access (DMA), an input/output (I/O) port, or memory address settings)
patents.consulenza in materia di automazione e consulenza riguardante la scelta di hardware e di software informaticiautomation consultancy and consultancy with regard to the choice of computer hardware and software
patents.consulenza in materia di hardware e di softwareconsultancy in the field of computer hardware and software
patents.consulenza in materia di hardware informaticoconsultancy in the field of computer hardware
patents.consulenza in materia di valutazione, scelta e realizzazione di software, firmware e hardware e di sistemi di elaborazione di daticonsultancy and advice relating to the evaluation, choosing and implementation of computer software, firmware, hardware and of data processing systems
ITcontrollo da hardwarehardware check
ITcontrollo da hardwarebuilt-in check
ITcontrollo da hardwarebuilt-in automatic check
ITcontrollo da hardwareautomatic check
comp., MScronologia hardwarehardware history (Historical hardware inventory data of a client. You can browse a client's hardware history by opening its Hardware History folder in Resource Explorer)
comp., MSdashboard hardware di Windows Dev CenterWindows Dev Center hardware dashboard (The entry point to the hardware section of the Windows Dev Center where users can certify hardware for Windows, distribute drivers by using Windows Update, exchange information with Microsoft, and obtain services)
comp., MSdashboard hardware e desktop di Windows Dev CenterWindows Dev Center hardware and desktop dashboard (The entry point to the hardware and desktop development sections of the Windows Dev Center where users can certify hardware and desktop apps for Windows, distribute drivers, exchange information with Microsoft, and obtain services)
patents.disegno e affitto di hardware informatico, software informatico, sistemi informatici, reti informatiche, unità periferiche per computer e parti ed accessori per computerdesign and rental of computer hardware, software, computer systems, computer networks, computer peripheral devices and parts and fittings for computers
patents.elaboratori elettronici, hardware informatico e software informaticocomputers, computer hardware and computer software
patents.elaborazione di hardware, di software e di programmicomputer hardware, software and program design
patents.elaborazione di hardware e di softwaredesign of computer hardware and software
commun., tech.errore hardwarefailure
commun., tech.errore hardwarehard error
commun., tech.errore hardwarehardware error
comp., MSerrore hardwarehardware failure (A malfunction of a physical component such as a disk head failure or memory error)
comp., MSfornitore di hardware indipendenteindependent hardware vendor (A company that manufactures hardware devices and the associated device drivers)
ITguasto hardwarehardware failure
comp., MSHardware Abstraction Layerhardware abstraction layer (A thin layer of software provided by the hardware manufacturer that hides, or abstracts, hardware differences from higher layers of the operating system. By means of the filter provided by the HAL, different types of hardware look alike to the rest of the operating system. This enables the operating system to be portable from one hardware platform to another. The HAL also provides routines that enable a single device driver to support the same device on all platforms)
patents.hardware e firmwarecomputer hardware and firmware
patents.hardware e softwarecomputer hardware and computer software
patents.hardware e software per comunicazionicommunications hardware and software
patents.hardware e unità periferiche per computercomputer hardware and computer peripherals
patents.hardware elettronicoelectronic hardware
patents.hardware, firmware e software informaticicomputer hardware, firmware and software
patents.hardware informatico e unità periferiche per computercomputer hardware and peripheral devices
patents.hardware informatico, unità periferiche e software informaticicomputer hardware, peripherals and computer software
comp., MSHardware Locked ModeHLM (A mode in which the computer is not under the control of the operating system; rather, the boot sequence is halted at a firmware screen and the user is told to call customer support)
patents.hardware, software e firmware per reti di comunicazionecommunications network hardware, software and firmware
patents.hardware, software e programmi per computercomputer hardware, software and programs
comp., MSID hardwarehardware ID (A vendor-defined string used by the Plug and Play Manager to find the correct .inf file to install a particular device)
law, ITintegrità hardwarehardware integrity
comp., MSinterfaccia hardwarehardware interface (A card, plug, or other device that connects pieces of hardware with the computer so that information can be moved from place to place. For example, standardized interfaces such as RS-232-C standard and SCSI enable communications between computers and printers or disks)
IT, dat.proc.interruzione hardwarehardware interrupt
comp., MSinventario hardware di Gestione configurazioneConfiguration Manager hardware inventory (A Configuration Manager feature that automatically gathers information about hardware on Legacy Client computers in a Configuration Manager site)
comp., MSinventario hardware SMSSMS hardware inventory (An SMS feature that automatically gathers information about hardware on Legacy Client computers in an SMS site)
ITinvestimenti hardware/softwarehardware and software investment
comp., MSKit di certificazione hardwareHCK (The test automation framework used to certify devices or systems for Windows)
comp., MSKit di certificazione hardware WindowsWindows Hardware Certification Kit (The test automation framework used to certify devices or systems for Windows)
comp., MSKit di certificazione hardware WindowsWindows HCK (The test automation framework used to certify devices or systems for Windows)
comp., MSlogo hardware Windows 7Windows 7 hardware logo (Logo assigned to the hardware products that have passed Microsoft designed tests for compatibility and reliability on Windows 7)
law, ITmanipolazione di hardwarehardware manipulation
patents.manuali d’uso per hardware e softwareuser manuals for computer hardware and computer
patents.manuali per l’utente e di istruzioni per hardware e softwareuser and instruction manuals for computer hardware and computer software
ITmanutenzione del software e dello hardwaremaintenance of software and hardware configuration
ed., ITmateriale didattico hardwarelearning hardware
law, ITmeccanismi hardware di protezionehardware-based protection mechanisms
law, ITmeccanismi hardware di protezionehardware safeguards
law, ITmeccanismi hardware di protezionehardware protection
comp., MSmodulo di protezione hardwareHSM (A secure device that provides cryptographic capabilities, typically by providing private keys used in Public-key cryptography)
comp., MSmodulo di protezione hardwarehardware security module (A secure device that provides cryptographic capabilities, typically by providing private keys used in Public-key cryptography)
IT, el.natura generica dell'hardwaregeneric nature of the hardware
patents.noleggio di hardware e software informaticirental of computer hardware and software
patents.noleggio e concessione di licenze di software, firmware e hardwarerental and licensing of computer software, firmware and hardware
comp., MSoverlay hardwarehardware overlay (A method to render images to a display with a dedicated memory buffer inside video hardware)
comp., MSprofilo hardwarehardware profile (A library resource containing hardware specifications that can be applied to a new virtual machine or a virtual machine template. A hardware profile can contain specifications for CPU, memory, network adapters, a DVD drive, afloppy drive, COM ports, and the priority given the virtual machine when allocating resources on a virtual machine host)
patents.progettazione di hardwaredesign of computer hardware
ITprogettazione integrata di hardware/softwarehardware/software co-design
comp., MSProgramma di certificazione Windows per hardwareWindows Certification Program for Hardware (A certification program to ensure that systems and hardware are compatible and reliable and can perform to meet Windows standards)
comp., MSpulsante hardwarehardware button (A button on a piece of hardware)
comp., MSramo hardwarehardware branch (The hardware archive root key in the registry that is a superset of the memory-resident hardware tree. Although the hardware tree contains information only about those devices currently detected and running in the system, the registry contains a complete list of all hardware ever installed on the particular computer. The hardware root key is \\HKEY-LOCAL-MACHINE\Hardware)
patents.ricerca e sviluppo di hardware e softwareresearch and development of computer hardware and
patents.riparazione di hardwarerepair of computer hardware
comp., MSRisoluzione dei problemi di hardware e dispositiviHardware and Devices troubleshooter (A troubleshooter that helps find and fix problems about hardware and devices)
IT, el.rivelazione di errori hardwarehardware fault detection
comp., MSrouter hardwarehardware router (A router that performs routing as a dedicated function and has specific hardware designed and optimized for routing)
patents.servizi di assistenza e manutenzione di hardware e softwareconsultancy and support services for computer hardware and computer software
patents.servizi di consulenza in materia di hardware e softwareconsultancy services relating to computer hardware and software
patents.servizi di consulenza in materia di hardware informaticoadvisory and consultancy services relating to computer hardware
patents.servizi di consulenza nel settore dell’hardware e del softwareconsultancy and advisory services in the field of computer hardware and software
patents.servizi di consulenza relativi a sistemi informatici, reti informatiche, hardware informatico, software informatico e unità periferiche per computerconsultancy and advisory services, all relating to computer systems, computer networks, computer hardware, software and computer peripheral devices
patents.servizi di ricerca e di consulenza in materia di hardware e softwareresearch and consultancy services relating to computer hardware and computer software
patents.servizi di ricerca, elaborazione e di consulenza in materia di hardware e softwareresearch, design and consultancy services relating to computer hardware and computer software
patents.servizi informatici, ovvero valutazione, analisi, prova e classificazione delle prestazioni di hardware informatico e di prodotti informaticicomputer services, namely appraisal, analysis, testing and rating the performance of computer hardware and computer-related products
IT, dat.proc.strumento hardwaretool
ITsupporto hardware ADC/MPSADC/MPS support hardware
patents.sviluppo di hardware e softwaredevelopment of computer hardware and software
comp., MSSviluppo hardware WindowsWindows hardware development (The section of the Windows Dev Center that provides the information customers need to develop hardware for Windows)
comp., MStipo di hardwarehardware type (A classification for similar devices. For example, Imaging Device is a hardware type for digital cameras and scanners)
comp., MStoken hardwarehardware token (A secure device that provides cryptographic capabilities, typically by providing private keys used in Public-key cryptography)
gen.Trade-off hardware/softwarehardware/software trade-off
comp., MSversione hardwarehardware version (A number that identifies the type of computer hardware that is responsible for metering and securing a computer)
ITvulnerabilità dell'hardwarehardware vulnerability