
Terms for subject Microsoft containing finestra | all forms | exact matches only
Apri nuova finestraPop Out (Button on a form that causes that section of the form you are in to open in a new window)
barra di finestra di dialogodialog bar (A control bar that contains standard Windows controls. A dialog bar has dialog-box characteristics in that it contains controls and supports tabbing between them, and it uses a dialog template to represent the bar. Dialog bars can be aligned to the top, bottom, left, or right side of a frame window)
controllo della finestra delle proprietàproperty sheet control (A standard Windows control used to create property sheet interfaces)
controllo finestra di dialogo personalizzatacustom dialog control (A control that developers use to create a custom dialog)
cornice della finestrawindow frame (The framework that is hosting the window)
finestra a cascatatumbling window (A hopping window whose hop size is equal to the window size)
finestra attivaactive window (The window in which a user is currently working or directing input. An active window is typically at the top of the Z order and is distinguished by the color of its title bar)
finestra attivaactive window (The window in which a user is currently working or directing input. An active window is typically at the top of the Z order and is distinguished by the color of its title bar)
finestra con mini-cornicemini-frame window (A floating window that contains a pane)
finestra Definizione codiceCode Definition window (A read-only editor view that displays the definition of a symbol in a code file stored in, or referenced by, the active project)
finestra degli strumentitool window (A child window of the Visual Studio Integrated Development Environment (IDE) used to display information)
finestra del browserbrowser window (A window that serves as an interface between the user and the browser)
finestra del documentodocument window (In windowing environments, such as the Apple Macintosh and Microsoft Windows, an on-screen window (enclosed work area) in which the user can create, view, or work on a document)
finestra del prompt dei comandicommand prompt window (A window that mimics an old MS-DOS display for typing command-line instructions)
finestra della GuidaHelp bubble (A bubble that appears when a user clicks in a field or on a control in the user interface. The Help bubble contains information that helps the user know what to do)
finestra della macroMacro window (The window in which you create and modify macros)
finestra della riunione LyncLync Meeting window (Denotes the Conversation window that handles escalations (peer-to-peer to conference) and scalable views that display people and content together inside a Lync Meeting)
finestra della tavolozzapalette window (A modeless secondary window that displays a toolbar or other choices, such as colors or patterns)
finestra dell'applicazioneapplication window (A window that serves as an interface between the user and the application)
finestra delle proprietàproperty sheet (A window used to view or modify the properties of various objects such as tables, queries, fields, forms, reports, data access pages, and controls)
Finestra Dettagli classeClass Details Window (A window in Visual Studio Class Designer that you can use to configure the members of a type. By default, the Class Details Window appears automatically when you open a new class diagram)
finestra Dettagli servizio WebWeb Service Details window (The window that displays the behavior specification for a Web service endpoint. For example, it displays the operations for a Web service endpoint)
finestra di ancoraggioanchor window (A small window that can appear in the lower-right corner of the screen when Windows Media Player is in skin mode. You can use the window to return to full mode and access other commands)
Finestra di avvioLaunchbar (A window where Groove users start new activities. It contains two panels, one for creating and managing workspaces, and the other for managing contacts)
finestra di avvisoalert box (An on-screen box, in a graphical user interface, that is used to deliver a message or warning)
finestra di avvisodesktop alert window (A window that pops up on the Windows desktop in response to an event, for example, receiving email)
finestra di comandoCommand window (A window that is used to execute commands or aliases directly in the Visual Studio integrated development environment (IDE). You can execute both menu commands and commands that do not appear on any menu)
finestra di confermaconfirmation dialog box (A dialog box in which a user confirms that he or she wants a specified action to occur, usually by clicking OK)
finestra di conteggiocount window (A window with a variable window size that moves along a timeline with each distinct event start time)
finestra di conversazioneConversation window (The window that is displayed when the user is in any type of conversation. This window displays the list of conversation window participants, the conversation content for instant messaging and video conversations, and commands and controls for managing the conversation)
finestra di dialogodialog box (A secondary window that allows users to perform a command, asks users a question, or provides users with information or progress feedback)
finestra di dialogo Argomenti funzioneFormula Palette (A tool that helps you create or edit a formula and also provides information about functions and their arguments)
finestra di dialogo con messaggiomessage dialog (A new Windows user interface surface used to elicit an immediate response from the user. Until the user responds, the screen behind the dialog is dimmed and touch events are blocked from passing to the app's canvas)
finestra di dialogo delle proprietà personalizzatecustom properties dialog box (A custom property sheet that allows users to set properties for an ActiveX control)
finestra di dialogo interattivainteractive dialog box (A dialog box that requires a response from the user. Intermediary devices such as a security host require such a dialog box as an added layer of security between the client and the remote access server. In such dialog boxes, the user types an access code or a user name and password on the remote access terminal screen)
finestra di dialogo modalemodal dialog box (A dialog box that requires the user to supply information or close the dialog box before allowing the application to continue)
finestra di dialogo modalemodal dialog (A dialog that requires the user to take some action before the focus can switch to another form or dialog box. Dialog boxes and messages are usually modal)
finestra di dialogo non modalemodeless dialog box (A dialog box that allows the user to supply information and return to a previous task without closing the dialog box)
finestra di dialogo personalizzatacustom dialog box (A modal pop-up form you create to ask the user for additional information or to display a message)
finestra di dialogo staticastatic dialog box (A scripted dialog box between the client computer and an intermediary device. This kind of dialog box requires no response from the user)
finestra di gruppogroup window (A drawing window you can open to edit individual components of a group. The group appears unrotated in the group window even if it is rotated on the drawing page)
finestra di manutenzioneservicing window (A user-defined time period that can be assigned to a virtual machine, host, or service to indicate when that object is available to be taken offline (for example, to perform maintenance))
finestra di manutenzionemaintenance window (A period of time, defined by administrators, when changes can be made on the systems that are members of a Configuration Manager collection)
finestra di manutenzione in lineaonline maintenance window (Period of time during which online maintenance occurs)
finestra di messaggiomessage window (A window which displays a particular message for the user)
Finestra di outputOutput Window (A window that displays status messages for various features in the integrated development environment (IDE))
finestra di pari livellosibling window (A child window that has the same parent window as one or more other child windows)
finestra di progettazioneDesigner (The portion of InfoPath used to design forms)
finestra di progettazionedesigner (A visual design surface)
finestra di saltohopping window (" A type of window in which consecutive windows "hop" forward in time by a fixed period. The window is defined by two time spans: the period P and the window length L. For every P time unit a new window of size L is created.")
finestra di testotext window (A window containing a text document)
finestra Espressioni di controlloWatch window (A Visual Studio debugging window that is available in break mode and that provides the value of a variable or an expression)
finestra inattivainactive window (In an environment capable of displaying multiple on-screen windows, any window other than the one currently being used for work. An inactive window can be partially or entirely hidden behind another window, and it remains inactive until the user selects it)
finestra Monitoraggio stato processiJob Status Tracking window (A window, opened by using the My Jobs command, that enables administrators to monitor detailed status of their current jobs while working in any view)
finestra padreparent window (A primary window that provides window management for a set of child windows. See also child window and multiple-document interface)
finestra popuppop-up window (A window that appears when an option is selected. Typically, the window remains visible until the mouse button is released)
finestra popupinfotip (A small pop-up window that describes the object being pointed to, such as a control, icon, or links. It contains more information than a standard tooltip)
finestra primariaprimary window (The window in which the main interaction with an object takes place)
finestra principalemain window (The window that contains the Contacts list)
finestra Progettazione query con interfaccia graficagraphical query designer (A query designer provided by the Reporting Services that allows the user to interactively build a query and view the results for data source types SQL Server, Oracle, OLE DB, and ODBC)
Finestra ProprietàProperties window (A window that is used to display properties for objects selected in the two main types of windows available in the Visual Studio integrated development environment (IDE). These two types of windows are Tool windows (such as Solution Explorer, Class View, and Object browser) and Document windows (containing such editors and designers as the forms designer, XML editor, and HTML editor))
finestra QueryQuery window (A window in which you work with queries in Design view, Datasheet view, SQL view, or Print Preview)
finestra RelazioniRelationships window (An object tab in which you view, create, and modify relationships between tables and queries)
finestra Risultati testTest Results window (A window which displays the current status of every test in the test run)
finestra secondariasecondary window (A window that provides information or supplemental interaction related to objects in a primary window)
finestra secondariachild window (A document window used within an MDI window)
finestra snapshotsnapshot window (A window that is defined according to the start and end times of the event in the stream, instead of a fixed grid along the timeline)
finestra StampantePrinter window (A window that shows information about any pending print jobs for the printer. For each printer you have installed or to which you are connected, you can view information such as how many documents are waiting to be printed, who owns them, and how large they are. Also called the queue view)
finestra temporale scorrevolesliding window (A window of fixed length L that moves along a timeline according to the stream's events. With every event on the timeline, a new window is created, starting at the event's start time)
finestra Visualizzazione testTest View window (A window that allows you to navigate to your tests for editing (authoring))
Gestione finestre desktopDesktop Window Manager (A component of Windows Vista that manages window policies, behaviours and visual appearance)
Gestione finestre desktopDWM (A component of Windows Vista that manages window policies, behaviours and visual appearance)
handle di finestrawindow handle (A handle that uniquely identifies a window)
procedura di finestrawindow procedure (A function, called by the operating system, that controls the appearance and behavior of its associated windows. The procedure receives and processes all messages to these windows)
pulsante di visualizzazione della finestra di dialogoDialog Box Launcher (A specific Office icon that is used within a group to launch a related dialog box)
Raccolta finestreWindow Gallery (A gallery containing thumbnail views of open application windows)
Scorrimento finestreWindows Flip (A feature that allows users to flip through open windows (by using Alt+Tab), providing a live thumbnail of each window, rather than just a generic icon and file name)
Scorrimento finestre 3DWindows Flip 3D (A feature that allows users to use the scroll wheel on their mouse to flip through open windows in a stack, and quickly locate and select the one they want to work with)
sfondo della finestra di disegnopasteboard (The gray or light-blue area that surrounds a page. You can use it to temporarily hold objects that are not currently on the page)
Titolo evidenziato con finestra videoNews Video, Inset (A title animation in Windows Movie Maker)