
Terms for subject Microsoft containing dipendente | all forms | exact matches only
animazione dipendentedependent animation (An animation that changes the value of a property and runs on the UI thread)
client dipendentedependent client (For Message Queuing, a computer that requires synchronous access to a Message Queuing server to perform all standard message queuing operations, such as sending and receiving messages and creating queues)
componente dipendentedependent component (A component that requires the current component to work properly. For example, a dependent component of a global Option Set is an "attribute" that references that Option Set)
dipendente dalla lingualanguage-dependent (Varying from one language to another)
dipendente del servizioservice dependent (The person or service in an enterprise that relies on a business service. These people and services are affected by the output and downtime of the business service)
dipendente direttodirect report (An employee who in the organizational hierarchy is immediately below the manager in question and who can either be a manager or an individual contributor)
flusso di lavoro dipendentedependent workflow (A workflow instance that is generated by a parent workflow instance)
ID dipendenteemployee ID (A unique alphanumeric identifier that is associated with an employee)
modulo dipendentedependent module (A module that contains dependencies from other modules)
parte dipendentedependent party (A party who assumes a dependent role when it participates in a relationship with another party)
programma dipendentedependent program (A program that requires that another program run first)
retribuzione dipendenteemployee compensation (Direct or indirect monetary and nonmonetary rewards offered to an employee by an organization)
tipo di dipendenteemployee type (A category of employees for which a specific compensation plan is designed, such as Executive, Salaried, or Hourly)