
Terms for subject Microsoft containing di base | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
archiviazione di basebasic storage (A storage method in MS-DOS and Windows for primary partitions, extended partitions, and logical drives)
autenticazione di baseBasic authentication (An authentication mechanism that is supported by most browsers, including Internet Explorer, and encodes (but does not encrypt) user name and password data before transmitting it over the network)
backup di basebase backup (A data backup of a database or files upon which a differential backup is fully or partially based. The base backup is the most recent full or file backup of the database or files)
backup differenziale da più backup di basemultibase differential (A differential backup that includes files that were last backed up in distinct base backups)
base di costocost basis (The purchase price of an asset, including freight, tax, and other expenses, less any adjustments, such as Section 179 Expense Deduction and salvage value)
calendario di basebase calendar (A template that can be used as a project and task calendar to specify default working and nonworking time for a set of resources)
Capacità di baseBase Capacity (The amount of available time a resource has to work based on their resource base calendar. This is equivalent to the capacity of the position to which the resource is assigned. For example, a resource in a 70% part-time position has a Base Capacity of .7FTE. Not very useful for scheduling but of more value in determining the maximum capacity or cost of an organization)
carattere di basebase character (A character that has meaning independent of other characters, or any graphical character that is not a diacritical mark)
classe di basebase class (A class from which other classes are derived by inheritance)
colonne di baseBasic Columns (A grouping of column headings on a report)
controller di dominio di basebaseline domain controller (A domain controller used as the control for Group Policy Object (GPO) replication within that domain to which all GPO content is compared)
controller di dominio di basebaseline DC (A domain controller used as the control for Group Policy Object (GPO) replication within that domain to which all GPO content is compared)
controllo di basebasic control (A control that is rendered as a label-value pair)
CSP di base per smart cardBase Smart Card CSP (The basic software module for by smart cards that performs cryptography and includes algorithms for authentication, encoding, and encryption)
Development Accelerator di baseDevelopment Accelerator Core (An integrated set of Microsoft components, templates, and guidance designed to solve specific customer business problems)
di basebaseline (A range of measurements derived from performance monitoring that represents acceptable performance under typical operating conditions)
di base, iniziale, previsionebaseline (The original plan for a project, a work package, or an activity)
disco di basebasic disk (A physical disk that can be accessed by MS-DOS and all Windows-based operating systems. Basic disks can contain up to four primary partitions, or three primary partitions and an extended partition with multiple logical drives)
entità di basebase entity (A generic entity that all other entities in the system inherit base functionality from)
file in base a gruppo di fileFiles by File Group (A storage report that lists files that belong to specified file groups. Use this report to identify file group usage patterns and to identify file groups that occupy large amounts of disk space. This can help you determine which file screens to configure)
Firewall di baseBasic Firewall (A component of the Routing and Remote Access service that combines dynamic packet filtering of network traffic with a set of static packet filters)
gruppo di risposta di basebasic hunt group (The simplest workflow which hunts one or more agents using any administrator-defined agent selection algorithm and supports overflowing based on time in queue or call volume)
guida della linea di basebaseline guide (A layout guide to which lines of text can be aligned to provide a uniform appearance between columns of text)
indirizzo di basebase address (The part of a two-part memory address that remains constant and provides a reference point from which the location of a byte of data can be calculated)
Knowledge Base di Asset IntelligenceAsset Intelligence Knowledge Base (A part of the Asset Intelligence feature that is used to produce new reports that identify and categorize deployed hardware and software assets)
libreria di classi basebase class library (A library that contains base classes)
linea di basebaseline (In the printing and display of characters on the screen, an imaginary horizontal line with which the base of each character, excluding descenders, is aligned)
linea di basebase line (In the printing and display of characters on the screen, an imaginary horizontal line with which the base of each character, excluding descenders, is aligned)
lingua di basebase language (The language used for the installation of software)
livello di baseCore layer (A layer in the Surface SDK that exposes a set of APIs for developers to use to create Surface applications)
mappa con indicatori di basebasic marker map (A map that displays a marker at each location (for example, cities) and varies marker color, size, and type)
nome file di basebase file name (In a log definition, the part of the log file name that is the same for all of the log files that are created. The base file name and a timestamp form the complete log file name, for example, Basefilename_timestamp.log. The timestamp value varies, depending on the selected log file rollover option)
oggetto di basebase object (The object that a synonym references)
pareti e base di grafico 3D3-D walls and floor (The areas surrounding many 3-D chart types that give dimension and boundaries to the chart. Two walls and one floor are displayed within the plot area)
Piattaforma Windows Azure - Development Accelerator di baseWindows Azure Platform Development Accelerator Core (A Windows Azure Platform package with a single rate plus an overage charge based on the amount of services provided)
Piattaforma Windows Azure - Development Accelerator di base per i PartnerWindows Azure Platform Development Accelerator Core for Partners (A Windows Azure Platform package with a single rate plus an overage charge based on the amount of services provided, available via authenticated Microsoft Partner Network distribution channels)
Provider del servizio di crittografia CSP di base per smart cardBase Smart Card Cryptographic Service Provider (The basic software module for by smart cards that performs cryptography and includes algorithms for authentication, encoding, and encryption)
questionario di base per la definizione di applicazionicore application questionnaire (A questionnaire used to gather key information about your organization to be used as a roadmap for building your PerformancePoint Server application)
registrazione di basebasic logging (A type of logging available to capture information about mailbox searches that includes information about the search and who performed it)
report di basebase report (The original, default, or out-of-the-box version of a report that has not been customized for an organization's own business needs)
stile di basebase style (The underlying or original style on which other styles in a document are dependent. When you change a formatting element of the base style in a document, all other styles that originate from the base style will also reflect the change)
tabella di basebase table (A table stored permanently in a database. Base tables are referenced by views, cursors, SQL statements, and stored procedures)
taratura di basebasic calibration (The calibration process to capture the blank reference image and white reference image for a Surface unit)
tipo di basebase type (A parent type or super-type in the Entity Data Model from which derived types inherit some of their properties)
unità di basebase unit (A fundamental unit of measure in a system of measurement from which other units are derived)
unità di valuta di basebase currency unit (The computed currency unit in an exchange rate calculation)
URL di basebase URL (A URL that you can specify for a Web page in order to convert all relative URLs on that page to absolute URLs)
valuta di basebase currency (The currency a business uses to record all transactions in their ledgers, or the primary currency in which they transact with their bank. The base currency is also commonly referred to as the billing currency, functional currency, or booking currency of a business. The Order Processing pipeline always processes orders using the base currency of the Web site. The base currency can be different than the buyer currency and the supplier currency. The base currency is stored in the billing_currency field in the orderform header)
versione di basebase unit (A Surface developer unit that has metal panels, with the I/O connections exposed on one end of the unit. In contrast, a finished unit has acrylic side and end panels)
volume di basebasic volume (A primary partition or logical drive that resides on a basic disk)