
Terms for subject Microsoft containing del | all forms | exact matches only
account del servizioservice account (An account that is intended to be used to run a service. A service account has privileges beyond those provided when a service is run as part of the system, such as the ability to connect over the network to another computer)
account del Servizio Gestione avanzata Criteri di gruppoAGPM Service Account (The account under which the AGPM Service runs)
account del servizio gestitomanaged service account (A new type of domain account designed to provide applications such as SQL Server or Exchange with automatic password management and simplified service principal name (SPN) management)
account del servizio RFIDRFID Service account (The Windows account whose identity is used to run the BizTalk RFID service)
account di esecuzione del flusso di lavoroworkflow execution account (A user account that is granted the rights for executing workflows)
account per l'uso del computerComputer Use Time Account (An e-mail address and password that authorizes you to add computer use time to your computer)
ACL del documentodocument ACL (A managed property of a document that defines who has rights to view the document)
acquistare al momento del downloadpurchase at download (To purchase an app just before downloading and installing it)
adattamento automatico del testocopyfitting (The resizing of text to fit into an allotted amount of space)
adattamento dinamico del contenutoreflow (The process by which content lays itself out dynamically based on the available window or device size)
adattamento dinamico del contenuto PDFPDF reflow (A process that converts a PDF file to flowing text and document elements that are native to the application being used)
Adattamento dinamico del contenuto PDFPDF Reflow (A feature that enables PDF reflow)
adattatore del motoreengine adapter (An adapter that performs various core biometric operations: cleanup of sensor data, feature extraction, template generation, matching, and indexing. These functions can either be implemented by software in the engine adapter, or by the engine adapter making use of some piece of processing hardware)
adattatore del sensoresensor adapter (An adapter that acts as a wrapper around the physical sensor, and provides a standard interface for configuring the sensor, capturing samples, and controlling the flow of biometric data from the sensor into the processing engine)
adattatore sul lato del componente aggiuntivoadd-in-side adapter (In the .NET Framework add-in programming model, an assembly that contains one or more classes, and converts data to and from the add-in view and the contract. Depending on the direction of the call, the adapter is either converting from a view to a contract or from a contract to a view)
album del profiloprofile album (An entity in Microsoft Dynamics CRM where the user's profile picture is stored as an attachment)
alloggiamento del discodrive bay (A hollow, rectangular area in a computer chassis designed to hold a disk drive. A drive bay always has side walls, usually made of metal, that generally contain holes to facilitate installation of a disk drive)
ambito del flusso di lavoroworkflow scope (The extent of activity controlled by a workflow process)
ambito del gruppogroup scope (The value of the Active Directory property that determines the allowed membership in the group, and the resources that may be secured by the group. The allowed values are global, universal, and domain local)
ambito del progettoproject scope (The work agreed to and documented between the project sponsor and the project team in order to plan and deliver the solution)
ambito del ruolorole scope (The scope of influence or impact of a role assignment. The scope defines what objects a role group member can manage. In Outlook Live, there is the recipient scope and the configuration scope)
ambito del sistema connessoconnected system scope (A filter that defines what objects on the connected system to include in the target system)
analisi del comportamentobehavioral analysis (Functions that enable users to track the online activity of prospects, customers, and all types of Internet users)
analisi del documentodocument parsing (The process of detecting the file type of an item during content processing, and converting the item to text)
analisi del sitosite analysis (The process of visiting all the pages of a Web site to gather information about the structure of the site. The IIS SEO Site Analysis feature performs a site analysis to discover violations of best practices for search engine optimization)
angolo del conocone angle (The angle between the edges of the spot light's beam. If you shine a flashlight on the ground, you will notice that it does not light the ground evenly, but that the light gets dimmer the farther from the center it gets. The cone angle determines how quickly this falloff happens)
anteprima degli elementi del calendariocalendar item peek (A contextual summary of appointment or meeting information, which is displayed in a callout without opening the item)
anteprima del CalendarioCalendar peek (A contextual summary of the user's daily schedule, which is displayed in a callout without switching to the Calendar module)
applicazione del servizio BDCBDC Service Application (A deployed instance of the Business Data Connectivity Shared Service)
applicazione del servizio di integrazione applicativa dei datiBusiness Data Connectivity Service Application (A deployed instance of the Business Data Connectivity Shared Service)
applicazione del servizio PowerPivotPowerPivot service application (A specific configuration of the PowerPivot service)
applicazione per la gestione del flusso di lavoroworkflow application (A set of programs that aids in the tracking and management of all the activities in a project from start to finish)
arco del grafograph edge (A unit in the graph index that consists of an actor, an action, and an object. A graph edge represents an action done by one entity on another entity, or some relationship between two entities. For instance, an edge can represent a user (actor) viewing (action) a document (object). Or an edge can represent a user (actor) being the manager (action) of another user (object). Each graph edge contains metadata, such as a timestamp, relevance weight, and action type)
area dati del graficochart data region (A report item on a report layout that displays data in a graphical format)
area del moduloform region (A customizable extension to Microsoft Office Outlook forms)
area del moduloform area (The area of the InfoPath workspace that displays the form you are working with)
area del tracciatoplot area (In a 2-D chart, the area bounded by the axes, including all data series. In a 3-D chart, the area bounded by the axes, including the data series, category names, tick-mark labels, and axis titles)
area di controllo del sistemasystem control area (An area in the taskbar that shows icons for network connectivity, volume control, clock, and on laptops and Tablet computers, the battery)
area rettangolare sensibile al passaggio del mousehover rectangle (The specified area around a control that activates the display of a tooltip when the mouse pauses on it)
arresto anomalo del sistemacrash (The failure of either a program or a disk drive. A program crash results in the loss of all unsaved data and can leave the operating system unstable enough to require restarting the computer. A disk drive crash, sometimes called a disk crash, leaves the drive inoperable and can cause loss of data)
articolo del kit, per gli articoli di tipo Assistenza e Kitkit item (A single item with an item number that consists of one or more component items from inventory or a product catalog)
aspetto del controllo che ha lo stato attivoinput focus appearance (The visual display of a control or other object that indicates it has the input focus)
attenuazione automatica del volumeducking (A type of attenuation (commonly used in radio music) where a reduction in the volume of an audio stream is triggered by some external event, e.g. when you are using your PC to place or receive phone calls)
attivazione del punto venditapoint-of-sale activation (The process of activating tokens during a purchase)
attività di riepilogo del progettoproject summary task (A task that summarizes the duration, work, and costs of all tasks in a project. The project summary task appears at the top of the project, its ID number is 0, and it presents the project's timeline from start to finish)
attributi del testotext attributes (Any characteristic of text, such as font, size, style, color, or effect such as subscript or superscript)
attributo del prodottoproduct attribute (A representation of a product property)
autenticazione del certificatocertificate authentication (A form of IIS authentication in which IIS accepts client-certificates used to prove the client's identity. Using this form of authentication, IIS can optionally map a client certificate to a Windows user account by using an internal mapping table or Active Directory)
autenticazione del digestDigest authentication (An authentication method that prompts the user for a user name and a password, also called credentials, which are hashed with other data before being transmitted over the network. Digest authentication is available only on domains that have domain controllers that are running Microsoft Windows Server operating systems)
avviso del compilatorecompiler warning (A warning that is issued due to a compiler problem)
azione equivalente al clic con il pulsante destro del mouseright-click equivalent (Any action that opens a shortcut menu or other feature that you usually open by using a right mouse button)
backup del filefile backup (A backup of all the data in one or more files or filegroups)
backup del loglog backup (A backup of transaction logs that includes all log records not backed up in previous log backups. Log backups are required under the full and bulk-logged recovery models and are unavailable under the simple recovery model)
backup della parte finale del logtail-log backup (A log backup taken from a possibly damaged database to capture the log that has not yet been backed up. A tail-log backup is taken after a failure in order to prevent work loss)
backup differenziale del filefile differential backup (A backup of one or more files containing only changes made to each file since its most recent file backup. A file differential backup requires a full file backup as a base)
base del collegamento ipertestualehyperlink base (When a relative link is based on a path you specify (the first part of the path that is shared by the file containing the hyperlink and the destination file), that path is the hyperlink base)
bilanciamento del batchbatch balancing (A process that adjusts the required quantities of ingredients that are used in the production of a formula based on the level of potency of active ingredient of a specific inventory batch)
bilanciamento del biancowhite balance (A setting that compensates for the color of light in which a picture was taken. A correct white balance setting makes colors look natural, while an incorrect white balance can result in pictures that have exaggerated colors)
bilanciamento del caricoload balancing (In distributed processing, the distribution of activity across two or more servers in order to avoid overloading any one with too many requests from users)
bilanciamento del caricoload balancer (A device or software that distributes the work between several computers, processes, hard disks, or other resources to get optimal resource utilization. A network load balancer, in the context of Application Request Routing, is a proxy-based load balancer that distributes network traffic among several Web servers)
bilanciamento del carico staticostatic load balancing (The process of manually moving a group between nodes to balance the load across the nodes)
blocco del codicecode freeze (A point at which a technical project document (requirements specification, functional specification, etc) or developed component of the solution cannot change without significant justification and approval by key project stakeholders)
blocco del dispostivodevice lock (A feature that provides enhanced protection for data by locking the device and requiring user authentication through a password)
busta del messaggiomessage envelope (" The information contained in an e-mail message that is required to send and deliver a message between messaging servers by using SMTP protocol commands. The message envelope contains the sender e-mail address and the recipient e-mail address information. Recipients never see the message envelope, because it is not part of the message content, and it is discarded when the message reaches its destination. The X.400 messaging standard equivalent to the message envelope is called the "P1 header." The message envelope is often referred to as the "P1 header.")
busta del trasferimento del messaggiomessage transfer envelope (A MAPI message that holds the delivery information for a message)
busta del trasferimento del messaggioMTE (A MAPI message that holds the delivery information for a message)
cache del discodisk cache (A portion of a computer's random access memory (RAM) set aside for temporarily holding information read from disk. A disk cache does not hold entire files, as does a RAM disk (a portion of memory that acts as if it were a disk drive). Instead, a disk cache is used to hold information that either has recently been requested from disk or has previously been written to disk. If the required information remains in a disk cache, access time is considerably faster than if the program must wait for the disk drive mechanism to fetch the information from disk)
cache del file systemfile system cache (An area of physical memory that holds frequently used pages. It allows applications and services to locate pages rapidly and reduces disk activity)
calcolo del layoutlayout pass (A process that calculates the size and position of elements in the user interface)
calendario del progettoproject calendar (The base calendar used by a project)
campo del totaletotal field (A field that summarizes data from the underlying record source. A total field might use a summary function, such as Sum or Count, or use an expression to calculate summary values)
carattere di terminazione del campofield terminator (In bulk copy, one or more characters marking the end of a field or row, separating one field or row in the data file from the next)
cassetta del journalingjournaling mailbox (A mailbox used only for collecting journal reports in an Exchange Server organization)
cassetta postale del sitosite mailbox (An Exchange mailbox that is associated with a SharePoint site, enabling users to access documents and email related to group projects through either Outlook or SharePoint)
catalogo del databasedatabase catalog (The part of a database that contains the definition of all the objects in the database, as well as the definition of the database)
catalogo del nastrotape catalog (A catalog that maps data to the tape on which the data is stored)
Centro lavoro del teamTeam Work Center (​A Web Part that combines a search list of projects in a site collection along with a timeline that shows how those projects relate to one another)
certificato del serverserver certificate (A unique digital identification that forms the basis of the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) security features on a Web site. Server certificates are obtained from a trusted, third-party organization called a certification authority, and they provide a way for users to authenticate the identity of a Web site)
chiave del casecase key (The element of a case by which the case is referenced within a case set)
chiave del Registro di sistemaregistry key (An identifier for a record or group of records in the registry)
chiave di crittografia del depositocrypto escrow key (A secondary encryption key that provides the ability for an authorized IT Helpdesk administrator to open an encrypted document when the password is lost)
chiave master del volumevolume master key (An advanced encryption standard (AES) 256-bit key that is used by BitLocker Drive Encryption to encrypt the full volume encryption key. There is only one volume master key per volume)
chiusura del contrattocontract closeout (The completion of the contract [such as fixed price or lump sum, cost reimbursable, unit price contracts]. Closeout includes resolving all outstanding issues and items, such as inspections or invoices)
chiusura del processo silenziosasilent process exit (Silent and unexpected process termination by the process itself or by another application)
ciclo di vita del progettoproject life cycle (A collection of generally sequential project phases whose name and number are determined by the needs of the organization or organizations involved in the project)
ciclo di vita dello sviluppo del databasedatabase development life cycle (A structured process that is imposed upon the development of the database portion of an application. It is essentially a subset of the software development life cycle that is specific to one or more databases in an application)
classificazioni del contenutocontent rating (A value assigned to an item of media content that indicates its suitability for a particular audience)
clic del mousemouse click (The action of pressing and releasing one of the mouse buttons)
Client del sitoSite Client (A type of Groove workspace that is an offline, personal copy of a SharePoint site and is kept in sync with the corresponding SharePoint site providing a convenient way of working with SharePoint content, even when the SharePoint site is not available)
collo di bottiglia del discodisk bottleneck (A condition that occurs when disk performance is reduced to the extent that overall system performance is affected)
colore del tematheme color (One of a set of colors that is used in a file. Theme colors, theme fonts, and theme effects compose a theme)
componente Amministrazione e monitoraggio del servizio WebWWW Service Administration and Monitoring component (A component of the World Wide Web Publishing Service (WWW service) in IIS that is responsible for configuration, by means of the metabase, and for worker process management)
componente del prodottoproduct component (A part of a product)
componente del servizioservice component (The set of configuration items that are used to deliver a business service, such as computers, Web sites, databases, and other application components)
condivisione di libreria del progetto teamteam project library share (A project collection library share that has been further bound to a TFS team project for storage of virtual environment templates and virtual machine templates)
configurazione del dominiodomain configuration (A configuration object that is used to model Active Directory domains)
consumo costante del materialefixed material consumption (Absolute quantity of a material resource to be used to complete an assignment. A fixed consumption rate indicates that the amount of material used will be constant, regardless of changes to task duration or assignment length)
consumo variabile del materialevariable material consumption (The time-based quantity of material resource to be used in an assignment. A variable consumption indicates that the amount of material that is used changes if the task duration or assignment length changes)
contatore del tempo di uso del computercomputer use time counter (The object at the top of the screen that counts down how much computer use time is remaining on your prepaid computer)
conteggio del supportoSupport Count (A dynamic option that displays the number of rows in which the determinant column value determines the dependent column)
contesto del dominiodomain context (A client-side representation of a domain service)
contratto del provider dell'applicazioneapplication provider agreement (An agreement that describes the terms and conditions of the relationship between the application provider and the organization offering a particular service with regards to the application)
controller del discodisk controller (A special-purpose chip and associated circuitry that directs and controls reading from and writing to a computer's disk drive. A disk controller handles such tasks as positioning the read/write head, mediating between the drive and the microprocessor, and controlling the transfer of information to and from memory. Disk controllers are used with floppy disk drives and hard disks and can either be built into the system or be part of a card that plugs into an expansion slot)
convalida dell'attendibilità del certificatocertificate trust validation (The validation process that determines if a certificate chains to a root CA certificate that is trusted by the actual security context)
conversione del contenutocontent conversion (The process of transforming e-mail messages from one format to another for the purpose of mail flow or storage, such as MAPI to MIME, or uuencode to Base64 encoded, or for appropriate rendering that is specific to an e-mail client, such as HTML to RTF to plain text)
conversione implicita del cursoreimplicit cursor conversion (The return of a different type of cursor than the user had declared)
copertura del servizioservice coverage (The specific hours and days of the week for which service support will be provided)
corpo del messaggiomessage body (The content that is delivered in an e-mail message)
corpo del testobody text (The text that forms the major content of a publication. Does not include titles, headlines, pull quotes, and captions, for example)
criteri di denominazione del gruppogroup naming policy (A template applied to the distribution group names in your Microsoft Exchange organization. Specifically, you can specify that a prefix, a suffix, or both be applied to all distribution group names. You can also block certain words from being used in the names)
crittografia del dispositivodevice encryption (The use of encryption to protect local device data from offline hardware attacks)
cubo del raddoppiodoubling cube (In Internet Backgammon, a die marked with the numbers 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, and 64. It is used for keeping track of the current stakes of the game)
cursore API del serverAPI server cursor (A server cursor that is built to support the cursor functions of an API, such as ODBC, OLE DB, ADO, and DB-Library)
custodia del CDCD jewel case (The plastic case housing a CD)
data di fine del ciclocycle end date (The defined end of a period of time during which cycle items are active and can be acted upon)
data di inizio del ciclocycle start date (The defined beginning of a period of time during which cycle items are active and can be acted upon)
data di scadenza dell'uso del computerusage expiration date (The date and time at which a purchased block of unlimited computer usage time terminates)
dati del calendariocalendar data (Free or busy information for internal or federated contacts obtained by Lync or Office Communicator from Microsoft Outlook via a web service)
debugger del kernelkernel debugger (A debugging application that refines and debugs an operating system image. The kernel debugger works like an application debugger except that it is capable of debugging operating systems in addition to applications)
definizione del ciclocycle definition (Essentially, a template used to create cycle instances. Any edits to the cycle definition are applied to every subsequently-created cycle instance that is based on that cycle definition)
definizione del processojob definition (A persistent container that defines and stores instructions for a job to be run on a server, server farm, or server cluster. To run, a job must have an associated job definition, and a definition must be associated with a service or a Web application)
definizione del registrolog definition (Configuration information for a related set of log files, including the base file name that is used in the log files that are created, the logging fields that are recorded, the rollover interval, and so on)
definizione del reportreport definition (The blueprint for a report before the report is processed or rendered. A report definition contains information about the query and layout for the report)
definizione del ruolorole definition (The collection of task permissions associated with a role)
definizione del serverserver definition (The definition of a logical application server)
destinazione del bindingbinding target (In data binding, the object that consumes the value of the binding)
dimensione di controllo del budgetbudget control dimension (A combination of active financial dimensions values used to allocate budget funds to pay for planned activities)
dimensioni del bufferbuffer size (The size of the area of memory reserved for temporary storage of data)
dimensioni del caratterefont size (The point size of a set of characters in a particular typeface)
dimensioni del filefile size (The length of a file, typically given in bytes)
dimensioni del riquadro di visualizzazioneviewport extent (The width or height of the viewport)
dipendente del servizioservice dependent (The person or service in an enterprise that relies on a business service. These people and services are affected by the output and downtime of the business service)
direttiva del registrolog directive (Information that precedes the log entries in a log file, which defines the information and format contained in each log entry. Each directive in the log file begins with the character. The directives Version (Version) and Fields (Fields) are required. The Version directive defines the version of the W3C Extended Log Format that is used, and the Fields directive specifies the data recorded in the log fields of each entry)
dispositivo di scansione del voltoface scanner (A biometric sensor that analyses data points on your face to recognize or authenticate identity)
dispositivo di snapshot del volumevolume snapshot device (A virtual device created by System Restore that is needed to set a system restore point)
distribuzione del contenutocontent deployment (The act of exporting objects such as resources, templates, and galleries from a source system and importing them to a destination system. A common application is moving data from a development server to a production server)
distribuzione del sistema operativooperating system deployment (A Configuration Manager feature that allows you to create operating system images and deploy those images to target computers)
dizionario del sistemasystem dictionary (The default dictionary which is part of the handwriting recognizer and contains a typical subset of words in the supported languages)
documento del flusso di lavoroworkflow document (A view of data that is submitted to workflow for processing)
dump di arresto anomalo del sistemacrash dump (A binary file that a programmer can load into a debugger to analyze the cause of the crash. It contains the contents of the memory when the crash occurred)
durata del bloccoLockout duration (An integer control that specifies the duration in minutes the user is locked out for after hitting the Lockout Threshold. The default setting for this is "15" minutes. The lower limit for this setting is "1" and the upper limit is "9999". The upper limit allows the administrator to set the upper limit to greater than one day)
durata del cicloloop duration (The number of times that a portion of an animation storyboard is repeated)
durata del leaselease time (The length of time for which a DHCP client can use a dynamically assigned IP address configuration. Before the lease time expires, the client must either renew or obtain a new lease with DHCP)
durata del periodo di valutazioneduration of trial (The length of time for which a trial of an application is valid)
editor del Registro di sistemaRegistry Editor (An application under Windows that allows the user to edit the entries in the registry)
effetto del tematheme effect (One of a set of visual attributes that is applied to elements in a file. Theme effects, theme colors, and theme fonts compose a theme)
elaboratore per l'ottimizzazione del dizionariospell tuning processor (A processor used to fine-tune a spelling checker dictionary)
Eliminazione file ibernazione del sistemaHibernation File Cleaner (A feature that allows deletion of the files created during hibernation)
ereditarietà del gruppogroup inheritance (A means of defining the permissions of a group role within the Safe Editing feature. Administrators can create user groups and the authoring rights of each group member will be restricted according to the group permission)
ereditarietà del lottolot inheritance (The practice of configuring items so that their product characteristics and shelf life information can be updated based on their ingredients)
errore del serverserver error (A failure to complete a request for information through HTTP that results from an error at the server rather than an error by the client or the user. Server errors are indicated by HTTP status codes beginning with 5)
estensione del collegamentolink extension (A Web Deploy feature that makes it possible to perform additional custom tasks during deployment)
Estensioni del server di FrontPageFrontPage Server Extensions (A set of programs you can use to administer, author, and browse a FrontPage-extended Web site)
etichetta del controllo della versioneversion control label (A word, symbol, or other group of characters used to identify a snapshot of a set of files at a specific point in time. It is often applied by an automated build process. It can be used to view, build, or even roll back a large set of files to the state they were in when the label was applied)
etichetta del messaggiomessage label (An arrow label that indicates the message sent, its arguments and return values, and the sequencing of the message within the larger interaction (including call nesting, iteration, branching, concurrency, and synchronization))
etichetta del nastrotape label (A unique identifier for tape. For non-writable tapes, this may be a serial number)
evento del debuggerdebugger event (A diagnostic event in IntelliTrace that occurs within the Visual Studio Debugger when it is running your application)
failback del clientclient failback (The process in which a DFS client, after being redirected (failed over) to a non-optimal folder target, reverts to a preferred folder target when it comes back online)
fase del flusso di lavoroworkflow phase (A set of workflow stages that have been grouped together)
fase del flusso di lavoroworkflow stage (An element of workflow logic that groups steps. Adding stages to a workflow does not affect how the steps function. Stages are purely for conceptual grouping of steps within complex workflows)
fase di configurazione del pacchettopackage configuration phase (The phase where one of the Sequencing Wizards (the Package Configuration Wizard) gathers information necessary for creating the OSD file)
file binario di sistema del firmwarefirmware system binary (A feature that enables partners to place a system binary from firmware into Windows without modifying a Windows binary or executable file. OEMs can use this to make sure that, even after a user has removed or reinstalled the operating system, features such as theft-recovery applications, remote data-deletion software, or the ability to provide a missing device driver are still available to the user)
file del modello di moduloform template file (A cabinet (.cab) file with an .xsn file name extension that contains the files that make up a form template)
file del moduloform files (A collection of files that are used to implement a form. File types can include .html, .xml, .xsd, .xslt, script, and other file types that are necessary to support the functionality of the form)
file di configurazione del metabasemetabase configuration file (A file that stores IIS configuration settings to disk. This file is named MetaBase.xml by default. When IIS is started or restarted, the configuration settings are read from MetaBase.xml into the IIS cache in memory, which is called the in-memory metabase)
file di configurazione del servizioservice configuration file (The file that sets values for a service. The values that you can specify include the number of instances to deploy for each role, the values for the configuration parameters that you established in the service definition file, and the thumbprints for any SSL certificates associated with the service)
file di configurazione del servizio, *.cscfgservice configuration file (The file that sets values for the hosted service that can be configured while the service is running in the Windows Azure fabric. Values in the service configuration file include the number of instances required for each role, the values for the configuration parameters established in the service definition file, and the thumbprints for any SSL certificates associated with the service)
file di definizione del moduloform definition file (An XML file with an .xsf extension that contains information about all other files and components used within a form, including user interface customizations, XML Schemas, views, business logic, events, and deployment settings)
file di definizione del pacchettopackage definition file (An ASCII text file that contains predefined software distribution objects, such as programs and packages to be used for software deployment)
file di definizione del servizioservice definition file (The file that determines the service model, such as the roles that comprise a service, optional local storage resources, configuration settings, and certificates for SSL endpoints)
file di definizione del servizio, *.csdefservice definition file (The file that defines the service model for the application, which includes the roles that comprise a hosted service, the service endpoints, configuration settings, and certificates for SSL endpoints. The service model cannot be changed once the service is deployed and running)
Financial Modernization Act del 1999Financial Modernization Act of 1999 (A U.S. law containing financial provisions that require all financial institutions to disclose to consumer customers their policies and practices for protecting the privacy of non-public personal information. Non-public personal information includes any PII provided by a customer, resulting from transactions with the financial institution or obtained by a financial institution through providing products or services)
finestra del browserbrowser window (A window that serves as an interface between the user and the browser)
finestra del documentodocument window (In windowing environments, such as the Apple Macintosh and Microsoft Windows, an on-screen window (enclosed work area) in which the user can create, view, or work on a document)
finestra del prompt dei comandicommand prompt window (A window that mimics an old MS-DOS display for typing command-line instructions)
firma del pacchetto dell'appapp package signing (The process of adding a secure digital Authenticode signature to an app package before it is available in the Windows Store. The digital signature shows who signed the package, that the signer is recognized by the client as a trusted source, and that the content of the package was not changed after it was signed)
flusso del valorevalue stream (An operating unit that controls one or more production flows)
formato temporaneo del reportreport intermediate format (Internal representation of a report)
formattatore del contenutocontent formatter (The part of the distributor that turns raw notification data into readable messages)
formattazione del testotext formatting (Formatting that controls the appearance of a text. Examples include text alignment, intercharacter spacing, text justification, and text and background colors)
formula del commodity channel indexcommodity channel index formula (A formula that calculates the mean deviation of the daily average price of a commodity from the moving average. A value above 100 indicates that the commodity is overbought, and a value below -100 indicates that the commodity is oversold)
generazione del codice clientclient code generation (The action of generating code for the client project based on operations and entities exposed in the middle tier. A RIA Services link must exist between the client and server projects)
Gestione del ciclo di vita dei processiProcess Lifetime Management (An operating system process that closes apps that are not foreground apps to conserve system resources, enhance battery life, and remove the burden of app management, task management, or both, from the user. When the user switches back or re-launches the app, the app starts right where it left off)
Gestione del ciclo di vita dei processiPLM (An operating system process that closes apps that are not foreground apps to conserve system resources, enhance battery life, and remove the burden of app management, task management, or both, from the user. When the user switches back or re-launches the app, the app starts right where it left off)
Gestione del tempoTime Management (The Duet end-user application that enables users to view, create, and maintain their data for time recording activities in Microsoft Office Outlook. Users can add time-reporting data in Outlook in the form of Calendar items, which are integrated with time-reporting-compliance guidelines defined in SAP systems)
Gestione distribuzione del sistema operativoOperating System Deployment Manager (A security role that grants permissions to administrative users so that they can create, deploy, and manage operating system images)
gestore del marshalling per i campifield marshaller (A SQL Server feature that handles marshaling for fields)
Governor del carico di lavoroworkload governor (A Microsoft SQL Server tool designed to limit the performance of an instance of the database engine any time more than eight operations are active at the same time)
gravità del messaggio di statostatus message severity (An indication of the significance of a status, such as error, warning, or informational)
hijack del browserbrowser hijack (A security attack that takes control of a Web browser, usually by redirecting the user to a specific Web site. This can happen in several different ways, most typically by setting the user's home page to the hijacker's page of choice, and not allowing the user to navigate away from that page)
icona del filtrofilter icon (The icon that appears next to filtered data in a form)
icona del mousemouse icon (An icon that appears when you do a right-click equivalent by pressing and holding the tablet pen on the screen)
identificativo del datore di lavoroemployer identification number (In the United States, a 9-digit number that identifies a business entity to the government. A business must have an EIN if it has employees or meets other criteria specified by the federal government)
identificativo del gruppo di destinatariaudience identifier (A GUID or string that is used to uniquely identify an audience)
identificatore del codice della lingualanguage code identifier (A 32-bit value which consists of the language ID in the low word (bits 0-15) and the sorting ID (bits 16-19) and a reserved value (bits 20-31) in the high word)
identificatore del set di serviziservice set identifier (A unique set of letters or numbers that identifies a wireless network. For a computer or device to connect to a wireless network, it must supply that network's SSID. An SSID can be up to 32 characters)
identificatore del set di servizi di retenetwork service set identifier (A unique set of letters or numbers that identifies a wireless network. For a computer or device to connect to a wireless network, it must supply that network's SSID. An SSID can be up to 32 characters)
identificatore della chiave del soggettosubject key identifier (A certificate extension that contains a hash of the certification authority's certificate public key. This hash is placed in the Authority Key Identifier (AKI) extension of all issued certificates to facilitate chain building)
immagine del marchiobrand image (A company's or partner's logo, fonts, and colour themes or schemes intended to visually signify who and what the company is)
immagine del prodottoproduct image (A photo of a product box)
immagine del prodottobox shot (A photo of a product box)
immagine del prodotto MicrosoftMicrosoft product image (A photo of a Microsoft product box)
immagine del prodotto MicrosoftMicrosoft box shot (A photo of a Microsoft product box)
immagine del riflessoreflection image (" The secondary image in the Water attract application that "reflects" the ceiling on the water surface instead of showing the rocks underneath the water.")
immagine del sistema operativo personalizzatacustom OS image (The user-customized virtual hard disks (VHDs) that define the operating environment hosted by the VM role)
immagine del volumevolume image (A single Windows image in a Windows image (.wim) file)
immagine della confezione del prodottobox shot (A photo of a product box)
importo del pagamentopayment amount (A quantity of currency that is offered or accepted to settle a past, present, or future obligation)
impostazione del protocolloprotocol setting (A setting that defines how business transactions are to be supported for a specific business-to-business protocol. Each business profile defines the various settings for processing messages (encoding) or transmitting messages (transport) for each of the business-to-business protocols over which the partner can communicate. A protocol setting can be for encoding protocols or for a transport protocol)
impostazione di configurazione del servizioservice configuration setting (A configuration option that can be changed in a running service without requiring the service to be redeployed)
impostazioni del dominiodomain settings (The settings, related to the domain, a user needs to configure to get messaging up and running)
impronta digitale del virusvirus signature (A portion of unique computer code contained in a virus. Antivirus programs search for known virus signatures to identify infected programs and files)
indicatore del commentocomment hint (A visual indicator that denotes the presence of a comment and opens the comment when clicked)
indicatore del righelloruler mark (A mark on the vertical or horizontal ruler that shows a unit or subunit of the measurement unit that is used for the publication)
indicatore della guida del righelloruler guide marker (A marker in the ruler that aligns with the current guide position and enables users to add, edit, or delete a guide from within the ruler)
indicatore di qualità del servizioquality-of-service indicator (A statistic that indicates the degree to which a computer, server farm, or server cluster meets usage demands for that configuration)
indice del contenutocontent index (The full-text index, pointer to the property store, and other data that describes content across content sources, scopes, and servers)
indice del costo effettivocost performance index (The ratio of budgeted costs of work performed to actual costs of work performed [BCWP/ACWP]. The cumulative CPI [sum of the BCWP for all tasks divided by the sum of the ACWP for all tasks] can be used to predict whether a project will go over budget)
indice del grafograph index (An index structure that stores graph edges and their associated data such as actor, action, and object)
indice delle prestazioni prima del completamentocomplete performance index (The ratio of the work remaining to be done to funds remaining to be spent, as of the status date [BAC - BCWP]/[BAC - ACWP]. A TCPI value greater than one indicates a need for increased performance; less than one indicates performance can decrease)
indice di esecuzione del lavoro programmatoschedule performance index The ratio of the earned value (EV), which is sometimes referred to as the budgeted cost of work performed (BCWP), to the planned value (PV), which is sometimes referred to as the budgeted cost of work scheduled (BCWS). SPI is often used to estimate the project completion date. The SPI value is calculated as follows: SPI = EV/PV. If the resulting SPI value is less than 1.0, that indicates that less work was completed on the project than was planned. If the SPI value is 1.0 or greater, that indicates that more work was completed than was planned; SPI (SPI)
indicizzazione del contenutocontent indexing (The process of creating an index of the content)
indirizzo del collegamento ipertestualehyperlink address (The path to a destination such as an object, document, or Web page. A hyperlink address can be a URL (address to an Internet or intranet site) or a UNC network path (address to a file on a local area network))
indirizzo del serverserver address (The name of a server that identifies the owner of that name in a hierarchical format)
indirizzo del sottoscrittore delle notifichenotification subscriber address (A package that contains information about how to reach a particular user. It includes items such as the protocol to use and the target address)
inferenza del tipotype inference (A process in which the compiler determines the data type of a local variable that has been declared without an explicit data type declaration. The type is inferred from the initial value provided for the variable)
inferenza del tipo di variabile localelocal type inference (A process in which the compiler infers the type of a local variable that is declared with the var keyword in C or without an As clause in Visual Basic. The compiler infers the type of the variable from the type of the initializer expression)
integrità del sistemasystem health (" A model used in Windows Server "Centro" to describe the proper function and performance of key servers, roles, and services managed by Windows Server "Centro".")
intestazione del messaggiomessage header (A hidden section of an e-mail message. From the time a message is first created, information about it is added to the message header, including technical details, such as who created the message and the software used to compose it)
intestazione del pacchettopacket header (In network protocol communications, a specially reserved field of a defined bit length that is attached to the front of a packet for carry and transfer of control information. When the packet arrives at its destination, the field is then detached and discarded as the packet is processed and disassembled in a corresponding reverse order for each protocol layer)
istanza del ciclocycle instance (A specific occurrence of a cycle definition)
istanza del flusso di lavoroworkflow instance (A workflow activated by and executing in the workflow host)
istanza del processojob instance (The occurrence of a job)
istanza del ruolorole instance (The operating environment defined by a role running as a virtual machine within the context of a deployed Windows Azure cloud service. The service model may define multiple role instances for a cloud service)
istanza del servizioservice instance (An instance of an orchestration that BizTalk Server is either processing or has serialized into the MessageBox for further processing or tracking. Within BizTalk Server, this is usually a serialized representation of the state of the orchestration and references to any messages in use within the orchestration)
limite del sistemasystem boundary (In a use case diagram, a boundary surrounding the use cases that indicates the system. You can resize the system boundary by dragging a selection handle on the System Boundary shape)
limite del sitosite boundary (A site property, specified using IP subnets and Active Directory sites, that defines the resources that the site manages)
linguaggio del design MicrosoftMicrosoft design language (The set of look-and-feel elements (type, color, icons, etc) that create a sense of brand and a cohesive user experience with Microsoft products)
livellamento del volumevolume leveling (The process of automatically increasing or decreasing the volume during playback to make all audio content sound similar with respect to volume levels. Volume leveling may change the original dynamic range of the content)
manifesto del processojob manifest (An XML-formatted file that contains Resource Description Framework (RDF) metadata that describes the job for the tasks in a workflow)
manuale del prodottoproduct manual (The documentation (paper or electronic) included with a product)
manutenzione del programmaprogram maintenance (The process of supporting, debugging, and upgrading a program in response to feedback from individual or corporate users or the marketplace in general)
mappa di bit del volumevolume bitmap (A stored reference (which may exist both on hierarchical directory volumes and in memory) to every piece of data that is in the allocation blocks and indicates whether the block is allocated or free for use)
mapping del filefile mapping (The association of a file's contents with a portion of the virtual address space of a process)
mapping del tipo di oggettoobject type mapping (" A relationship between an object type that is used to represent a resource in ILM "2" and an object class that is used to represent that object in the metaverse.")
membro del gruppo di ruolirole group member (A member of an administrator role group, which is a universal security group with administrative rights assigned to it. The roles assigned to the role group are applied to each member who is added to the role group. This grants each user all the permissions allowed by the roles assigned to the role group)
membro del gruppo protezione datiprotection group member (A data source within a protection group)
memoria del dispositivodevice storage (The RAM on-board a mobile device)
memoria del telefonophone storage (" The memory available for storage of apps, games, media, settings, and more. It refers to the combined storage space between "phone" (on-device) storage and "SD card" storage.")
memorizzazione del bytecode nella cachebytecode caching (A technique for preprocessing JavaScript files so they can be loaded faster)
menu vocale del sistemasystem prompt (A short audio recording, installed on the Exchange Unified Messaging server, that is played to callers by the server. System prompts may be used to welcome callers, to inform them of their options when they use the system, and to make them aware of important information and of events and errors that have occurred)
metodo del percorso criticocritical path method (A project management method of calculating the total duration of a project based on individual task durations and their dependencies)
metodo di ammortamento a quote costanti basato sulla vita utile del cespitestraight-line service life depreciation method (A method of depreciation that calculates the depreciation of a fixed asset as a fixed amount in each depreciation period)
metodo di ammortamento a quote costanti basato sulla vita utile rimanente del cespitestraight-line service life remaining depreciation method (A method of depreciation that calculates the depreciation of a fixed asset as a fixed amount in each depreciation period. There will be a difference in the depreciation amount calculated between straight-line service life remaining and straight-line service life when there is an adjustment posted to the asset)
metrica del codicecode metric (A software measure that provides developers better insight into the code they are developing. By taking advantage of code metrics, developers can understand which types and/or methods should be reworked or more thoroughly tested. Development teams can identify potential risks, understand the current state of a project, and track progress during software development)
metrica del gruppogroup metrics (Data about the size of a distribution group and whether the recipients include people who are out of office or external to the organization)
metrica della qualità del servizioservice quality metrics (A collection of statistics that indicates the degree to which a service meets performance, usage, and other demands for the service)
mittente del messaggio vocalevoice message originator (" An e-mail address that is used on call answering messages. The voice message originator is used as the "From" field for Unified Messaging messages and is the address to which non-delivery reports (NDRs) are sent.")
modalità di aggiornamento del sistema operativoOS upgrade mode (The options for applying guest OS upgrades to the VMs. Available options are automatic, in which the OS is upgraded whenever a new guest OS is released in Windows Azure, and manual, in which the user chooses when to upgrade the VMs and what guest OS version to upgrade to)
modalità di isolamento del processo di lavoroworker process isolation mode (The Web process model for IIS 6.0)
modello del controllocontrol template (A tree of elements that is expanded into the scene whenever a control of a particular type is found. The elements typically have properties bound to properties of the control instance)
modello del prezzo di venditasales price model (A model that defines whether the calculation of sales price is based on quantity or on a markup amount or percentage of the cost price)
modello del servizio di integrazione applicativa dei datiBusiness Data Connectivity Model Template (A Visual Studio project template that enables you to create your own .NET Connectivity Assemblies)
modello di pianificazione del periodo di produzioneproduction planning period template (A user-defined timetable that is used to structure and display existing product requirements)
modello informativo del tipo di repositoryRepository Type Information Model (A core object model that represents repository type definitions for Metadata Services)
modulo di controllo del sistemasystem control module (The power supply that controls powering up the computer motherboard and all other devices that require power in the system. The SCM operates at all times when the system is plugged into an electrical outlet)
modulo di controllo del sistemaSCM (The power supply that controls powering up the computer motherboard and all other devices that require power in the system. The SCM operates at all times when the system is plugged into an electrical outlet)
modulo enumeratore di gestione del server WebWeb Server Management Enumerator module (A probe action module type that performs a WS-Management Enumerate operation)
Monitoraggio mirroring del databaseDatabase Mirroring Monitor (A tool used to monitor any subset of the mirrored databases on a server instance)
motivo del desktopdesktop pattern (In a graphical user interface such as Windows, a pattern or picture in the screen background that can be chosen by the user)
motore del repositoryrepository engine (Object-oriented software that provides management support for and customer access to a repository database)
nodo del clustercluster node (An individual computer in a server cluster)
nodo del grafograph node (An entity that is included in at least one graph edge, either as an actor or as an object)
nome alternativo del soggettosubject alternative name (An extension (defined in RFC 4985) used to store extra identifiers for a subject including the User Principal Name (UPN) of the user that is used by Windows for smart card logon and the user e-mail address (RFC 822 name))
nome alternativo del soggettoSAN (An extension (defined in RFC 4985) used to store extra identifiers for a subject including the User Principal Name (UPN) of the user that is used by Windows for smart card logon and the user e-mail address (RFC 822 name))
nome completo del computerfull computer name (A fully qualified domain name (FQDN). The full computer name is a concatenation of the computer name (for example, client1) and the primary DNS suffix of the computer (for example, reskit.com))
nome del gruppogroup name (A unique name that identifies a group of contacts in the Contacts list)
nome del punto di accesso, APNAPN (The name of the access point used to establish wireless connectivity)
nome del punto di accesso, APNaccess point name (The name of the access point used to establish wireless connectivity)
nome del punto di conversionepoint name (A name used to identify a conversion point and associate it with a specific type of transaction (e.g. shoe sale, newsletter subscription))
nome del ruolorole name (A name that appears as a text string near the end of a binary association. It indicates the role played by the class attached to the association end, so each end can have its own end name)
nome del serverserver name (A name that uniquely identifies a server computer on a network)
notifica sulla ricezione del messaggiomessage disposition notification (A request for disposition information from a recipient after a message has been successfully delivered. The information might include whether the message was displayed, printed, or deleted without display, or if a recipient refused to send notification)
notifica sulla ricezione del messaggioMDN (A request for disposition information from a recipient after a message has been successfully delivered. The information might include whether the message was displayed, printed, or deleted without display, or if a recipient refused to send notification)
notifica sullo stato del recapitodelivery status notification (A notification made up of a DSN code and a DSN message, that reports the result of an attempt to deliver an e-mail message)
numero del centro SMSSMS center number (The number used to send and receive messages)
numero del giustificativovoucher number (A unique identifier for a transaction or group of transactions)
numero del recordrecord number (A unique number assigned to a record in a database in order to identify it. A record number can identify an existing record by its position (for example, the tenth record from the beginning of a database), or it can be assigned to the record to serve as a key (for example, the number 00742 assigned to the tenth record from the beginning of the database). See also record1)
numero di accesso del sottoscrittoresubscriber access number (A number that is configured in a Private Branch eXchange (PBX) that allows a subscriber to access their Microsoft Exchange mailbox over the telephone)
numero di sequenza del file di loglog sequence number A unique number assigned to each entry in a transaction log. LSNs are assigned sequentially according to the order in which entries are created (LSN)
numero di serie del volumevolume serial number (The optional identifying volume number of a disk or tape. MS-DOS systems use the term volume serial number. Apple Macintosh systems use the term volume reference number. A volume serial number is not the same as a volume label or volume name. Compare volume label)
obiettivi del progettoproject vision (The purpose, driving factors, and background for building the system. The goal of the project vision is to align the team around a central purpose)
oggetto del messaggiomessage subject (Text indicating the topic of an instant message or an alert. It is entered by the user or generated by the computer based on conversation information. It is displayed in the title bar)
oggetto del repositoryrepository object (A COM object that represents a data construct stored in a repository type library)
operazione del ciclo di lavorazioneroute operation (A step in the process of manufacturing an item)
operazione del dominiodomain operation (A method on a domain service that is exposed to a client application. It enables client applications to perform an action on the entity such as, query, update, insert, or delete records)
orientamento del testotext direction (The direction text is written in a document, for instance left to right, right to left, horizontal or vertical)
orientamento del testotext flow (The way text is displayed in a document, how it behaves and breaks according to settings)
origine del righelloruler origin (The beginning or zero point of a horizontal or vertical ruler)
oscillatore detrended del prezzodetrended price oscillator formula (A formula that calculates the difference between the daily price and the moving average. This is useful for identifying cycles and overbought and oversold price levels)
pacchetto del servizioservice package (A package, also known as a service template, is a file that contains the role binaries and the service definition file to be published to the Windows Azure fabric)
pacchetto di metadati del dispositivodevice metadata package (A .cab file that can only have one locale support and that provides all the hardware display components in order for your device information to be shown in the Control Panel)
pagina del profiloprofile page (A page that displays the data for an item of an external content type)
pagina Web per l'individuazione del partner account del clientclient account partner discovery Web page (The Web page that is used to interact with a user to determine which account partner the user belongs to when Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS) cannot automatically determine which of the account partners should authenticate the user)
parte del controllocontrol part (An element in a control template that has special, possibly mandatory, significance and semantics in the functioning of the control. For example, a template for a ScrollBar control should supply a Thumb part for the ScrollBar to function correctly, but it need not provide a small decrease or a small increase button)
parte del reportreport part (A report item that has been published separately to a report server and that can be reused in other reports)
passaggio del flusso di lavoroworkflow step (An individual stage defined in a workflow)
passaggio del flusso di lavoroworkflow stage (A defined point in a workflow that is entered when specified conditions are met)
passaggio del modello attivitàactivity model step (A synonym for an action from the viewpoint of an activity model. When an action is contained within an activity model, it is referred to as an activity model step)
passo del testtest step (An action to be taken when the test is run, and possibly the expected result from that action)
password del mittentesender password (A password given by the service provider to the user)
password del proprietarioowner password (A password that the user sets when the Trusted Platform Module (TPM) is enabled. An owner password is required to turn the TPM on or off, and to use certain TPM functions)
percentuale del limite massimo di fornitura rispetto all'ordine fornitorepurchase order overdelivery percentage (The percentage by which product receipt quantities are allowed to exceed the purchase order quantity)
percentuale del limite minimo di fornitura rispetto all'ordine fornitorepurchase order underdelivery percentage (The percentage by which product receipt quantities are allowed to be less than the purchase order quantity)
percentuale del prezzo di listinopercent of list (A pricing method that determines the unit price of the product as a percent of the price that was entered in the List Price field on the Product form)
percentuale del supportoSupport Percentage (A dynamic option that displays the percentage of rows in which the determinant column determines the dependent column)
percentuale di completamento del lavoropercent work complete (A percentage value that indicates the current status of a task, resource, or assignment, expressed as the percentage of work that has been completed)
percorso del collegamentolink path (The descriptive form, or explicit connecting points, of referring to the location of a link source)
periodo di tolleranza del bloccolock grace period (The time period (in seconds) within which users can reestablish file locks after the server restarts)
piano del progettoproject plan (A formal, approved document used to guide both project execution and project control)
plug-in del browserbrowser plug-in (A kind of software that lets a standard web browser display and run specific types of content, such as media files, animations, and interactive forms)
posizione del servizioservice location (The process by which clients can automatically discover and select a network service--for example, through Active Directory publishing or DNS SRV resource records)
pre-arresto del sistemapreshutdown (A feature of Vista, where services are alerted of an upcoming shutdown so they have time to close activities and clean-up resources)
prefisso del gruppogroup prefix (" A group name that appears to the left of the
processo del flusso di lavoroworkflow process (A series of interrelated action steps and the workflow rules that drive the transition between these steps. A workflow process defines the actions the workflow should take at each step, and the workflow rules the workflow should use to evaluate when to proceed to the next step)
processo del flusso di lavoroworkflow job (A job performed on entities or records, based on rules defined in a workflow)
processo di pianificazione del budgetbudget planning process (A process that identifies the budget cycle and ledger for the budget planning period and defines how the budget plans will be routed, reviewed, and approved in an organization hierarchy)
profilo del browserbrowser profile (A collection of HTTP headers to simulate a particular browser, such as Internet Explorer 6 or Netscape 6)
profilo del documentodocument profile (A set of properties applied to similar documents in the backward-compatible document library)
profilo del ruolo utenteuser role profile (A set of permitted operations and classes of data that users need access to so they can perform specific job duties)
profilo del sistema operativo guestguest operating system profile (A library resource containing the most common settings from a Sysprep.inf file, including the computer name and domain or workgroup settings, which can be applied to a virtual machine template)
progetto del databasedatabase project (A collection of one or more data connections (a database and the information needed to access that database))
programma del servizioservice program (A program that uses Service Broker functionality. A service program may be a Transact-SQL stored procedure, a SQLCLR stored procedure, or an external program)
programmazione del budgetbudget schedule (A schedule for the planned expenditure of allocated financial resources)
programmazione generale del fabbisogno nettonet change master scheduling (A master scheduling principle in which net requirements are calculated only for items that have had a change in demand since the last master schedule was calculated)
propagazione del wormworm propagation (The method used by a worm to spread itself from one computer to another computer)
proprietario del contenutocontent owner (The person or organization that controls access to protected content)
proprietario del databasedatabase owner (The person who created the database, and has full control, including granting access permissions or deleting records. When a database has been restored, then the person who restored it becomes the owner)
proprietario del flusso di lavoroworkflow manager (A user of the Response Group service who has the necessary user rights to create a workflow or to manage certain properties of a workflow)
proprietario del gruppogroup owner (A person authorized to manage and make certain changes to a group, such as to approve a membership request)
proprietà del discriminatorediscriminator property (A column in a database table that contains a value that determines which class any given record belongs to)
proprietà del membromember property (A characteristic of a dimension member. Dimension member properties can be alphanumeric, Boolean, or Date/Time data types, and can be user-defined or predefined)
proprietà del membro di dimensionedimension member property (A characteristic of a dimension member. Dimension member properties can be alphanumeric, Boolean, or Date/Time data types, and can be user-defined or predefined)
Protocollo di stato del certificato onlineOnline Certificate Status Protocol A protocol that allows real-time validation of a certificate's status by having the CryptoAPI make a call to an OCSP responder and the OCSP responder providing an immediate validation of the revocation status for the presented certificate. Typically, an OCSP responder responds with the revocation status check request based on the certificate revocation list (CRL) or other forms of revocation status it retrieves from the certification authorities (OCSP)
proxy del server federativo di accountaccount federation server proxy (The federation server proxy that is located in the perimeter network of the account partner organization. The account federation server proxy collects authentication credentials from a client that logs on over the Internet (or from the perimeter network) and passes those credentials to the account federation server)
proxy del server federativo di risorsaresource federation server proxy (The federation server proxy that is located in the perimeter network of the resource partner organization. The resource federation server proxy performs account partner discovery for Internet clients, and it redirects incoming security tokens to the resource federation server)
proxy di applicazione del servizio BDCBDC Service Application Proxy (An application proxy that allows Web applications to connect to a Business Data Connectivity Shared Service Application and contains features for using the shared service)
proxy di applicazione del servizio di integrazione applicativa dei datiBusiness Data Connectivity Service Application Proxy (An application proxy that allows Web applications to connect to a Business Data Connectivity Shared Service Application and contains features for using the shared service)
proxy Web del risponditore onlineOnline Responder web proxy (The web proxy for the Online Responder that receives and decodes requests, and caches responses for a configurable period of time)
pulsante del mousemouse button (A movable piece on a device that is pressed to activate some function)
pulsante della barra del titolocaption button (A button that is displayed on the caption bar of a dockable pane or mini-frame window)
pulsante destro del mouseright mouse button (The button on your pointing device that you use to display shortcut menus or other program-specific features)
pulsante Funzione del Tablet PCFunction tablet button (A tablet button that you can use in combination with other tablet buttons to do a task. This is similar to using a key combination on a standard keyboard)
pulsante per il controllo del volumevolume control button (A hardware button that increases and decreases the sound volume)
pulsante predefinito del pannello della barra multifunzioneribbon pane default button (The button that appears when a ribbon is reduced to its minimum size. A click of the button displays the ribbon commands on a menu)
pulsante principale del mouseprimary mouse button (The button on your pointing device that you use most often for clicking and double-clicking)
pulsante sinistro del mouseleft mouse button (The button on your pointing device that you use most often for clicking and double-clicking)
puntatore del mousemouse pointer (An on-screen element whose location changes as the user moves the mouse. Depending on the location of the mouse pointer and the operation of the program with which it is working, the area of the screen where the mouse pointer appears serves as the target for an action when the user presses one of the mouse buttons)
punto di localizzazione del serverserver locator point (An SMS/Configuration Manager site system that locates client access points and management points for SMS/Configuration Manager clients)
punto per servizi Web del Catalogo applicazioniApplication Catalog web service point (A Configuration Manager site system role that provides application information from the Software Library to the Application Catalog website)
punto per siti Web del Catalogo applicazioniApplication Catalog website point (A Configuration Manager site system role that provides users with a list of available software from the Application Catalog)
Qualità del servizioQuality of Service A set of quality assurance standards and mechanisms for data transmission (QoS)
radice del processore virtualevirtual processor root (In the Concurrency Runtime, in the Resource Manager, an abstraction of a physical processing resource. To enable oversubscription of hardware threads, multiple virtual processor roots can map to one physical processing resource)
redditività del capitale nettoreturn on equity (The ratio of profitability calculated by dividing net income by owners' equity)
referrer del punto di conversioneconversion referrer (An ad, search result, or any other link that sends a user to the site where that user completes a transaction)
reflection del driverdriver reflection (The process by which a driver file is copied to a location on the destination computer and the corresponding service is created)
registrazione del dominiodomain enrollment (The process of joining a Windows Mobile powered device to a company domain)
regola del flusso di lavoroworkflow rule (A set of action steps in a business process or sales process. A workflow rule specifies the required activities for a workflow and the order in which those activities must be performed)
regola del gruppo di destinatariaudience rule (A set of logical conditions that determine whether a user profile can be a member of an audience)
regola di controllo del budgetbudget control rule (The encoding of a business decision to check committed and actual expenditure against available budget funds allocated for detailed or aggregate activities defined by valid budget control dimension value combinations)
regola di impatto del crawlercrawler impact rule (A rule that applies to a specific URL or range of URLs on which you can configure crawling to reduce the resources that are used on the server that is being crawled)
regola dipercorso del sitosite path rule (A rule for a specific part of a site that includes or excludes content from the content index)
regole di assegnazione del sitosite assignment rules (A group of boundaries that an SMS/Configuration Manager administrator defines for an SMS/Configuration Manager site. SMS/Configuration Manager uses these rules to determine which resources and clients are assigned to the site)
regole di confronto del serverserver collation (The collation for an instance of SQL Server)
rendering del reportreport rendering (The action of combining the report layout with the data from the data source for the purpose of viewing the report)
requisito del servizioservice requirement (A design option that, if it is changed, requires the service to be redeployed)
requisito di qualità del servizioquality of service requirement (A type of work item that records a constraint on the system such as performance, load, stress, security mechanism, or platform. These requirements do not describe functionality but rather constraints on that functionality)
responsabile del contenutomanaging editor (A label that refers to the e-mail address of the person responsible for editorial content)
responsabile del gruppo di lavoroworkgroup manager (The person who creates and maintains the project schedule and uses workgroup messages to assign tasks to the workgroup members; also uses the workgroup features to update tasks in the project as members reply)
riconoscimento del movimentogesture recognition (A feature of the Pencil tool. As you begin to move the mouse, Visio quickly calculates the path the mouse pointer travels. If the path of the mouse is straight, the Pencil tool draws a straight line segment)
riga del contratto di assistenzaservice agreement line (An itemization of tasks that are covered by a service agreement)
riga del kitkit line (An individual item that is a component of a kit)
Rilevamento stato e attività del sistemaHealth and Activity Tracking tool (A user interface that enables specified data to be tracked. This interface can be used to monitor the health of the BizTalk server farm and to track and view specific events and messages)
ripristinare le impostazioni di fabbrica del PCreset your PC (To reset a system so that all user customizations are removed)
ripristino a seguito dell'arresto anomalo del sistemacrash recovery (The ability of a computer to resume operation after a disastrous failure, such as the failure of a hard drive. Ideally, recovery can occur without any loss of data, although usually some, if not all, data is lost)
ripristino del filefile restore (An operation that restores one or more files of a database)
ripristino del serviziorestoration of service (The process of bringing service back online after data corruption, hardware or software failure, or disaster by either recovering data and settings or rebuilding a component in order to make its functionality available to users)
ripristino del serviziorestoration of service (The process of bringing service back online after data corruption, hardware or software failure, or disaster by either recovering data and settings or rebuilding a component in order to make its functionality available to users)
riquadro a comparsa del contattocontact flyout (A flyout that provides information about a contact and allows the user to connect with the contact directly from an app)
riquadro a comparsa del menumenu flyout (A flyout that contains a contextual list of menu items)
riquadro animato del calendarioCalendar live tile (A tile that updates dynamically to show upcoming calendar items directly from the Calendar)
riquadro dei dati del reportreport data pane (A data pane that displays a hierarchical view of the items that represent data in the user's report. The top level nodes represent built-in fields, parameters, images, and data source references)
riquadro del codicecode pane (In Visual Basic for Applications, the window that is used to display, edit, and write module-level and procedure code)
riquadro delimitatore del testotext bounding box (The smallest rectangle that can enclose the text in a text frame)
riquadro delimitatore del testobounding box (The smallest rectangle that can enclose the text in a text frame)
risoluzione del casocase resolution (An activity that includes such information as the description of the resolution and the billable time of the case)
risorsa del nome di reteNetwork Name resource (In a Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC), a logical server name that is managed as a cluster resource. A network name resource must be used with an IP address resource)
risorsa del tematheme resource (A file of supported type used in a theme)
risorsa disco del clustercluster disk resource (A disk on a cluster storage device)
risorse del teamTeam Resources (A feature that allows task work to be assigned to a group at the resource level to rather than to an individual. The total work load of the team resource includes both each individual's and the team's. These are not project teams)
risultati del campofield results (Text or graphics inserted in a document when Microsoft Word carries out a field's instructions. When you print the document or hide field codes, the field results replace the field codes)
risultato del testtest result (The verdict from executing a test: pass, fail, or inconclusive)
ritiro a carico del clientewill call (A shipping method that indicates an order will be picked up instead of being shipped)
riversamento del testotext flow (The way text is displayed in a document, how it behaves and breaks according to settings)
rotellina del mousescroll wheel (A hard plastic disc on a mouse that is perpendicular to the mouse surface. It is normally located between the left and right mouse buttons and is used for scrolling)
rumore del microfonomicrophone noise (Unwanted sound that is captured when objects touch a microphone inadvertently)
saldo del contoaccount balance (The difference between the sum of debit entries and the sum of credit entries entered into an account during a financial period)
scenario del piano di budgetbudget plan scenario (A classification of budget plan lines, such as Prior year or Department request, that describes the budget that you are working with or planning for)
scheda del ciclo di lavorazioneroute card (A production journal that is used to give feedback on actual time consumption for a route)
scheda del clustercluster adapter (The adapter that, when using multiple network adapters in each host of a Network Load Balancing cluster, handles the network traffic for cluster operations (the traffic for all hosts in the cluster). This adapter is programmed with the host's cluster IP address)
scheda del codice Product Keyproduct key card (A physical card on which a product key is printed)
schema del databasedatabase schema (The names of tables, fields, data types, and primary and foreign keys of a database)
schema del metabasemetabase schema (The master configuration file (MBSchema.xml) supplied with IIS that contains all of the predefined properties from which metabase entries are derived)
schema SQL del repositoryRepository SQL schema (A set of standard tables used by the repository engine to manage all repository objects, relationships, and collections)
sensibile ai valori DPI del monitorper monitor–DPI aware (Pertaining to an application that adjusts the size of UI elements dynamically to accommodate changes to the DPI setting)
sensibile ai valori DPI del sistemasystem–DPI aware (Pertaining to an application that always renders at the system DPI setting, which is calculated by Windows based on the primary display at first logon)
separazione del ruolo di amministratoreadministrator role separation (The ability to delegate local administrative permissions for a read-only domain controller (RODC) to any domain user without granting that user any user rights for the domain or other domain controllers)
sequenza tasti del telefonodialing keys (A set of characters that Live Meeting uses to simulate pauses or telephone keystrokes so that it can automatically dial an audio conferencing partner and connect to a meeting. For example, a comma represents a pause)
sequenziamento del prodottoproduct sequencing (The practice of classifying and managing characteristics of items so that products with similar characteristics can be scheduled to be produced together)
serie di varianti del tematheme family (A set of variants on a single theme)
server del componentecomponent server (A server that runs Configuration Manager services. When you install all the site system roles except for the distribution point role, Configuration Manager automatically installs the component server)
server del data warehousedata warehouse server (The server that hosts the OperationsManagerDW database)
server del sitosite server (An Configuration Manager site sytem role assigned to the server on which SMS/Configuration Manager Setup has been run successfully. When Configuration Manager is installed on a computer, that computer is automatically assigned the site server role. Every SMS/Configuration Manager site has one site server)
server di bilanciamento del caricoload balancing server (The server on which the load balancing process is carried out)
server di database del sitosite database server (An Configuration Manager site system role assigned to the computer that hosts the Configuration Manager site database (a SQL Server database). The computer might or might not be the site server)
server di gestione del controlloAudit and Control Management Server (A Microsoft Office product that provides non-intrusive auditing of changes made to Excel spreadsheets and Access databases, and supports alerts, notifications and automatic workflows based on user activities such as macro or formula changes)
Servizio Copia Shadow del volumeVSS (A Windows Server 2003 technology that supports creation of single point-in-time shadow copies - also known as snapshots - of single or multiple volumes without impacting file server performance. Volume Shadow Copy Service also supports backups of open files)
Servizio Copia Shadow del volumeVolume Shadow Copy Service (A Windows Server 2003 technology that supports creation of single point-in-time shadow copies - also known as snapshots - of single or multiple volumes without impacting file server performance. Volume Shadow Copy Service also supports backups of open files)
servizio del dominiodomain service (A service that encapsulates the business logic of an application. It exposes a set of related domain operations in a service layer)
Servizio di gestione del lavoroWork Management Service (A SharePoint shared service that aggregates tasks that systems such as SharePoint, Project Server, and Exchange assign to users)
simbolo del titoloticker symbol (An identification code used to identify a publicly traded corporation on a particular stock market)
Sincronizzazione attività di gestione del lavoroWork Management Task Sync (A component of the Work Management Service that synchronizes tasks with systems outside of SharePoint, such as an Exchange mailbox, to enable task management in Outlook)
sincronizzazione del sito Project Web AppProject Web App Site Sync (A mechanism that synchronizes permissions from Project Server to the Project Web App site)
sistema del progetto di BizTalkBizTalk project system (A system used to create part or all of a BizTalk Server application or business solution. It is used to add, edit, or remove BizTalk Server items (orchestrations, maps, schemas, and pipelines). It contains commands such as compile and deploy)
sistema del sitosite system (A server or share that provides SMS/Configuration Manager functionality to an SMS/Configuration Manager site. The functionality provided by a site system depends on the assigned role. A site system can perform one or more roles)
Sito del gruppo di lavoroGroup Work Site (A team site template that provides group collaboration capabilities based on standard business practices. Integrated functions include a group calendar, Whereabouts, Announcements, Phone Call Memo, and Schedule and Reservations)
sito del teamteam site (A SharePoint site created to facilitate team collaboration on projects and other efforts)
sito Web del teamteam Web site (A customizable Web site with features that help a team work together. The default site has pages for document libraries, announcements, and team events. Only members, specified by the site creator, can use the site)
snapshot del calendarioCalendar Snapshot (A feature that allows you to send a snapshot of your calendar to someone outside your Exchange organization and allow them to see the data on your calendar and schedule against it)
snapshot del databasedatabase snapshot (A read-only, static view of a database at the moment of snapshot creation)
snapshot del reportreport snapshot (A static report that contains data captured at a specific point in time)
snapshot del volumevolume snapshot (A snapshot of a volume that is made at a specific point in time)
snapshot dell'esecuzione del reportreport execution snapshot (A report snapshot that is cached. Report administrators create report execution snapshots if they want to run reports from static copies)
snapshot della cronologia del reportreport history snapshot (Report history that contains data captured at a specific point in time)
sostituzione del protocolloprotocol rollover (A procedure that enables switching from one protocol to another when a Windows Media server fails to make a connection using a particular protocol)
sovraccarico del bufferbuffer overflow (A condition that results from adding more information to a buffer than it was designed to hold. An attacker may exploit this vulnerability to take over a system)
stato del clientclient status (A feature that monitors the health and activity of the Configuration Manager client and that can take remedial action if it is required)
stato del controllocontrol state (A field in an ASP.NET Web page that stores the current property settings for server controls on the page. Control state is used to recreate the page and reestablish previous settings on each postback)
stato del flusso di lavoroworkflow status (The condition, at a particular time, of a workflow)
stato del recordrecord status (The condition, at a particular time, of a record)
Stato del servizioService status (A UI element that links to a Web page that displays the condition and quality of the service)
stato del software compilatobuild health (The quality of the as-built software)
stencil del documentodocument stencil (A stencil stored in a drawing file that contains an inventory of the masters used in all of the drawings in the file. Masters on the document stencil are linked to their instances in the drawings)
stringa del costruttoreconstructor string (An initialization string that is administratively specified for a component. It is possible to specify a constructor string when a component has been written specifically to recognize the string)
striping del discodisk striping (The procedure of combining a set of same-size disk partitions that reside on separate disks (from 2 to 32 disks) into a single volume, forming a virtual stripe across the disks that the operating system recognizes as a single drive)
strumenti del relatorepresenter tools (A set of tools that presenters can use to create and present resources)
Strumenti di amministrazione remota del serverRSAT (A feature in Windows Server that enables remote management of Windows Server operating systems by allowing users to open and run management tools on a remote computer)
Strumenti di amministrazione remota del serverRemote Server Administration Tools (A feature in Windows Server that enables remote management of Windows Server operating systems by allowing users to open and run management tools on a remote computer)
struttura del databasedatabase structure (The names of tables, fields, data types, and primary and foreign keys of a database)
struttura di suddivisione del lavorowork breakdown structure (A deliverable-oriented grouping of project elements that organizes and defines the total work scope of the project. Each descending level represents an increasingly detailed definition of the project work)
struttura di suddivisione del lavoroWBS (A deliverable-oriented grouping of project elements that organizes and defines the total work scope of the project. Each descending level represents an increasingly detailed definition of the project work)
suddivisione del righelloruler subdivision (The division between grid lines and between intervals of the ruler)
suffisso del nome dell'entità utenteuser principal name suffix
tastiera del telefonodial pad (A numeric keypad that is part of a device, is displayed on a device, or is in a computer program that you use to enter information in the context of a phone call)
tema del desktopdesktop theme (A collection of visual elements and sounds for your computer desktop or device User Interface. A theme determines the look of the various visual elements of your User Interface, such as windows, icons, fonts, and colors, and it can include sounds)
tema del gruppogroup theming (A feature that enables group owners to change their group's image and colors for a better representation)
tempo del kernelkernel time (The approximate time spent executing in kernel mode during the execution of a user mode application. Includes time spent in disk I/O and waiting for synchronization events)
tempo di uso del computercomputer usage time (An amount of time that is used toward computer or software access)
testo visualizzato del collegamento ipertestualehyperlink display text (The part of a hyperlink in a document or Web page that displays as text on the screen)
tipo di carattere del tematheme font (One of a set of major and minor fonts that is applied to a file. Theme fonts, theme colors, and theme effects compose a theme)
tipo di dati del campofield data type (A property of a field that defines the kinds of data the field can store)
tipo di dati del campofield data types (A characteristic of a field that determines what kind of data it can store. For example, a field whose data type is Text can store data consisting of either text or number characters, but a Number field can only store numerical data)
titolo del menumenu title (The menu name that is displayed in the menu bar)
token di accesso del processoprocess access token (A data structure that contains authentication and authorization information for a user. Windows creates the access token when the user logs on and the user's identity is confirmed. The access token contains the user's security ID (SID), the list of groups that the user is a member of, the list of privileges held by that user. Each process or thread started for the user inherits a copy of the access token. In some cases a user may have more than one access token, with different levels of authority)
topologia del serverserver topology (A graphical depiction of the configuration or arrangement of (usually conceptual) servers, including connecting lines)
topologia del servizioservice topology (The number of instances of a role to run for a Windows Azure hosted service, as defined by the service configuration file)
trailer del messaggiomessage trailer (In EDI, a part of the message used to indicate the end of a document, which is a bundle of logically combined segments containing information about one transaction. In ANSI X.12, a message is equivalent to a transaction set)
triangolo del progettoproject triangle (The interrelationship of time, money, and scope. If you adjust any one of these elements, the other two are affected. For example, if you adjust the project plan to shorten the schedule, you might increase costs and decrease scope)
ubicazione del magazzino da riforniresupplied inventory location (The inventory location where an item is consumed and where the replenishment of the item is planned)
ubicazione del magazzino di orginesource inventory location (The inventory location where materials required by a kanban production activity or transfer activity are picked)
unit test del databasedatabase unit test (A unit test that validates whether a certain aspect of your database is working as you expect)
URL del portaleportal URL (An internal Web address for accessing Live Meeting Manager on an intranet)
uso del tasto asteriscostar out (A function that is available to callers when they are dialed into Unified Messaging Auto Attendant but they want to be able to get to Outlook Voice Access to access their e-mail and voice mail. The caller presses the star (*) key per the voice prompt, which takes them to Outlook Voice Access)
uso prepagato del computerpay-as-you-go computing (A model in which a solution provider offers a computer to the customer for a low initial payment, and the customer adds time to the computer by purchasing blocks of computer usage time. Once an agreed-upon amount of usage time is purchased, the customer has unlimited access to the computer and no longer needs to pay for computer usage time)
utilizzo del range retributivorange utilization (A measure that shows how much of a pay range a given employee has utilized and which is used to determine the potential for additional increases within the range. Range utilization is calculated as follows: (Fixed Pay Rate – Range Minimum) / (Range Maximum – Range Minimum). If fixed pay rate equals the range maximum, then the range utilization equals 100%, pay at midpoint equals 50%, and pay at minimum equals 0%)
valore del campofield value (The contents of a database field displayed inside a database results region, as shown in a Web browser)
valore della proprietà del messaggio di statostatus message property value (An optional attribute of a status message property that is applied by the SMS component that generates the message. Status message properties let you differentiate messages associated with particular advertisements, collections, packages, and users when you are querying, finding, and filtering)
valore di livellamento del volumevolume-leveling value (A value that is included with Windows Media Format (WMF) or MP3 format files that allows volume leveling to work)
Valori del votoGrade Values (An assignment property that indicates whether grades for the assignment are numeric or non-numeric)
velocità di intermittenza del cursorecursor blink rate (The rate at which the cursor indicating the active insertion point in a text window, or other display element, flashes on and off)
vincolo del costruttore senza parametriparameterless constructor constraint (A restriction on a generic type parameter, such that types substituted for that type parameter must provide a parameterless or default constructor)
vincolo del progettoproject constraint (A factor that will limit the project management team's options. For example, a predefined budget is a constraint that may limit the team's scope, staffing, and schedule options)
virus del settore di avvioboot sector virus (A virus that infects computer systems by copying code either to the boot sector on a floppy disk or the partition table on a hard disk. During startup, the virus is loaded into memory. Once in memory, the virus will infect any non-infected disks accessed by the system)
viste del catalogocatalog views (Built-in views that form the system catalog for SQL Server)
visualizzazione host del componente aggiuntivohost view of the add-in (In the .NET Framework add-in programming model, an assembly that contains interfaces or abstract base classes, and represents the host's view of the methods and types used to communicate with an add-in)
volume del punto di ripristinorecovery point volume (A volume on the DPM server that contains the shadow copies and recovery points for a protected data source)
volume del sistema operativooperating system volume (A volume that contains an operating system (for example, Windows Vista) that can be loaded by Windows Boot Manager. A given system can have multiple operating system volumes. The operating system on the current volume can be started only if it has an entry in the Boot Configuration Data (BCD))
vulnerabilità del prodottoproduct vulnerability (A set of conditions that violates an implied or explicit security policy. A product vulnerability is normally addressed by a Microsoft security bulletin or a service pack)
widget del dashboarddashboard widget (A user interface element in a dashboard view that is a combination of a UI control, such as a pie chart or dial, and a data provider)
Windows Backup - Immagine del sistemaWindows System Image Backup (A tool in Windows Vista that backs up the system image)
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