
Terms for subject Environment containing data | all forms | exact matches only
acquisizione di datidata acquisition The act of collecting and gathering individual facts, statistics or other items of information
analisi dei datidata analysis The evaluation of digital data, i.e. data represented by a sequence of code characters
base di dati relazionalerelational database A collection of digital information items organized as a set of formally described tables from which the information can be accessed or reassembled in different ways without reorganizing the tables
dati del monitoraggiomonitoring data No definition needed
dati economicieconomic data No definition needed
dati geo-referenziatigeo-referenced data
dati operativioperating data Data referring to the practical carrying-out of a process
dati pro capiteper capita data No definition needed
dati prognosticiprognostic data
dati statisticistatistical data No definition needed
dati sull'ambienteenvironmental data Information concerning the state or condition of the environment
dati sullo stato dell'ambientedata on the state of the environment No definition needed
prodotti chimici già esistenti alla data del 18.09.1981existing chemical Chemical products existing before 18-09-1981, chemicals traded or introduced in the EC defore 18.09.1981 concerning Chemikaliengesetz
prodotti chimici già esistenti alla data del 18.09.1981existing chemical
rete di dati del sistema ILCDInternational Reference Life Cycle Data System ILCD Data Network
rete di dati del sistema ILCDILCD Data Network