
Terms containing costi del lavoro | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
econ., stat.costi del lavorocost of work
unions., econ.costi del lavoro non salarialinon-wage labour costs
lab.law.costi indiretti del lavoroindirect labour costs
unions., econ.costi indiretti del lavoronon-wage labour costs
fin., lab.law.costo del lavorolabour cost
fin.costo del lavorolabour costs
lab.law.costo del lavoroexpenditures on wages
lab.law.costo del lavorocosts of labour
commun., ITcosto del lavorocost of work charge
econ., lab.law., PRcosto del lavorocost of labour
econ., PRcosto del lavorowage costs
law, econ.costo del lavorolabour and machinery costs
econ., agric.costo del lavoro animaleanimal labour costs
gen.costo del lavoro per unità di prodottounit labour costs
comp., MScosto effettivo del lavoro eseguitoactual cost of work performed (The actual costs incurred for work already performed by a resource on a task, up to the project status date or today's date)
fin.costo nominale del lavoro per unità di prodottonominal unit labour cost
fin.costo nominale del lavoro per unità di prodottonominal ULC
comp., MScosto preventivato del lavoro eseguitobudgeted cost of work performed (The earned value field that indicates how much of the task's budget should have been spent, given the actual duration of the task)
comp., MScosto preventivato del lavoro programmatobudgeted cost of work scheduled (The earned value field that shows how much of the budget should have been spent, in view of the baseline cost of the task, assignment, or resource. BCWS is calculated as the cumulative timephased baseline costs up to the status date or today's date)
IT, dat.proc.costo reale del lavoro compiutospent dollars
gen.costo unitario del lavorounit labour costs
fin.costo unitario del lavoro in termini realireal unit labour cost
stat., lab.law.indagine sul costo del lavorosurvey on labour costs
stat.indice del costo del lavorolabour cost index
lab.law.indice europeo del costo del lavoroEuropean employment cost index
econ., social.sc.indice europeo del costo del lavoroeuropean employment cost index