
Terms for subject Microsoft containing corrente | all forms | exact matches only
alimentazione, corrente alternataalternating current (Electric current that reverses its direction of flow (polarity) periodically according to a frequency measured in hertz, or cycles per second. The rapid change from positive to negative electricity of 60 or more times each second)
Condivisi con l'utente correnteShared with Me (A view that displays a list of documents and folders that are shared with the user)
conoscenza correntemade-with knowledge (In synchronization processes, the current knowledge of the source replica, to be used in conflict detection)
conversazione correntecurrent conversation (A conversation that you are currently having, as opposed to a past conversation)
corrente alternata, alimentazioneAC (Electric current that reverses its direction of flow (polarity) periodically according to a frequency measured in hertz, or cycles per second. The rapid change from positive to negative electricity of 60 or more times each second)
costo correntecurrent cost (The most recent price of a product or service)
directory correntecurrent directory (The first directory in which the operating system looks for programs and data files and stores files for output)
gruppo Conversazioni correntiCurrent Conversations group (A group, at the top of the Contact List, used to show any ongoing or open instant messaging conversations)
passività correntecurrent liability (An obligation that is due within a short period of time, usually one year or less, and which will be paid out of current assets)
periodo correntecurrent period (A dynamic cycle property that you set to define either the start or end of the data period for the cycle)
record correntecurrent record (The record in a recordset that you can modify or retrieve data from. There is only one current record in a recordset, but a recordset may have no current record, for example, after a record has been deleted from a dynaset-type recordset)
versione correntecurrent version (Version of a file most recently stored in a Visual SourceSafe database. The current version of the file has the highest version number)
volume correntetidal volume (The volume of air inspired or expired at each breath)
zona correntecurrent region (The block of filled-in cells that includes the currently selected cell or cells. The region extends in all directions to the first empty row or column)