
Terms for subject Microsoft containing conversione da | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
conversione da macchina fisica a virtualephysical-to-virtual machine conversion (" The process by which a functioning physical computer is "converted" to an identical, or nearly identical, virtual machine.")
conversione da macchina virtuale a macchina virtualevirtual-to-virtual machine conversion (" The process by which a functioning virtual machine created in VMware is "converted" to an identical, or nearly identical, virtual machine in Virtual Machine Manager.")
fattore di conversionescale factor (A ratio to convert from one number precision to another)
funzione di conversioneconversion function (A function that converts one data type or format to another data type or format)
Gestione punti di conversioneConversion Manager (A report administration page that allows users to view, create or change conversion points)
pagina di conversioneconversion page (A Web site page that a visitor reaches after having completed an action)
punto di conversioneconversion point (A measurement of the number of visitors who reach a conversion page)
strumento di conversioneconversion tool (A tool that is used to perform conversions)
tipo di conversioneconversion type (The kind of conversion based on the action desired from the user (e.g. purchase, subscription))