
Terms containing configurazione | all forms | exact matches only
ITambiente a base di conoscenze per configurazioni di sistemi di software con reimpiego di componentiA knowledge-base environment for software system configuration reusing components
comp., MSapplicazione Configurazione guidataOOBE application (An application that determines what the out-of-box experience will be)
comp., MSapplicazione Configurazione guidataout-of-box experience application (An application that determines what the out-of-box experience will be)
ITassemblare i blocchi funzionali in configurazione di reteto assemble functional blocks into skeleton network configurations
comp., MSAssistente configurazione accountAccount Setup Assistant (The assistant that helps users configure some of the most widely used e-mail accounts, such as POP, IMAP, Windows Live Hotmail, and Microsoft Exchange accounts)
comp., MSAttività di configurazione inizialeInitial Configuration Tasks (A window that, by default, opens immediately after operating system installation is complete and each time a member of the Administrators group logs on to the computer. By using commands in the Initial Configuration Tasks window, you can complete the configuration required to identify the computer to other computing resources on your network, secure the computer, enable administrators to perform tasks on the computer, and customize the computer by adding roles or features)
comp., MSAttività di configurazione inizialeICT (A window that, by default, opens immediately after operating system installation is complete and each time a member of the Administrators group logs on to the computer. By using commands in the Initial Configuration Tasks window, you can complete the configuration required to identify the computer to other computing resources on your network, secure the computer, enable administrators to perform tasks on the computer, and customize the computer by adding roles or features)
comp., MSciclo di lavorazione di configurazioneconfiguration route (The sequence in which configuration groups are selected during the production process)
comp., MSclasse elemento di configurazioneconfiguration item class (A collection of configuration items. Groups can contain members of different configuration items classes (for example, a computer and a user))
earth.sc.classificazione delle configurazioni del campo magneticoclassification of magnetic field configurations
comp., MSclient Gestione configurazioneConfiguration Manager client (A computer running Configuration Manager client components. A client can be further categorized as either a Legacy Client or an Advanced Client)
el.configurazione a B minimominimum-B configuration
earth.sc.configurazione a B minimonon zero minimum B field configuration
earth.sc.configurazione a B minimominimum B configuration
earth.sc.configurazione a B minimo in mediaminimum-mean-B configuration
earth.sc.configurazione a B minimo in mediaminimum-average-B configuration
earth.sc.configurazione a B minimo in mediaminimum-B configuration on the average
commun., ITconfigurazione a bande multiplemultiple-band configuration
IT, el.configurazione a base comunecommon base configuration
transp.configurazione a biciclobicycle layout
earth.sc.configurazione a campo magnetico minimo non nullonon zero minimum B field configuration
earth.sc.configurazione a campo magnetico minimo non nullominimum B configuration
earth.sc.configurazione a cuspide riempitastuffed cusp configuration
earth.sc.configurazione a cuspide riempitastuff cusp configuration
earth.sc.configurazione a cuspidicusped configuration
el.configurazione a cuspidicusped geometry
earth.sc.configurazione a cuspidicusp configuration
IT, el.configurazione a emettitore comunecommon emitter configuration
commun., ITconfigurazione a fasci multiplimulti-beam configuration
earth.sc., transp.configurazione a frecciadart configuration
fin.configurazione a Mdouble top configuration
ITconfigurazione a magliemeshed architecture
med.configurazione a mezza sediahalf-chair form
med.configurazione a mezza sediahalf-chair conformation
earth.sc.configurazione a palizzatapicket fence configuration
ITconfigurazione a rete apertaopen network environment
med.configurazione a sediachair form
med.configurazione a sediachair conformation
IT, el.configurazione a sorgente comunecommon source configuration
earth.sc.configurazione a specchimirror configuration
earth.sc.configurazione a specchimagnetic mirror configuration
earth.sc.configurazione a specchi magneticimirror configuration
earth.sc.configurazione a specchi magneticimagnetic mirror configuration
auto.ctrl.configurazione a stellamultipoint-star configuration
life.sc., el.configurazione a stellastar formation
fin.configurazione a tre puntehead and shoulders configuration
fin.configurazione a triangolotriangle configuration
el.configurazione a venatura di legnowood grain pattern
fin.configurazione a Wdouble bottom configuration
comp., MSConfigurazione Accesso Web RemoteApp e desktopRemoteApp and Desktop Web Access Configuration (An option on the Remote Desktop Services menu on the Administrative Tools menu that opens the RAD Web Access Web site for administrative purposes)
comp., MSConfigurazione Accesso Web RemoteApp e desktopRAD Web Access Configuration (An option on the Remote Desktop Services menu on the Administrative Tools menu that opens the RAD Web Access Web site for administrative purposes)
commun., ITconfigurazione ad alberotree configuration
tech., el.configurazione ad anellomultipoint-ring configuration
commun., ITconfigurazione ad illuminazione decentrataoffset-fed configuration
transp.configurazione alare del velivoloaeroplane foil system
commun., ITconfigurazione allofonicaallophonic template
earth.sc.configurazione apertaopen ended configuration
el.configurazione apertaopen-ended configuration
earth.sc.configurazione apertaopen magnetic configuration
gen.configurazione apertaopen configuration
transp., avia.configurazione approvata di posti passeggeriapproved passenger seating configuration
med.configurazione assolutaabsolute configuration
ITconfigurazione automaticaautomatic configuration
ITconfigurazione automaticaRun automatic configuration
comp., MSConfigurazione automaticaAutomatic configuration (An option in the Options dialog box, on the Accounts tab. When the phone is integrated with Communicator, this option uses the automatic configuration settings for the phone)
transp., avia.configurazione autorizzataallowable configuration
comp., MSconfigurazione basata su dimensioniDimension-based configuration (A configuration technology used to create product variants by selecting values for product dimensions)
comp., MSconfigurazione basata su regoleRule-based configuration (A configuration technology that uses rules to develop product masters and to configure distinct products)
comp., MSconfigurazione basata su vincoliConstraint-based configuration (A configuration technology that uses constraints to develop product masters and to configure distinct products)
transp., mater.sc.configurazione basebasic configuration
el.configurazione binariabit pattern
commun.configurazione binaria spuriaspurious bit pattern
transp.configurazione canardcanard foil system
med.configurazione cardiacaheart form
ITconfigurazione centralizzatacentralized architecture
ITconfigurazione centralizzatacentralised architecture
earth.sc.configurazione chiusaclosed magnetic configuration
gen.configurazione chiusaclosed configuration
radiobiol.configurazione circuitalelead configuration
el.configurazione circuitale per trattamento digitaledigitized layout
el.configurazione circuitale per trattamento digitaledigitised layout
el.configurazione circuitale per trattamento numericodigitized layout
el.configurazione circuitale per trattamento numericodigitised layout
food.ind., chem.configurazione ciscis position
food.ind., chem.configurazione ciscis-formation
food.ind., chem.configurazione ciscis-form
med.configurazione ciscis-configuration
comp., MSconfigurazione clonatacloned configuration (The practice of deploying new Edge Transport servers based on the configuration information of a previously configured source server. The configuration information of the previously configured source server is copied and exported to an XML file, which is then imported to the target server)
commun.configurazione compostahybrid configuration
commun.configurazione compostacomposite configuration
gen.configurazione con le estremità aperteopen-ended configuration
gen.configurazione con le estremità aperteopen configuration
earth.sc.configurazione con punto XX-point configuration
fin., scient.configurazione continuanon-failure pattern
fin., scient.configurazione continuacontinuation pattern
earth.sc.Configurazione criticacritical configuration
med.configurazione cromosomicachromosomal configuration
el.configurazione cuspidalecusped geometry
earth.sc.configurazione cuspidalecusped configuration
earth.sc.configurazione cuspidalecusp configuration
commun., ITconfigurazione decentrataoffset configuration
ITconfigurazione definita chiamata per chiamataconfiguration specified on a call-by-call basis
earth.sc.configurazione degeneratadegenerate configuration
el.configurazione degli errorierror pattern
commun., ITconfigurazione degli stati per la manutenzionestatus forcing for maintenance purposes
gen.configurazione dei canalichannel configuration
tech.configurazione dei caratteri di uscitaoutput state
commun.configurazione dei dati di provatest data pattern
transp., avia.configurazione dei dispositivi che servono a modificare la portanza e la resistenzaconfiguration of lift and drag devices
stat., scient.configurazione dei fattorifactor pattern
ocean.configurazione dei fondalibottom configuration
IT, tech.configurazione dei forihole pattern
ITconfigurazione del calcolatore esecutoreobject configuration
comp., MSconfigurazione del dominiodomain configuration (A configuration object that is used to model Active Directory domains)
met.configurazione del giuntojoint configuration
IT, el.configurazione del microcircuitochip device configuration
commun., ITconfigurazione del modemmodem configuring
gen.Configurazione del nocciolocore configuration
auto.ctrl.configurazione del sistema di telecontrollotelecontrol configuration
life.sc., el.configurazione del terrenorelief
earth.sc.configurazione del tipo M piu SMayer and Schmidt configuration
earth.sc.configurazione del tipo M piu SM and S configuration
el.configurazione del tipo M più SMayer and Schmidt configuration
el.configurazione del tipo M più SM and S configuration
el.configurazione del tipo stellaratorstellarator configuration
el.configurazione del tipo tokamaktokomak configuration
el.configurazione del tipo tokamaktokamak configuration
gen.Configurazione della barra di controllocontrol rod configuration
comp., MSconfigurazione della buildbuild configuration (The configuration of a particular build)
ITconfigurazione della centraleexchange configuration
commun., ITconfigurazione della connessionelink configuration
earth.sc., mech.eng.configurazione della correnteflow pattern
el.configurazione della giunzionejunction configuration
med.configurazione della linea germinalegermline configuration
el.configurazione della radiazione verticalevertical radiation pattern
commun.configurazione della retenet configuration
commun., ITconfigurazione della retenetwork architecture
commun.configurazione della retenetwork structure
commun.configurazione della retenetwork configuration
comp., MSconfigurazione della retenetwork configuration (The entire interconnected set of hardware, or the way in which a network is laid out--the manner in which elements are connected)
commun.configurazione della rete di telecontrollotelecontrol configuration
IT, dat.proc.configurazione della tastierakeyboard setting
transp., avia.configurazione dell'aeromobileaircraft configuration
transp., avia.configurazione dell'aeromobileconfiguration
life.sc., environ., chem.configurazione dell'alveoshape of river bed
textileconfigurazione delle fibrefiber configuration
life.sc., el.configurazione delle fratturecrack shape
life.sc., el.configurazione delle frattureconfiguration of the fissures
life.sc., environ.configurazione dell'estuarioestuary shape
ITconfigurazione dell'impiantohardware configuration
gen.configurazione dell'impiantolayout of installation
comp., MSconfigurazione desktop Microsoft Office 365Microsoft Office 365 desktop setup (A program that downloads and installs Microsoft updates that are recommended for users running Microsoft Online Services services)
comp., MSConfigurazione di Accesso Web Desktop remotoRemote Desktop Web Access Configuration (In Remote Desktop Services, the site where you can configure the RD Web Access Web Part)
el.configurazione di allineamento di tramaframe alignment pattern
el.configurazione di allineamento di tramaframing pattern
transp., avia.configurazione di atterraggiolanding configuration
transp., avia.configurazione di atterraggio anomalaincorrect landing configuration
ITconfigurazione di bitbit pattern
commun.configurazione di cancellazionecancellation pattern
IT, dat.proc.configurazione di cellacell setting
IT, dat.proc.configurazione di cellacell attribute
earth.sc.configurazione di equilibrioequilibrium configuration
ITconfigurazione di esecuzioneobject configuration
comp., MSconfigurazione di esecuzionerun configuration (Settings that are stored in a run configuration file and that impact the runtime environment of a test run)
ITconfigurazione di indirizzoaddress pattern
commun.configurazione di interferenzainterference pattern
transp., avia.configurazione di postiseat configuration
transp., avia.configurazione di posti passeggeripassenger seating configuration
comp., MSconfigurazione di protezioneprotection configuration (The collection of settings that are common to a protection group; specifically, the protection group name, disk allocations, replica creation method, network bandwidth throttling, and on-the-wire compression)
commun.configurazione di provatest set-up
commun.configurazione di provatest configuration
commun.configurazione di prova a barre di colorecolour bar test pattern
commun.configurazione di prova a barre di colorecolor-bar test pattern
ITconfigurazione di rete trasmissionetransmission network structure
ITconfigurazione di riempimentofill pattern
transp., avia.configurazione di riferimentobaseline
commun., ITconfigurazione di riferimentoreference configuration
ITconfigurazione di riferimento delle cellecluster
earth.sc.configurazione di riferimento doppio zerodouble null reference configuration
el.configurazione di riferimento per la polarizzazione incrociatacross-polar reference pattern
nucl.pow.configurazione di sigilli d'ottonepattern of copper brass seals
ITconfigurazione di sistemahardware configuration
ITconfigurazione di sistema di retiSNA-network
ITconfigurazione di sistema di retiunified architecture
ITconfigurazione di sistema di retisystems network architecture
earth.sc.configurazione di specchi magneticimagnetic mirror geometry
transp., mech.eng.configurazione di spinta elevatahigh-lift configuration
earth.sc.configurazione di strizione longitudinalelongitudinal pinch configuration
comp., MSconfigurazione di testtest configuration (A set of configuration variables that specify the correct setup required for testing an application)
el.gen.configurazione di una retesystem configuration
gen.configurazione di una retenetwork configuration
el.configurazione di un'antennaantenna configuration
el.configurazione di un'antennaaerial configuration
transp.configurazione di voloflight configuration
comp., MSconfigurazione di YammerYammer Configuration (The options a person sets in the CRM UI to connect CRM to the enterprise Yammer network)
el.configurazione d'interconnessionewiring pattern
el.configurazione d'interconnessioneinterconnection pattern
ITconfigurazione distribuitadistributed architecture
fin., scient.configurazione divergenteexpanding triangle
fin., scient.configurazione divergentebroadening formation
comp., MSConfigurazione e personalizzazione di WindowsWindows Welcome (A feature of Microsoft Windows that configures the machine and customizes user accounts to ensure a functioning and engaging first boot experience)
comp., MSconfigurazione elenco indirizzi IP consentitiIP Allow List provider configuration (Configuration that is used by the Connection Filter agent to query an IP Allow List provider)
chem.configurazione elettronicaelectronic structure
astr.configurazione elettronicaelectronic configuration
chem.configurazione elettronicaelectron configuration
ITconfigurazione fisicahardware configuration
comp., MSconfigurazione forestaforest configuration (A configuration object used to model Active Directory forests)
crim.law.configurazione generaleprofiling
earth.sc.configurazione geometrica dei legami chimicibonding geometry
earth.sc.configurazione geometrica di coordinamentocoordination geometry
el.configurazione geometrica di un'antennaantenna geometry
el.configurazione geometrica di un'antennaaerial geometry
comp., MSConfigurazione guidataOOBE (The experience that is presented to end users the first time they start a new computer)
comp., MSConfigurazione guidataout-of-box experience (The experience that is presented to end users the first time they start a new computer)
comp., MSConfigurazione guidataConfiguration Wizard (The semi-automated tool for planning and executing directory synchronization)
comp., MSConfigurazione guidata aggiornamentiUpdate Management Configuration Wizard (A wizard that guides the user through configuring the update management feature and then downloading information about current updates from Microsoft Update so the user can start deploying updates to managed computers)
comp., MSConfigurazione guidata cartella nel dominioDomain Folder Sharing Wizard (A wizard that guides the user through sharing a folder with members of the same domain)
comp., MSConfigurazione guidata certificati di Office Communications ServerOffice Communications Server Certificate Wizard (The wizard that guides users through the process of configuring certificates for Office Communications Server)
comp., MSConfigurazione guidata client Office di Microsoft Dynamics CRMMicrosoft Dynamics CRM Office client configuration wizard (The wizard that configures the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Office Client)
comp., MSConfigurazione guidata componenti aggiuntivi per filtriFilter Configuration Add-in Wizard (A wizard to set up add-ins that permit the configuration of data filters)
comp., MSConfigurazione guidata ConciergeConcierge Administration wizard (The wizard that you use to configure Concierge initially and later on)
comp., MSConfigurazione guidata criteri di autorizzazioneAuthorization Policies Wizard (A wizard that is available through Remote Desktop Gateway Manager that enables you to quickly configure a Remote Desktop connection authorization policy (RD CAP), a Remote Desktop resource authorization policy (RD RAP), and a computer group that is associated with an RD RAP)
comp., MSConfigurazione guidata impostazioni di sicurezzaSecurity Configuration Wizard (A tool that automates security best practices to reduce the attack surface for a server. The SCW was introduced with Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1)
comp., MSConfigurazione guidata impostazioni di sicurezzaSCW (A tool that automates security best practices to reduce the attack surface for a server. The SCW was introduced with Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1)
comp., MSConfigurazione guidata microfonoMicrophone Wizard (A tool that you can use to fine-tune your microphone)
comp., MSConfigurazione guidata origine datiConfigure DataSource Wizard (A graphical interface where programmers can define the appropriate details to configure the data source in a few easy steps)
comp., MSConfigurazione guidata origine netgroupNetgroup Source Wizard (A wizard that allows you to configure a netgroup source and review your settings)
comp., MSConfigurazione guidata pacchettoPackage Configuration Wizard (The Wizard that gathers information necessary for creating the OSD file during the package configuration phase)
comp., MSConfigurazione guidata router di posta elettronicaE-mail Router Configuration Wizard (A wizard that guides users in creating an incoming e-mail configuration, an outgoing e-mail configuration, and a link to an existing Microsoft Dynamics CRM deployment. After they install and configure these components using this wizard, the Microsoft Dynamics CRM E-mail Router will transport incoming and outgoing Microsoft Dynamics CRM e-mail)
comp., MSConfigurazione guidata schermoDisplay Configuration wizard (A wizard that guides the user to configure their TV or monitor to get the best picture. The wizard helps the user to center and resize the picture, select the correct aspect ratio, and adjust the brightness, contrast, and sharpness settings)
comp., MSConfigurazione guidata System Center EssentialsSystem Center Essentials Setup Wizard (A wizard that guides the user through the intial configuration of System Center Essentials, after it has been installed)
comp., MSconfigurazione hardwarehardware configuration (Resource settings that have been allocated for a specific device. Each device on your computer has a hardware configuration, which can consist of interrupt request (IRQ) lines, direct memory access (DMA), an input/output (I/O) port, or memory address settings)
comp., MSConfigurazione host sessione Desktop remotoRemote Desktop Session Host Configuration (An MMC management snap-in for Remote Desktop Services. You can use Remote Desktop Session Host Configuration to configure settings for new connections, modify the settings of existing connections, and delete connections. You can configure settings on a per connection basis, or for the server as a whole)
gen.configurazione instabileunstable configuration
fin., scient.configurazione inversa,configurazione di inversionereversal pattern
fin., scient.configurazione inversa,configurazione di inversionefailure signal
transp.configurazione linearelinear configuration
comp., MSconfigurazione macchina virtualevirtual machine configuration (The configuration of the resources assigned to a virtual machine. Examples include devices such as disks and network adapters, as well as memory and processors)
earth.sc.configurazione magneticamagnetic configuration
earth.sc.configurazione magnetica ibridahybrid magnetic configuration
el.configurazione magnetica toroidaletoroidal magnetic configuration
comp., MSconfigurazione manualeManual configuration (An option in the Advanced Phone Integration Configuration dialog box that enables the user-entered settings for phone integration instead of the automatic configuration settings)
comp., MSConfigurazione manuale integrazione telefonoManually Configure Phone Integration (A dialog box that opens when the user clicks Configure in the Options dialog box, on the Accounts tab. The user enters phone configuration information in this dialog box for the phone that is integrated with Communicator)
transp., avia.configurazione massima approvata di posti passeggerimaximum approved passenger seating configuration
transp., avia.configurazione massima di sedili passeggerimaximum passenger seating configuration
transp.configurazione massima posti a sedereultra-high-density seating
ITconfigurazione master-slavemaster-slave configuration
commun.configurazione mistahybrid configuration
commun.configurazione mistacomposite configuration
el.configurazione modularecell configuration
el.configurazione multipointmultipoint-star configuration
commun., el.configurazione multipoint-partylinemultipoint-partyline configuration
earth.sc.configurazione multipolaremultipole configuration
auto.ctrl.configurazione multipuntomultipoint-partyline configuration
life.sc.configurazione multivalentemultivalent configuration
life.sc.configurazione multivalentemultivalent association
ITconfigurazione oggettoobject configuration
commun.configurazione omnibusomnibus configuration
comp., MSconfigurazione PBCpush-button configuration (In some Wi-Fi Protected Setup networks, a method that enables users to push a physical or software-based button to automatically configure network names, connect devices to the network, and enable data encryption and authentication)
astr.configurazione planetariaplanetary configuration
comp., MSconfigurazione provider elenco indirizzi IP bloccatiIP Block List provider configuration (The configuration that is used by the Connection Filter agent to query an IP Block List provider)
transp.configurazione pulitaclean configuration
commun., ITconfigurazione punto a puntopoint-to-point configuration
commun.configurazione punto a puntomultiple point-to-point configuration
auto.ctrl.configurazione punto a punto multiplomultiple point-to-point configuration
commun., ITconfigurazione push-pullpush-pull configuration
comp., MSconfigurazione quorumquorum configuration (Settings in a failover cluster that determine the point at which too many failures will stop the cluster from running)
commun.configurazione radialemultiple point-to-point configuration
earth.sc.configurazione rovesciataconfiguration turned inside out
stat., scient.configurazione seminormalehalf normal plots
comp., MSConfigurazione Server Desktop remotoRemote Desktop Server Configuration (A Remote Desktop Services management snap-in that you can use to configure settings for new connections, modify the settings of existing connections, and delete connections. You can configure settings on a per-connection basis or for the server as a whole)
tech.Configurazione sperimentale criticacritical experimental configuration
comp., MSconfigurazione Standard EditionStandard Edition configuration (An Office Communication Server configuration consisting of a single Standard Edition Server)
ITconfigurazione stellatastarred architecture
transp.configurazione strumenti a Tbasic T
gen.configurazione strutturalestructural arrangements
ITconfigurazione topologicatopological layout
earth.sc.configurazione toroidaletoroidal configuration
med.configurazione transtrans configuration
commun., transp.configurazione transitoriatransient configuration
ITconfigurazione unificatasystems network architecture
ITconfigurazione unificataunified architecture
ITconfigurazione unificataSNA-network
comp., MSConfigurazioni delle regole per i postPost Rule Configurations (Tab on the Records section of the ribbon in CRM that contains the controls for setting the rules about how posts are handled for Yammer)
comp., MSConfigurazioni distribuzione servizioService Deployment Configurations (A node in the Library workspace where you can view instances of services that have been saved (during the process of configuring specific deployment settings for the service instance) but have not been deployed)
gen.configurazioni rettangolari di magliarectangular mesh configuration
polit.Configurazioni standardStandard Configurations
comp., MSConsole di amministrazione di Gestione configurazioneConfiguration Manager Administrator console (The primary interface that you use to administer Configuration Manager)
comp., MSControllo configurazione sistemaSystem Configuration Checker (A system preparation tool that helps to avoid setup failures by validating the target machine before a software application is installed)
ITcontrollo del progetto e della configurazioneproject/configuration control
comp., MScontrollo della configurazioneconfiguration control (The process of ensuring that the product sent to the customer is designed and arranged as the customer specified)
IT, earth.sc.controllo di configurazione della memoriamemory-configuration control
commun., ITcontrollore di configurazioneconfiguration report server
ITcopia di backup della configurazionebackup configuration
ITcopia di riserva della configurazionebackup configuration
comp., MSdatabase di configurazioneconfiguration database (The Microsoft SQL Server, MSDE, or Windows Internal database that contains the configuration information that applies across all servers in a deployment of SharePoint Products and Technologies, such as Web application information)
comp., MSdatabase di sito di Gestione configurazioneConfiguration Manager site database (A Microsoft SQL Server database that stores Configuration Manager site data, such as discovery data, configuration data, and status messages and inventory data. Every primary site has a Configuration Manager site database. The server supporting the Configuration Manager site database is automatically assigned the site database server role)
comp., MSdati configurazione di avvioBCD (A data store that contains boot configuration parameters and controls how the operating system is started beginning with Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008)
ITdebugger di configurazioneconfiguration debugger
commun., ITdistanza di configurazionesignal distance
commun., ITdistanza di configurazioneHamming distance
comp., MSdistribuzione software di Gestione configurazioneConfiguration Manager software distribution (A Configuration Manager feature that automatically distributes software programs to client computers in a Configuration Manager hierarchy)
comp., MSEditor configurazione servizi MicrosoftMicrosoft Service Configuration Editor (A tool that provides a graphical editor for modifying Windows Communication Foundation and Workflow Foundation service configuration files)
comp., MSelemento di configurazioneconfiguration item (Any component that needs to be managed to deliver a service. In Service Manager, configuration items might include services, hardware, software, buildings, people, and formal documentation, such as process documentation and service level agreements (SLA))
comp., MSereditarietà della configurazioneconfiguration inheritance (The adoption of configuration settings by an object in a hierarchy from an object that is higher in that hierarchy. For example, a service can inherit its configuration settings from the application, Web site, or server with which it is associated)
comp., MSEsportazione configurazioneConfiguration Export (A feature that allows administrators the ability to backup and replicate their configuration)
comp., MSevento di configurazioneconfiguration event (An event during which important changes are made to the configuration state which appreciably help or degrade the ability of end users to diagnose software or hardware problems)
industr., construct., chem.fascio di fibre con configurazione esagonale compattahexagonally-packed array
industr., construct., chem.fascio di fibre con configurazione esagonale compattahexagonal closed-packed bundle
comp., MSfase di configurazione del pacchettopackage configuration phase (The phase where one of the Sequencing Wizards (the Package Configuration Wizard) gathers information necessary for creating the OSD file)
light.fattore di configurazioneconfiguration factor between two surfaces S1 and S2
ITfile di configurazioneconfiguration file
IT, dat.proc.file di configurazioneview file
comp., MSfile di configurazioneconfiguration file (A file that contains machine-readable operating specifications for a piece of hardware or software or that contains information on another file or on a specific user, such as the user's logon ID)
comp., MSfile di configurazione del metabasemetabase configuration file (A file that stores IIS configuration settings to disk. This file is named MetaBase.xml by default. When IIS is started or restarted, the configuration settings are read from MetaBase.xml into the IIS cache in memory, which is called the in-memory metabase)
comp., MSfile di configurazione del servizioservice configuration file (The file that sets values for a service. The values that you can specify include the number of instances to deploy for each role, the values for the configuration parameters that you established in the service definition file, and the thumbprints for any SSL certificates associated with the service)
comp., MSfile di configurazione del servizio, *.cscfgservice configuration file (The file that sets values for the hosted service that can be configured while the service is running in the Windows Azure fabric. Values in the service configuration file include the number of instances required for each role, the values for the configuration parameters established in the service definition file, and the thumbprints for any SSL certificates associated with the service)
IT, dat.proc.file di configurazione del sistemaunit configuration file
comp., MSfile di configurazione dell'applicazioneapplication configuration file (An XML-based file in a Microsoft .NET application that is used for storing application configuration settings. This file is named app.config in a Microsoft C project)
comp., MSfile di configurazione macchina virtualevirtual machine configuration file (An XML-based file that stores the configuration of the virtual machine)
math.funzione di configurazionepattern function
IT, el.generatore programmabile di configurazioneprogrammable pattern generator
comp., MSgerarchia di Gestione configurazioneConfiguration Manager hierarchy (A collection of one or, typically, more Configuration Manager sites bound together via child-parent relationships)
comp., MSGestione configurazioneConfiguration Manager (An administrative tool included in Duet Settings Manager. Users with Administrator privileges on the Duet client computer can use this tool to set and modify the configuration settings for the Duet client components)
comp., MSgestione configurazione desideratadesired configuration management (A Configuration Manager feature that provides a set of tools and resources for assessing and tracking configuration compliance of client computers in the enterprise)
comp., MSGestione configurazione Master Data ServicesMaster Data Services Configuration Manager (A SQL Server configuration manager used to create and configure Master Data Services databases, Web sites, and Web applications)
comp., MSGestione configurazione PerformancePoint Planning ServerPerformancePoint Planning Server Configuration Manager (The administration wizard that is used for configuring Planning Server, including such tasks as adding or removing Web services and creating or provisioning a new system database)
comp., MSGestione configurazione Server di monitoraggioMonitoring Server Configuration Manager (The administration wizard that is used for installing and configuring Monitoring Server, including such tasks as adding or removing components, specifying the location of the Monitoring System database, and configuring the server for SQL Server Reporting Services and Windows SharePoint Services or Microsoft Office SharePoint Services)
comp., MSGestione configurazione Server di monitoraggio di PerformancePointPerformancePoint Monitoring Server Configuration Manager (The administration wizard that is used for installing and configuring Monitoring Server, including such tasks as adding or removing components, specifying the location of the Monitoring System database, and configuring the server for SQL Server Reporting Services and Windows SharePoint Services or Microsoft Office SharePoint Services)
comp., MSGestione configurazione SQL ServerSQL Server Configuration Manager (A tool to manage the services associated with SQL Server, to configure the network protocols used by SQL Server, and to manage the network connectivity configuration from SQL Server client computers)
ITgestione della configurazioneconfiguration management
comp., MSgestione della configurazioneconfiguration management (The process of identifying and defining configuration items in a system, recording and reporting the status of configuration items and requests for change, and verifying the completeness and correctness of configuration items)
commun., ITgestione della configurazione e del nomeconfiguration and name management
ITgestione della configurazione totale di un sistemaconfiguration management
ITgestione delle risorse e della configurazioneresource and configuration management
comp., MSgruppo di configurazioniconfiguration group (The list of components in a bill of materials (BOM) that are to be used together to produce a parent item)
ITimposta configurazioneSet configuration
comp., MSimpostazione di configurazione del servizioservice configuration setting (A configuration option that can be changed in a running service without requiring the service to be redeployed)
IT, earth.sc.interruttore di configurazioneconfiguration switch
comp., MSinventario di Gestione configurazioneConfiguration Manager inventory (A Configuration Manager feature that automatically gathers information about hardware and software on Advanced Client computers in a Configuration Manager site)
comp., MSinventario hardware di Gestione configurazioneConfiguration Manager hardware inventory (A Configuration Manager feature that automatically gathers information about hardware on Legacy Client computers in a Configuration Manager site)
comp., MSinventario software di Gestione configurazioneConfiguration Manager software inventory (A Configuration Manager feature that automatically gathers information about software on clients in a Configuration Manager site)
comp., MSmodalità Installazione e configurazioneInstall and Configure Mode (A mode that enables administrators to configure User Account Control to run in auto-elevation mode (i.e. "auto-approval") for specific times)
ITmodifica configurazionechange configuration
comp., MSnodo Configurazione organizzazioneOrganization Configuration node (In Exchange Server 2007, a node in the Console pane of the Exchange Management Console that administrators use to configure administrative access roles for users or groups)
comp., MSnodo Configurazione serverServer Configuration node (In Exchange Server 2007, a node in the Console pane of the Exchange Management Console that enables administrators to view a list of all the servers in their Exchange organization and perform server role-specific tasks. The Server Configuration node contains the following sub-nodes: Mailbox, Client Access, Hub Transport, and Unified Messaging)
comp., MSnome server database di configurazioneConfiguration database server name (A UI element. The name of the server on which the Configuration database is housed)
comp., MSoggetto dati configurazione di avvioBoot Configuration Data object (A collection of elements that describes the settings for the object that are used during the boot process. There are three main types of objects: application, device, and inherited)
comp., MSoggetto dati configurazione di avvioBCD object (A collection of elements that describes the settings for the object that are used during the boot process. There are three main types of objects: application, device, and inherited)
comp., MSoggetto di configurazioneconfiguration object (" A generic user-defined instance of any of the different kinds of configurations in ILM "2", such as OVC and domain config.")
comp., MSoggetto di Gestione configurazioneConfiguration Manager object (A component used in Configuration Manager software distribution and software updates -- for example, collections, advertisements, programs, packages, deployments, and so on)
comp., MSpassaggio di configurazioneconfiguration pass (A phase of Windows installation. Different parts of the Windows operating system are installed in different configuration passes. You can specify Windows unattended installation settings to be applied in one or more configuration passes)
comp., MSpercorso di archiviazione della configurazione clustercluster configuration storage location (The shared location (or shared storage location) where cluster configuration information is persisted. It can be a shared file or a database)
IT, dat.proc.piano della configurazioneconfiguration plan
ITpiano di configurazioneconfiguration plan
comp., MSpool Enterprise Edition, configurazione consolidataEnterprise Edition pool, consolidated configuration (A configuration where IIS and all internal conferencing, IM, and presence services, except the back-end database, are collocated on the Front End Servers. The back-end database is hosted on a separate server running SQL Server)
comp., MSpool Enterprise Edition, configurazione espansaEnterprise Edition pool, expanded configuration (A configuration including separate servers for IIS, Front End, A/V Conferencing, Web Conferencing, and SQL Server. Note that in all configurations, IM Conferencing (group IM) and Telephony Conferencing Servcies are always collocated on the Front End server)
mech.eng.prodotto a configurazione controllatacontrolled configuration item
comp., MSprofilo di configurazione router di posta elettronicaE-mail Router configuration profile (A profile that contains the information, such as the e-mail server name and type, that the Microsoft Dynamics CRM system needs to establish a functional E-mail Router)
earth.sc.proprieta adiabatiche della configurazioneadiabatic properties of configuration
ITprotocollo di configurazione di servizioservice configuration protocol
ITprotocollo di configurazione dinamica tramite hostdynamic host configuration protocol
comp., MSprovider di configurazione di Windows FirewallWindows Firewall Configuration Provider (A provider that lets administrators manage Windows Intune policy settings for Windows Firewall to control incoming and outgoing traffic on client computers that are managed by Windows Intune)
comp., MSraccolta di Gestione configurazioneConfiguration Manager collection (A set of resources in a Configuration Manager site. Collections are used to distribute software, view hardware and software inventories of clients, and access clients for remote control sessions)
gen.reattore a regolazione mediante configurazioneconfiguration control reactor
IT, earth.sc.registro di configurazioneconfiguration register
comp., MSregola di configurazioneconfiguration rule (A rule that limits the items that can be combined to produce a manufactured product. A configuration rule applies to a configuration group)
meas.inst.regolazione per configurazioneconfiguration control
automat., meas.inst.regolazione per configurazioneleakage control
gen.regolazione per variazione di configurazioneconfiguration control
gen.regolazione per variazione di configurazioneleakage control
gen.regulazione mediante configurazioneleakage control
gen.regulazione mediante configurazioneconfiguration control
life.sc.ricerca della configurazione caratteristicasignature research
comp., MSRipristino configurazione di sistemaSystem Restore (A tool that lets you restore your computer to a previous state, if a problem occurs, without losing your personal data files (such as Microsoft Word documents, browsing history, drawings, favorites, or e-mail))
ITripristino della configurazioneRestore configuration
gen.riproduzione illecita della configurazione di un chipunauthorized reproduction of a topography
comp., MSrisorsa di Gestione configurazioneConfiguration Manager resource (An object (such as a computer, a router, or a user group) that can be discovered and potentially become a Configuration Manager client and be managed by Configuration Manager. Resources and clients can be organized into collections)
math.schema di configurazione dei fattorifactor pattern
comp., MSserver di configurazione per emulazione LANLAN emulation configuration server (A server that assigns individual local area network emulation (LANE) clients to particular emulated local area networks (ELANs) by directing them to the LAN emulation server (LES))
comp., MSServizio configurazione automatica reti cablateWired AutoConfig Service (A system service that provisions local area network (LAN) Ethernet adapters with the security and connectivity settings that are required for Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 802.1X authenticated IEEE 802.3 wired access)
comp., MSset di configurazioneconfiguration set (A set of Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services (AD LDS) instances that share and replicate their configuration and schema partitions and that can also be configured to share and replicate application directory partitions)
el.sintesi della configurazione del sistemasystem configuration synthesis
ITsistema di gestione di configurazioneconfiguration management system
ITsistema di riconoscimento delle configurazionipattern recognition system
comp., MSsito di Gestione configurazioneConfiguration Manager site (A collection of clients and Configuration Manager site systems that are bounded by a group of subnets, such as IP subnets or an Active Directory site, and that are specified by a Configuration Manager administrator as a site)
IT, dat.proc.stato della configurazioneconfiguration state
IT, dat.proc.stringa di configurazioneinitialization string
IT, dat.proc.stringa di configurazioneinit-string
comp., MSStrumenti di configurazioneConfiguration Tools (In SQL Server, a menu item which allows the user to enable, disable, start, or stop the features, services, and remote connectivity of the SQL Server installations)
comp., MSstrumento di configurazione AcquaWater Configuration tool (The tool that you use to customize Water)
comp., MSstrumento di configurazione MusicaMusic Configuration tool (The tool that you use to configure the Music application)
comp., MSStrumento di configurazione Response GroupResponse Group Configuration Tool (A web-based Response Group Service tool where an administrator sets up a workflow including music on hold, welcome message, and so on)
comp., MStecnologia di configurazione variantivariant configuration technology (A method of modeling product masters and searching for product variant configurations)
IT, earth.sc.transistor in configurazione completa a pontetransistor in full bridge configuration
ITunità di configurazioneconfiguration item
tech.utilizzare con configurazione di volume chiusato operate in latched volume configuration
comp., MSvariabile di configurazioneconfiguration variable (A variable that specifies a testing requirement, such as a hardware or software requirement. Each configuration variable has a set of allowable values associated with it.)
stat.variabile di configurazionepattern variable
transp., avia.veicolo a controllo di configurazionecontrol configured vehicle
ITvisualizza configurazioneView configuration